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the zincali-第44章

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as we can。  There is no better weapon in the hands of a Gitano than 

his 〃cachas;〃 or shears; with which he trims the mules。  I once 

snipped off the nose of a Busne; and opened the greater part of his 

cheek in an affray up the country near Trujillo。'

MYSELF。 … 'Have you travelled much about Spain?'

FIRST GYPSY。 … 'Very little; I have never been out of this province 

of Estremadura; except last year; as I told you; into Portugal。  

When we wander we do not go far; and it is very rare that we are 

visited by our brethren of other parts。  I have never been in 

Andalusia; but I have heard say that the Gitanos are many in 

Andalusia; and are more wealthy than those here; and that they 

follow better the Gypsy law。'

MYSELF。 … 'What do you mean by the Gypsy law?'

FIRST GYPSY。 … 'Wherefore do you ask; brother?  You know what is 

meant by the law of the Cales better even than ourselves。'

MYSELF。 … 'I know what it is in England and in Hungary; but I can 

only give a guess as to what it is in Spain。'

BOTH GYPSIES。 … 'What do you consider it to be in Spain?'

MYSELF。 … 'Cheating and choring the Busne on all occasions; and 

being true to the errate in life and in death。'

At these words both the Gitanos sprang simultaneously from their 

seats; and exclaimed with a boisterous shout … 'Chachipe。'

This meeting with the Gitanos was the occasion of my remaining at 

Badajoz a much longer time than I originally intended。  I wished to 

become better acquainted with their condition and manners; and 

above all to speak to them of Christ and His Word; for I was 

convinced; that should I travel to the end of the universe; I 

should meet with no people more in need of a little Christian 

exhortation; and I accordingly continued at Badajoz for nearly 

three weeks。

During this time I was almost constantly amongst them; and as I 

spoke their language; and was considered by them as one of 

themselves; I had better opportunity of arriving at a fair 

conclusion respecting their character than any other person could 

have had; whether Spanish or foreigner; without such an advantage。  

I found that their ways and pursuits were in almost every respect 

similar to those of their brethren in other countries。  By cheating 

and swindling they gained their daily bread; the men principally by 

the arts of the jockey; … by buying; selling; and exchanging 

animals; at which they are wonderfully expert; and the women by 

telling fortunes; selling goods smuggled from Portugal; and dealing 

in love…draughts and diablerie。  The most innocent occupation which 

I observed amongst them was trimming and shearing horses and mules; 

which in their language is called 'monrabar;' and in Spanish 

'esquilar'; and even whilst exercising this art; they not 

unfrequently have recourse to foul play; doing the animal some 

covert injury; in hope that the proprietor will dispose of it to 

themselves at an inconsiderable price; in which event they soon 

restore it to health; for knowing how to inflict the harm; they 

know likewise how to remove it。

Religion they have none; they never attend mass; nor did I ever 

hear them employ the names of God; Christ; and the Virgin; but in 

execration and blasphemy。  From what I could learn; it appeared 

that their fathers had entertained some belief in metempsychosis; 

but they themselves laughed at the idea; and were of opinion that 

the soul perished when the body ceased to breathe; and the argument 

which they used was rational enough; so far as it impugned 

metempsychosis:  'We have been wicked and miserable enough in this 

life;' they said; 'why should we live again?'

I translated certain portions of Scripture into their dialect; 

which I frequently read to them; especially the parable of Lazarus 

and the Prodigal Son; and told them that the latter had been as 

wicked as themselves; and both had suffered as much or more; but 

that the sufferings of the former; who always looked forward to a 

blessed resurrection; were recompensed by admission; in the life to 

come; to the society of Abraham and the Prophets; and that the 

latter; when he repented of his sins; was forgiven; and received 

into as much favour as the just son。

They listened with admiration; but; alas! not of the truths; the 

eternal truths; I was telling them; but to find that their broken 

jargon could be written and read。  The only words denoting anything 

like assent to my doctrine which I ever obtained; were the 

following from the mouth of a woman:  'Brother; you tell us strange 

things; though perhaps you do not lie; a month since I would sooner 

have believed these tales; than that this day I should see one who 

could write Rommany。'

Two or three days after my arrival; I was again visited by the 

Gypsy of the withered arm; who I found was generally termed Paco; 

which is the diminutive of Francisco; he was accompanied by his 

wife; a rather good…looking young woman with sharp intelligent 

features; and who appeared in every respect to be what her husband 

had represented her on the former visit。  She was very poorly clad; 

and notwithstanding the extreme sharpness of the weather; carried 

no mantle to protect herself from its inclemency; … her raven black 

hair depended behind as far down as her hips。  Another Gypsy came 

with them; but not the old fellow whom I had before seen。  This was 

a man about forty…five; dressed in a zamarra of sheep…skin; with a 

high…crowned Andalusian hat; his complexion was dark as pepper; and 

his eyes were full of sullen fire。  In his appearance he exhibited 

a goodly compound of Gypsy and bandit。

PACO。 … 'Laches chibeses te dinele Undebel (May God grant you good 

days; brother)。  This is my wife; and this is my wife's father。'

MYSELF。 … 'I am glad to see them。  What are their names?'

PACO。 … 'Maria and Antonio; their other name is Lopez。'

MYSELF。 … 'Have they no Gypsy names?'

PACO。 … 'They have no other names than these。'

MYSELF。 … 'Then in this respect the Gitanos of Spain are unlike 

those of my country。  Every family there has two names; one by 

which they are known to the Busne; and another which they use 

amongst themselves。'

ANTONIO。 … 'Give me your hand; brother!  I should have come to see 

you before; but I have been to Olivenzas in search of a horse。  

What I have heard of you has filled me with much desire to know 

you; and I now see that you can tell me many things which I am 

ignorant of。  I am Zincalo by the four sides … I love our blood; 

and I hate that of the Busne。  Had I my will I would wash my face 

every day in the blood of the Busne; for the Busne are made only to 

be robbed a
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