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the zincali-第35章

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a corner where they have not committed some heavy offence。

'Father Martin Del Rio says they were notorious when he was in Leon 

in the year 1584; as they even attempted to sack the town of 

Logrono in the time of the pest; as Don Francisco De Cordoba writes 

in his DIDASCALIA。  Enormous cases of their excesses we see in 

infinite processes in all the tribunals; and particularly in that 

of the Holy Brotherhood; their wickedness ascending to such a 

pitch; that they steal children; and carry them for sale to 

Barbary; the reason why the Moors call them in Arabic; RASO 

CHERANY; (39) which; as Andreas Tebetus writes; means MASTER 

THIEVES。  Although they are addicted to every species of robbery; 

they mostly practise horse and cattle stealing; on which account 

they are called in law ABIGEOS; and in Spanish QUATREROS; from 

which practice great evils result to the poor labourers。  When they 

cannot steal cattle; they endeavour to deceive by means of them; 

acting as TERCEROS; in fairs and markets。

'Fifthly; because they are enchanters; diviners; magicians; 

chiromancers; who tell the future by the lines of the hand; which 

is what they call BUENA VENTURA; and are in general addicted to all 

kind of superstition。

'This is the opinion entertained of them universally; and which is 

confirmed every day by experience; and some think that they are 

caller Cingary; from the great Magian Cineus; from whom it is said 

they learned their sorceries; and from which result in Spain 

(especially amongst the vulgar) great errors; and superstitious 

credulity; mighty witchcrafts; and heavy evils; both spiritual and 


'Sixthly; because very devout men consider them as heretics; and 

many as Gentile idolaters; or atheists; without any religion; 

although they exteriorly accommodate themselves to the religion of 

the country in which they wander; being Turks with the Turks; 

heretics with the heretics; and; amongst the Christians; baptizing 

now and then a child for form's sake。  Friar Jayme Bleda produces a 

hundred signs; from which he concludes that the Moriscos were not 

Christians; all which are visible in the Gitanos; very few are 

known to baptize their children; they are not married; but it is 

believed that they keep the women in common; they do not use 

dispensations; nor receive the sacraments; they pay no respect to 

images; rosaries; bulls; neither do they hear mass; nor divine 

services; they never enter the churches; nor observe fasts; Lent; 

nor any ecclesiastical precept; which enormities have been attested 

by long experience; as every person says。

'Finally; they practise every kind of wickedness in safety; by 

discoursing amongst themselves in a language with which they 

understand each other without being understood; which in Spain is 

called Gerigonza; which; as some think; ought to be called 

Cingerionza; or language of Cingary。  The king our lord saw the 

evil of such a practice in the law which he enacted at Madrid; in 

the year 1566; in which he forbade the Arabic to the Moriscos; as 

the use of different languages amongst the natives of one kingdom 

opens a door to treason; and is a source of heavy inconvenience; 

and this is exemplified more in the case of the Gitanos than of any 

other people。


'The civil law ordains that vagrants be seized wherever they are 

found; without any favour being shown to them; in conformity with 

which; the Gitanos in the Greek empire were given as slaves to 

those who should capture them; as respectable authors write。  

Moreover; the emperor; our lord; has decreed by a law made in 

Toledo; in the year 1525; THAT THE THIRD TIME THEY BE FOUND 


THOSE WHO CAPTURE THEM。  Which can be easily justified; inasmuch as 

there is no shepherd who does not place barriers against the 

wolves; and does not endeavour to save his flock; and I have 

already exposed to your Majesty the damage which the Gitanos 

perpetrate in Spain。


'The reasons are many。  The first; for being spies; and traitors to 

the crown; the second as idlers and vagabonds。

'It ought always to be considered; that no sooner did the race of 

man begin; after the creation of the world; than the important 

point of civil policy arose of condemning vagrants to death; for 

Cain was certain that he should meet his destruction in wandering 

as a vagabond for the murder of Abel。  ERO VAGUS ET PROFUGUS IN 


stands here as the natural consequence of VAGUS ERO; as it is 

evident; that whoever shall see me must kill me; because he sees me 

a wanderer。  And it must always be remembered; that at that time 

there were no people in the world but the parents and brothers of 

Cain; as St。 Ambrose has remarked。  Moreover; God; by the mouth of 

Jeremias; menaced his people; that all should devour them whilst 

they went wandering amongst the mountains。  And it is a doctrine 

entertained by theologians; that the mere act of wandering; without 

anything else; carries with it a vehement suspicion of capital 

crime。  Nature herself demonstrates it in the curious political 

system of the bees; in whose well…governed republic the drones are 

killed in April; when they commence working。

'The third; because they are stealers of four…footed beasts; who 

are condemned to death by the laws of Spain; in the wise code of 

the famous King Don Alonso; which enactment became a part of the 

common law。

'The fourth; for wizards; diviners; and for practising arts which 

are prohibited under pain of death by the divine law itself。  And 

Saul is praised for having caused this law to be put in execution 

in the beginning of his reign; and the Holy Scripture attributes to 

the breach of it (namely; his consulting the witch) his disastrous 

death; and the transfer of the kingdom to David。  The Emperor 

Constantine the Great; and other emperors who founded the civil 

law; condemned to death those who should practise such 

facinorousness; … as the President of Tolosa has written。

'The last and most urgent cause is; that they are heretics; if what 

is said be truth; and it is the practice of the law in Spain to 

burn such。


'Firstly; they are comprehended as hale beggars in the law of the 

wise king; Don Alonso; by which he expelled all sturdy beggars; as 

being idle and useless。

'Secondly; the law expels public harlots from the city; and of t
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