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the zincali-第14章

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obtained。  If on their arrival they held the lives of others in 

very low estimation; could it be expected that they would become 

gentle as lambs in a land where blood had its price; and the 

shedder was seldom executed unless he was poor and friendless; and 

unable to cram with ounces of yellow gold the greedy hands of the 

pursuers of blood; … the alguazil and escribano? therefore; if the 

Spanish Gypsies have been more bloody and more wolfishly eager in 

the pursuit of booty than those of their race in most other 

regions; the cause must be attributed to their residence in a 

country unsound in every branch of its civil polity; where right 

has ever been in less esteem; and wrong in less disrepute; than in 

any other part of the world。

However; if the moral state of Spain was not calculated to have a 

favourable effect on the habits and pursuits of the Gypsies; their 

manners were as little calculated to operate beneficially; in any 

point of view; on the country where they had lately arrived。  

Divided into numerous bodies; frequently formidable in point of 

number; their presence was an evil and a curse in whatever quarter 

they directed their steps。  As might be expected; the labourers; 

who in all countries are the most honest; most useful; and 

meritorious class; were the principal sufferers; their mules and 

horses were stolen; carried away to distant fairs; and there 

disposed of; perhaps; to individuals destined to be deprived of 

them in a similar manner; whilst their flocks of sheep and goats 

were laid under requisition to assuage the hungry cravings of these 

thievish cormorants。

It was not uncommon for a large band or tribe to encamp in the 

vicinity of a remote village scantily peopled; and to remain there 

until; like a flight of locusts; they had consumed everything which 

the inhabitants possessed for their support; or until they were 

scared away by the approach of justice; or by an army of rustics 

assembled from the surrounding country。  Then would ensue the 

hurried march; the women and children; mounted on lean but spirited 

asses; would scour along the plains fleeter than the wind; ragged 

and savage…looking men; wielding the scourge and goad; would 

scamper by their side or close behind; whilst perhaps a small party 

on strong horses; armed with rusty matchlocks or sabres; would 

bring up the rear; threatening the distant foe; and now and then 

saluting them with a hoarse blast from the Gypsy horn:…

'O; when I sit my courser bold;

My bantling in my rear;

And in my hand my musket hold …

O how they quake with fear!'

Let us for a moment suppose some unfortunate traveller; mounted on 

a handsome mule or beast of some value; meeting; unarmed and alone; 

such a rabble rout at the close of eve; in the wildest part; for 

example; of La Mancha; we will suppose that he is journeying from 

Seville to Madrid; and that he has left at a considerable distance 

behind him the gloomy and horrible passes of the Sierra Morena; his 

bosom; which for some time past has been contracted with dreadful 

forebodings; is beginning to expand; his blood; which has been 

congealed in his veins; is beginning to circulate warmly and 

freely; he is fondly anticipating the still distant posada and 

savoury omelet。  The sun is sinking rapidly behind the savage and 

uncouth hills in his rear; he has reached the bottom of a small 

valley; where runs a rivulet at which he allows his tired animal to 

drink; he is about to ascend the side of the hill; his eyes are 

turned upwards; suddenly he beholds strange and uncouth forms at 

the top of the ascent … the sun descending slants its rays upon red 

cloaks; with here and there a turbaned head; or long streaming 

hair。  The traveller hesitates; but reflecting that he is no longer 

in the mountains; and that in the open road there is no danger of 

banditti; he advances。  In a moment he is in the midst of the Gypsy 

group; in a moment there is a general halt; fiery eyes are turned 

upon him replete with an expression which only the eyes of the Roma 

possess; then ensues a jabber in a language or jargon which is 

strange to the ears of the traveller; at last an ugly urchin 

springs from the crupper of a halting mule; and in a lisping accent 

entreats charity in the name of the Virgin and the Majoro。  The 

traveller; with a faltering hand; produces his purse; and is 

proceeding to loosen its strings; but he accomplishes not his 

purpose; for; struck violently by a huge knotted club in an unseen 

hand; he tumbles headlong from his mule。  Next morning a naked 

corse; besmeared with brains and blood; is found by an arriero; and 

within a week a simple cross records the event; according to the 

custom of Spain。

'Below there in the dusky pass

Was wrought a murder dread;

The murdered fell upon the grass;

Away the murderer fled。'

To many; such a scene; as above described; will appear purely 

imaginary; or at least a mass of exaggeration; but many such 

anecdotes are related by old Spanish writers of these people; they 

traversed the country in gangs; they were what the Spanish law has 

styled Abigeos and Salteadores de Camino; cattle…stealers and 

highwaymen; though; in the latter character; they never rose to any 

considerable eminence。  True it is that they would not hesitate to 

attack or even murder the unarmed and defenceless traveller; when 

they felt assured of obtaining booty with little or no risk to 

themselves; but they were not by constitution adapted to rival 

those bold and daring banditti of whom so many terrible anecdotes 

are related in Spain and Italy; and who have acquired their renown 

by the dauntless daring which they have invariably displayed in the 

pursuit of plunder。

Besides trafficking in horses and mules; and now and then attacking 

and plundering travellers upon the highway; the Gypsies of Spain 

appear; from a very early period; to have plied occasionally the 

trade of the blacksmith; and to have worked in iron; forming rude 

implements of domestic and agricultural use; which they disposed 

of; either for provisions or money; in the neighbourhood of those 

places where they had taken up their temporary residence。  As their 

bands were composed of numerous individuals; there is no 

improbability in assuming that to every member was allotted that 

branch of labour in which he was most calculated to excel。  The 

most important; and that which required the greatest share of 

cunning and address; was undoubtedly that of the chalan or jockey; 

who frequented the fairs with the beasts which he had obtained by 

various means; but generally by theft。  Highway robbery; though 

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