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the zincali-第41章

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the remainder。  It is said that Carlos Tercero was no friend to 

superstition; yet how little did Spain during his time gain in 

religious liberty!  The great part of the nation remained 

intolerant and theocratic as before; the other and smaller section 

turned philosophic; but after the insane manner of the French 

revolutionists; intolerant in its incredulity; and believing more 

in the ENCYCLOPEDIE than in the Gospel of the Nazarene。' (41)

We should not have said thus much of Carlos Tercero; whose 

character has been extravagantly praised by the multitude; and 

severely criticised by the discerning few who look deeper than the 

surface of things; if a law passed during his reign did not connect 

him intimately with the history of the Gitanos; whose condition to 

a certain extent it has already altered; and over whose future 

destinies there can be no doubt that it will exert considerable 

influence。  Whether Carlos Tercero had anything farther to do with 

its enactment than subscribing it with his own hand; is a point 

difficult to determine; the chances are that he had not; there is 

damning evidence to prove that in many respects he was a mere 

Nimrod; and it is not probable that such a character would occupy 

his thoughts much with plans for the welfare of his people; 

especially such a class as the Gitanos; however willing to build 

public edifices; gratifying to his vanity; with the money which a 

provident predecessor had amassed。

The law in question is dated 19th September 1783。  It is entitled; 

'Rules for repressing and chastising the vagrant mode of life; and 

other excesses; of those who are called Gitanos。'  It is in many 

respects widely different from all the preceding laws; and on that 

account we have separated it from them; deeming it worthy of 

particular notice。  It is evidently the production of a 

comparatively enlightened spirit; for Spain had already begun to 

emerge from the dreary night of monachism and bigotry; though the 

light which beamed upon her was not that of the Gospel; but of 

modern philosophy。  The spirit; however; of the writers of the 

ENCYCLOPEDIE is to be preferred to that of TORQUEMADA AND MONCADA; 

and however deeply we may lament the many grievous omissions in the 

law of Carlos Tercero (for no provision was made for the spiritual 

instruction of the Gitanos); we prefer it in all points to that of 

Philip the Third; and to the law passed during the reign of that 

unhappy victim of monkish fraud; perfidy; and poison; Charles the 


Whoever framed the law of Carlos Tercero with respect to the 

Gitanos; had sense enough to see that it would be impossible to 

reclaim and bring them within the pale of civilised society by 

pursuing the course invariably adopted on former occasions … to see 

that all the menacing edicts for the last three hundred years; 

breathing a spirit of blood and persecution; had been unable to 

eradicate Gitanismo from Spain; but on the contrary; had rather 

served to extend it。  Whoever framed this law was; moreover; well 

acquainted with the manner of administering justice in Spain; and 

saw the folly of making statutes which were never put into effect。  

Instead; therefore; of relying on corregidors and alguazils for the 

extinction of the Gypsy sect; the statute addresses itself more 

particularly to the Gitanos themselves; and endeavours to convince 

them that it would be for their interest to renounce their much 

cherished Gitanismo。  Those who framed the former laws had 

invariably done their best to brand this race with infamy; and had 

marked out for its members; in the event of abandoning their Gypsy 

habits; a life to which death itself must have been preferable in 

every respect。  They were not to speak to each other; nor to 

intermarry; though; as they were considered of an impure caste; it 

was scarcely to be expected that the other Spaniards would form 

with them relations of love or amity; and they were debarred the 

exercise of any trade or occupation but hard labour; for which 

neither by nature nor habit they were at all adapted。  The law of 

Carlos Tercero; on the contrary; flung open to them the whole 

career of arts and sciences; and declared them capable of following 

any trade or profession to which they might please to addict 

themselves。  Here follow extracts from the above…mentioned law:…

'Art。 1。  I declare that those who go by the name of Gitanos are 

not so by origin or nature; nor do they proceed from any infected 


'2。  I therefore command that neither they; nor any one of them 

shall use the language; dress; or vagrant kind of life which they 

have followed unto the present time; under the penalties here below 


'3。  I forbid all my vassals; of whatever state; class; and 

condition they may be; to call or name the above…mentioned people 

by the names of Gitanos; or new Castilians; under the same 

penalties to which those are subject who injure others by word or 


'5。  It is my will that those who abandon the said mode of life; 

dress; language; or jargon; be admitted to whatever offices or 

employments to which they may apply themselves; and likewise to any 

guilds or communities; without any obstacle or contradiction being 

offered to them; or admitted under this pretext within or without 

courts of law。

'6。  Those who shall oppose and refuse the admission of this class 

of reclaimed people to their trades and guilds shall be mulcted ten 

ducats for the first time; twenty for the second; and a double 

quantity for the third; and during the time they continue in their 

opposition they shall be prohibited from exercising the same trade; 

for a certain period; to be determined by the judge; and 

proportioned to the opposition which they display。

'7。  I grant the term of ninety days; to be reckoned from the 

publication of this law in the principal town of every district; in 

order that all the vagabonds of this and any other class may retire 

to the towns and villages where they may choose to locate 

themselves; with the exception; for the present; of the capital and 

the royal residences; in order that; abandoning the dress; 

language; and behaviour of those who are called Gitanos; they may 

devote themselves to some honest office; trade; or occupation; it 

being a matter of indifference whether the same be connected with 

labour or the arts。

'8。  It will not be sufficient for those who have been formerly 

known to follow this manner of life to devote themselves solely to 

the occupation of shearing and clipping animals; nor to the traffic 

of markets and fairs; nor still less to the occupation of keepers 

of inns and v
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