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the zincali-第32章

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countries that are desolate; and her cities among the cities that 

are laid waste shall be desolate forty years:  and I will scatter 

the Egyptians among the nations; and will disperse them through the 

countries。'  Ezek。; chap。 xxix。 v。 12。  'Yet thus saith the Lord 

God; at the end of forty years will I gather the Egyptians from the 

people whither they were scattered。' v。 13。

'Thus saith the Lord; I will make the multitude of Egypt to cease; 

by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar; king of Babylon。'  Chap。 xxx。 v。 10。

'And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations; and disperse 

them among the countries; and they shall know that I am the Lord。' 

Chap。  xxx。 v。 26。

The reader will at once observe that the apocryphal tale which the 

Romas brought into Germany; concerning their origin and wanderings; 

agrees in every material point with the sacred prophecy。  The 

ancient Egyptians were to be driven from their country and 

dispersed amongst the nations; for a period of forty years; for 

having been the cause of Israel's backsliding; and for not having 

known the Lord; … the modern pseudo…Egyptians are to be dispersed 

among the nations for seven years; for having denied hospitality to 

the Virgin and her child。  The prophecy seems only to have been 

remodelled for the purpose of suiting the taste of the time; as no 

legend possessed much interest in which the Virgin did not figure; 

she and her child are here introduced instead of the Israelites; 

and the Lord of Heaven offended with the Egyptians; and this legend 

appears to have been very well received in Germany; for a time at 

least; for; as Aventinus observes; it was esteemed a crime of the 

first magnitude to offer any violence to the Egyptian pilgrims; who 

were permitted to rob on the highway; to commit larceny; and to 

practise every species of imposition with impunity。

The tale; however; of the Romas could hardly have been invented by 

themselves; as they were; and still are; utterly unacquainted with 

the Scripture; it probably originated amongst the priests and 

learned men of the east of Europe; who; startled by the sudden 

apparition of bands of people foreign in appearance and language; 

skilled in divination and the occult arts; endeavoured to find in 

Scripture a clue to such a phenomenon; the result of which was; 

that the Romas of Hindustan were suddenly transformed into Egyptian 

penitents; a title which they have ever since borne in various 

parts of Europe。  There are no means of ascertaining whether they 

themselves believed from the first in this story; they most 

probably took it on credit; more especially as they could give no 

account of themselves; there being every reason for supposing that 

from time immemorial they had existed in the East as a thievish 

wandering sect; as they at present do in Europe; without history or 

traditions; and unable to look back for a period of eighty years。  

The tale moreover answered their purpose; as beneath the garb of 

penitence they could rob and cheat with impunity; for a time at 

least。  One thing is certain; that in whatever manner the tale of 

their Egyptian descent originated; many branches of the sect place 

implicit confidence in it at the present day; more especially those 

of England and Spain。

Even at the present time there are writers who contend that the 

Romas are the descendants of the ancient Egyptians; who were 

scattered amongst the nations by the Assyrians。  This belief they 

principally found upon particular parts of the prophecy from which 

we have already quoted; and there is no lack of plausibility in the 

arguments which they deduce therefrom。  The Egyptians; say they; 

were to fall upon the open fields; they were not to be brought 

together nor gathered; they were to be dispersed through the 

countries; their idols were to be destroyed; and their images were 

to cease out of Noph!  In what people in the world do these 

denunciations appear to be verified save the Gypsies? … a people 

who pass their lives in the open fields; who are not gathered 

together; who are dispersed through the countries; who have no 

idols; no images; nor any fixed or certain religion。

In Spain; the want of religion amongst the Gitanos was speedily 

observed; and became quite as notorious as their want of honesty; 

they have been styled atheists; heathen idolaters; and Moors。  In 

the little book of Quinones'; we find the subject noticed in the 

following manner:…

'They do not understand what kind of thing the church is; and never 

enter it but for the purpose of committing sacrilege。  They do not 

know the prayers; for I examined them myself; males and females; 

and they knew them not; or if any; very imperfectly。  They never 

partake of the Holy Sacraments; and though they marry relations 

they procure no dispensations。 (35)  No one knows whether they are 

baptized。  One of the five whom I caused to be hung a few days ago 

was baptized in the prison; being at the time upwards of thirty 

years of age。  Don Martin Fajardo says that two Gitanos and a 

Gitana; whom he hanged in the village of Torre Perojil; were 

baptized at the foot of the gallows; and declared themselves Moors。

'They invariably look out; when they marry; if we can call theirs 

marrying; for the woman most dexterous in pilfering and deceiving; 

caring nothing whether she is akin to them or married already; (36) 

for it is only necessary to keep her company and to call her wife。  

Sometimes they purchase them from their husbands; or receive them 

as pledges:  so says; at least; Doctor Salazar de Mendoza。

'Friar Melchior of Guelama states that he heard asserted of two 

Gitanos what was never yet heard of any barbarous nation; namely; 

that they exchanged their wives; and that as one was more comely 

looking than the other; he who took the handsome woman gave a 

certain sum of money to him who took the ugly one。  The licentiate 

Alonzo Duran has certified to me; that in the year 1623…4; one 

Simon Ramirez; captain of a band of Gitanos; repudiated Teresa 

because she was old; and married one called Melchora; who was young 

and handsome; and that on the day when the repudiation took place 

and the bridal was celebrated he was journeying along the road; and 

perceived a company feasting and revelling beneath some trees in a 

plain within the jurisdiction of the village of Deleitosa; and that 

on demanding the cause he was told that it was on account of Simon 

Ramirez marrying one Gitana and casting off another; and that the 

repudiated woman told him; with an agony of tears; that he 

abandoned her because she was old; and married another because she 

was young。  Certainly Gitanos and Gitanas confessed bef
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