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the zincali-第29章

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foreseeing things to come; their power over the secrets of nature; 

and their knowledge of the stars。'

The Gitanas in the olden time appear to have not unfrequently been 

subjected to punishment as sorceresses; and with great justice; as 

the abominable trade which they drove in philtres and decoctions 

certainly entitled them to that appellation; and to the pains and 

penalties reserved for those who practised what was termed 


Amongst the crimes laid to their charge; connected with the 

exercise of occult powers; there is one; however; of which they 

were certainly not capable; as it is a purely imaginary one; though 

if they were punished for it; they had assuredly little right to 

complain; as the chastisement they met was fully merited by 

practices equally malefic as the crime imputed to them; provided 

that were possible。  IT WAS CASTING THE EVIL EYE。


IN the Gitano language; casting the evil eye is called QUERELAR 

NASULA; which simply means making sick; and which; according to the 

common superstition; is accomplished by casting an evil look at 

people; especially children; who; from the tenderness of their 

constitution; are supposed to be more easily blighted than those of 

a more mature age。  After receiving the evil glance; they fall 

sick; and die in a few hours。

The Spaniards have very little to say respecting the evil eye; 

though the belief in it is very prevalent; especially in Andalusia 

amongst the lower orders。  A stag's horn is considered a good 

safeguard; and on that account a small horn; tipped with silver; is 

frequently attached to the children's necks by means of a cord 

braided from the hair of a black mare's tail。  Should the evil 

glance be cast; it is imagined that the horn receives it; and 

instantly snaps asunder。  Such horns may be purchased in some of 

the silversmiths' shops at Seville。

The Gitanos have nothing more to say on this species of sorcery 

than the Spaniards; which can cause but little surprise; when we 

consider that they have no traditions; and can give no rational 

account of themselves; nor of the country from which they come。

Some of the women; however; pretend to have the power of casting 

it; though if questioned how they accomplish it; they can return no 

answer。  They will likewise sell remedies for the evil eye; which 

need not be particularised; as they consist of any drugs which they 

happen to possess or be acquainted with; the prescribers being 

perfectly reckless as to the effect produced on the patient; 

provided they receive their paltry reward。

I have known these beings offer to cure the glanders in a horse (an 

incurable disorder) with the very same powders which they offer as 

a specific for the evil eye。

Leaving; therefore; for a time; the Spaniards and Gitanos; whose 

ideas on this subject are very scanty and indistinct; let us turn 

to other nations amongst whom this superstition exists; and 

endeavour to ascertain on what it is founded; and in what it 

consists。  The fear of the evil eye is common amongst all oriental 

people; whether Turks; Arabs; or Hindoos。  It is dangerous in some 

parts to survey a person with a fixed glance; as he instantly 

concludes that you are casting the evil eye upon him。  Children; 

particularly; are afraid of the evil eye from the superstitious 

fear inculcated in their minds in the nursery。  Parents in the East 

feel no delight when strangers look at their children in admiration 

of their loveliness; they consider that you merely look at them in 

order to blight them。  The attendants on the children of the great 

are enjoined never to permit strangers to fix their glance upon 

them。  I was once in the shop of an Armenian at Constantinople; 

waiting to see a procession which was expected to pass by; there 

was a Janisary there; holding by the hand a little boy about six 

years of age; the son of some Bey; they also had come to see the 

procession。  I was struck with the remarkable loveliness of the 

child; and fixed my glance upon it:  presently it became uneasy; 

and turning to the Janisary; said:  'There are evil eyes upon me; 

drive them away。'  'Take your eyes off the child; Frank;' said the 

Janisary; who had a long white beard; and wore a hanjar。  'What 

harm can they do to the child; efendijem?' said I。  'Are they not 

the eyes of a Frank?' replied the Janisary; 'but were they the eyes 

of Omar; they should not rest on the child。'  'Omar;' said I; 'and 

why not Ali?  Don't you love Ali?'  'What matters it to you whom I 

love;' said the Turk in a rage; 'look at the child again with your 

chesm fanar and I will smite you。'  'Bad as my eyes are;' said I; 

'they can see that you do not love Ali。'  'Ya Ali; ya Mahoma; 

Alahhu!' (30) said the Turk; drawing his hanjar。  All Franks; by 

which are meant Christians; are considered as casters of the evil 

eye。  I was lately at Janina in Albania; where a friend of mine; a 

Greek gentleman; is established as physician。  'I have been 

visiting the child of a Jew that is sick;' said he to me one day; 

'scarcely; however; had I left the house; when the father came 

running after me。  〃You have cast the evil eye on my child;〃 said 

he; 〃come back and spit in its face。〃  And I assure you;' continued 

my friend; 'that notwithstanding all I could say; he compelled me 

to go back and spit in the face of his child。'

Perhaps there is no nation in the world amongst whom this belief is 

so firmly rooted and from so ancient a period as the Jews; it being 

a subject treated of; and in the gravest manner; by the old 

Rabbinical writers themselves; which induces the conclusion that 

the superstition of the evil eye is of an antiquity almost as 

remote as the origin of the Hebrew race; (and can we go farther 

back?) as the oral traditions of the Jews; contained and commented 

upon in what is called the Talmud; are certainly not less ancient 

than the inspired writings of the Old Testament; and have unhappily 

been at all times regarded by them with equal if not greater 


The evil eye is mentioned in Scripture; but of course not in the 

false and superstitious sense; evil in the eye; which occurs in 

Prov。 xxiii。 v。 6; merely denoting niggardness and illiberality。  

The Hebrew words are AIN RA; and stand in contradistinction to AIN 

TOUB; or the benignant in eye; which denotes an inclination to 

bounty and liberality。

It is imagined that this blight is most easily inflicted when a 

person is enjoying himself with little or no care for the future; 

when he is reclining in the sun before the door; or when he is full 

of health and spirits:  it may be cas
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