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the zincali-第38章

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'I left my house; and walked about

They seized me fast; and bound:

It is a Gypsy thief; they shout;

The Spaniards here have found。

'From out the prison me they led;

Before the scribe they brought;

It is no Gypsy thief; he said;

The Spaniards here have caught。'

In a word; nothing was to be gained by interfering with the 

Gitanos; by those in whose hands the power was vested; but; on the 

contrary; something was to be lost。  The chief sufferers were the 

labourers; and they had no power to right themselves; though their 

wrongs were universally admitted; and laws for their protection 

continually being made; which their enemies contrived to set at 

nought; as will presently be seen。

The first law issued against the Gypsies appears to have been that 

of Ferdinand and Isabella; at Medina del Campo; in 1499。  In this 

edict they were commanded; under certain penalties; to become 

stationary in towns and villages; and to provide themselves with 

masters whom they might serve for their maintenance; or in default 

thereof; to quit the kingdom at the end of sixty days。  No mention 

is made of the country to which they were expected to betake 

themselves in the event of their quitting Spain。  Perhaps; as they 

are called Egyptians; it was concluded that they would forthwith 

return to Egypt; but the framers of the law never seem to have 

considered what means these Egyptians possessed of transporting 

their families and themselves across the sea to such a distance; or 

if they betook themselves to other countries; what reception a host 

of people; confessedly thieves and vagabonds; were likely to meet 

with; or whether it was fair in the TWO CHRISTIAN PRINCES to get 

rid of such a nuisance at the expense of their neighbours。  Such 

matters were of course left for the Gypsies themselves to settle。

In this edict; a class of individuals is mentioned in conjunction 

with the Gitanos; or Gypsies; but distinguished from them by the 

name of foreign tinkers; or Calderos estrangeros。  By these; we 

presume; were meant the Calabrians; who are still to be seen upon 

the roads of Spain; wandering about from town to town; in much the 

same way as the itinerant tinkers of England at the present day。  A 

man; half a savage; a haggard woman; who is generally a Spaniard; a 

wretched child; and still more miserable donkey; compose the group; 

the gains are of course exceedingly scanty; nevertheless this life; 

seemingly so wretched; has its charms for these outcasts; who live 

without care and anxiety; without a thought beyond the present 

hour; and who sleep as sound in ruined posadas and ventas; or in 

ravines amongst rocks and pines; as the proudest grandee in his 

palace at Seville or Madrid。

Don Carlos and Donna Juanna; at Toledo; 1539; confirmed the edict 

of Medina del Campo against the Egyptians; with the addition; that 

if any Egyptian; after the expiration of the sixty days; should be 

found wandering about; he should be sent to the galleys for six 

years; if above the age of twenty and under that of fifty; and if 

under or above those years; punished as the preceding law provides。

Philip the Second; at Madrid; 1586; after commanding that all the 

laws and edicts be observed; by which the Gypsies are forbidden to 

wander about; and commanded to establish themselves; ordains; with 

the view of restraining their thievish and cheating practices; that 

none of them be permitted to sell anything; either within or 

without fairs or markets; if not provided with a testimony signed 

by the notary public; to prove that they have a settled residence; 

and where it may be; which testimony must also specify and describe 

the horses; cattle; linen; and other things; which they carry forth 

for sale; otherwise they are to be punished as thieves; and what 

they attempt to sell considered as stolen property。

Philip the Third; at Belem; in Portugal; 1619; commands all the 

Gypsies of the kingdom to quit the same within the term of six 

months; and never to return; under pain of death; those who should 

wish to remain are to establish themselves in cities; towns; and 

villages; of one thousand families and upwards; and are not to be 

allowed the use of the dress; name; and language of Gypsies; IN 



are moreover forbidden; under the same penalty; to have anything to 

do with the buying or selling of cattle; whether great or small。

The most curious portion of the above law is the passage in which 

these people are declared not to be Gypsies by nation。  If they are 

not Gypsies; who are they then?  Spaniards?  If so; what right had 

the King of Spain to send the refuse of his subjects abroad; to 

corrupt other lands; over which he had no jurisdiction?

The Moors were sent back to Africa; under some colour of justice; 

as they came originally from that part of the world; but what would 

have been said to such a measure; if the edict which banished them 

had declared that they were not Moors; but Spaniards?

The law; moreover; in stating that they are not Gypsies by nation; 

seems to have forgotten that in that case it would be impossible to 

distinguish them from other Spaniards; so soon as they should have 

dropped the name; language; and dress of Gypsies。  How; provided 

they were like other Spaniards; and did not carry the mark of 

another nation on their countenances; could it be known whether or 

not they obeyed the law; which commanded them to live only in 

populous towns or villages; or how could they be detected in the 

buying or selling of cattle; which the law forbids them under pain 

of death?

The attempt to abolish the Gypsy name and manner of life might have 

been made without the assertion of a palpable absurdity。

Philip the Fourth; May 8; 1633; after reference to the evil lives 

and want of religion of the Gypsies; and the complaints made 

against them by prelates and others; declares 'that the laws 

hitherto adopted since the year 1499; have been inefficient to 

restrain their excesses; that they are not Gypsies by origin or 

nature; but have adopted this form of life'; and then; after 

forbidding them; according to custom; the dress and language of 

Gypsies; under the usual severe penalties; he ordains:…

'1st。  That under the same penalties; the aforesaid people shall; 

within two months; leave the quarters (barrios) where they now live 

with the denomination of Gitanos; and that they shall separate from 

each other; and mingle with the other inhabitants; and that they 

shall hold no more meetings; neith
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