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the zincali-第16章

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sacrifice; as was customary; they did so; but about midday a great 

tumult arose owing to the many thefts which the women committed; 

whereupon they fled out of the suburbs; and assembled about St。 

Mark's; the magnificent mansion and hospital of the knights of St。 

James; where the ministers of justice attempting to seize them were 

repulsed by force of arms; nevertheless; all of a sudden; and I 

know not how; everything was hushed up。  At this time they had a 

Count; a fellow who spoke the Castilian idiom with as much purity 

as if he had been a native of Toledo; he was acquainted with all 

the ports of Spain; and all the difficult and broken ground of the 

provinces。  He knew the exact strength of every city; and who were 

the principal people in each; and the exact amount of their 

property; there was nothing relating to the state; however secret; 

that he was not acquainted with; nor did he make a mystery of his 

knowledge; but publicly boasted of it。'

From the passage quoted above; we learn that the Gitanos in the 

ancient times were considered as foreigners who prowled about the 

country; indeed; in many of the laws which at various times have 

been promulgated against them; they are spoken of as Egyptians; and 

as such commanded to leave Spain; and return to their native 

country; at one time they undoubtedly were foreigners in Spain; 

foreigners by birth; foreigners by language but at the time they 

are mentioned by the worthy Del Rio; they were certainly not 

entitled to the appellation。  True it is that they spoke a language 

amongst themselves; unintelligible to the rest of the Spaniards; 

from whom they differed considerably in feature and complexion; as 

they still do; but if being born in a country; and being bred 

there; constitute a right to be considered a native of that 

country; they had as much claim to the appellation of Spaniards as 

the worthy author himself。  Del Rio mentions; as a remarkable 

circumstance; the fact of the Gypsy Count speaking Castilian with 

as much purity as a native of Toledo; whereas it is by no means 

improbable that the individual in question was a native of that 

town; but the truth is; at the time we are speaking of; they were 

generally believed to be not only foreigners; but by means of 

sorcery to have acquired the power of speaking all languages with 

equal facility; and Del Rio; who was a believer in magic; and wrote 

one of the most curious and erudite treatises on the subject ever 

penned; had perhaps adopted that idea; which possibly originated 

from their speaking most of the languages and dialects of the 

Peninsula; which they picked up in their wanderings。  That the 

Gypsy chief was so well acquainted with every town of Spain; and 

the broken and difficult ground; can cause but little surprise; 

when we reflect that the life which the Gypsies led was one above 

all others calculated to afford them that knowledge。  They were 

continually at variance with justice; they were frequently obliged 

to seek shelter in the inmost recesses of the hills; and when their 

thievish pursuits led them to the cities; they naturally made 

themselves acquainted with the names of the principal individuals; 

in hopes of plundering them。  Doubtless the chief possessed all 

this species of knowledge in a superior degree; as it was his 

courage; acuteness; and experience alone which placed him at the 

head of his tribe; though Del Rio from this circumstance wishes to 

infer that the Gitanos were spies sent by foreign foes; and with 

some simplicity inquires; 'Quo ant cui rei haec curiosa exploratio? 

nonne compescenda vagamundorum haec curiositas; etiam si solum 

peregrini et inculpatae vitae。'

With the Counts rested the management and direction of these 

remarkable societies; it was they who determined their marches; 

counter…marches; advances; and retreats; what was to be attempted 

or avoided; what individuals were to be admitted into the 

fellowship and privileges of the Gitanos; or who were to be 

excluded from their society; they settled disputes and sat in 

judgment over offences。  The greatest crimes; according to the 

Gypsy code; were a quarrelsome disposition; and revealing the 

secrets of the brotherhood。  By this code the members were 

forbidden to eat; drink; or sleep in the house of a Busno; which 

signifies any person who is not of the sect of the Gypsies; or to 

marry out of that sect; they were likewise not to teach the 

language of Roma to any but those who; by birth or inauguration; 

belonged to that sect; they were enjoined to relieve their brethren 

in distress at any expense or peril; they were to use a peculiar 

dress; which is frequently alluded to in the Spanish laws; but the 

particulars of which are not stated; and they were to cultivate the 

gift of speech to the utmost possible extent; and never to lose 

anything which might be obtained by a loose and deceiving tongue; 

to encourage which they had many excellent proverbs; for example …

'The poor fool who closes his mouth never winneth a dollar。'

'The river which runneth with sound bears along with it stones and 



THE Gitanos not unfrequently made their appearance in considerable 

numbers; so as to be able to bid defiance to any force which could 

be assembled against them on a sudden; whole districts thus became 

a prey to them; and were plundered and devastated。

It is said that; in the year 1618; more than eight hundred of these 

wretches scoured the country between Castile and Aragon; committing 

the most enormous crimes。  The royal council despatched regular 

troops against them; who experienced some difficulty in dispersing 


But we now proceed to touch upon an event which forms an era in the 

history of the Gitanos of Spain; and which for wildness and 

singularity throws all other events connected with them and their 

race; wherever found; entirely into the shade。


About the middle of the sixteenth century; there resided one 

Francisco Alvarez in the city of Logrono; the chief town of Rioja; 

a province which borders on Aragon。  He was a man above the middle 

age; sober; reserved; and in general absorbed in thought; he lived 

near the great church; and obtained a livelihood by selling printed 

books and manuscripts in a small shop。  He was a very learned man; 

and was continually reading in the books which he was in the habit 

of selling; and some of these books were in foreign tongues and 

characters; so foreign; indeed; that none but himself and some of 

his friends; the canons; could understand them; he was much visited 

by the clergy; who were his
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