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the zincali-第13章

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hand of justice; and those who were not massacred on the spot; or 

could not escape by flight; were; without a shadow of a trial; 

either hanged on the next tree; or sent to serve for life in the 

galleys; or if females or children; either scourged or mutilated。

The consequence of this severity; which; considering the manners 

and spirit of the time; is scarcely to be wondered at; was the 

speedy disappearance of the Gypsies from the soil of France。

Many returned by the way they came; to Germany; Hungary; and the 

woods and forests of Bohemia; but there is little doubt that by far 

the greater portion found a refuge in the Peninsula; a country 

which; though by no means so rich and fertile as the one they had 

quitted; nor offering so wide and ready a field for the exercise of 

those fraudulent arts for which their race had become so infamously 

notorious; was; nevertheless; in many respects; suitable and 

congenial to them。  If there were less gold and silver in the 

purses of the citizens to reward the dexterous handler of the knife 

and scissors amidst the crowd in the market…place; if fewer sides 

of fatted swine graced the ample chimney of the labourer in Spain 

than in the neighbouring country; if fewer beeves bellowed in the 

plains; and fewer sheep bleated upon the hills; there were far 

better opportunities afforded of indulging in wild independence。  

Should the halberded bands of the city be ordered out to quell; 

seize; or exterminate them; should the alcalde of the village cause 

the tocsin to be rung; gathering together the villanos for a 

similar purpose; the wild sierra was generally at hand; which; with 

its winding paths; its caves; its frowning precipices; and ragged 

thickets; would offer to them a secure refuge where they might 

laugh to scorn the rage of their baffled pursuers; and from which 

they might emerge either to fresh districts or to those which they 

had left; to repeat their ravages when opportunity served。

After crossing the Pyrenees; a very short time elapsed before the 

Gypsy hordes had bivouacked in the principal provinces of Spain。  

There can indeed be little doubt; that shortly after their arrival 

they made themselves perfectly acquainted with all the secrets of 

the land; and that there was scarcely a nook or retired corner 

within Spain; from which the smoke of their fires had not arisen; 

or where their cattle had not grazed。  People; however; so acute as 

they have always proverbially been; would scarcely be slow in 

distinguishing the provinces most adapted to their manner of life; 

and most calculated to afford them opportunities of practising 

those arts to which they were mainly indebted for their 

subsistence; the savage hills of Biscay; of Galicia; and the 

Asturias; whose inhabitants were almost as poor as themselves; 

which possessed no superior breed of horses or mules from amongst 

which they might pick and purloin many a gallant beast; and having 

transformed by their dexterous scissors; impose him again upon his 

rightful master for a high price; … such provinces; where; 

moreover; provisions were hard to be obtained; even by pilfering 

hands; could scarcely be supposed to offer strong temptations to 

these roving visitors to settle down in; or to vex and harass by a 

long sojourn。

Valencia and Murcia found far more favour in their eyes; a far more 

fertile soil; and wealthier inhabitants; were better calculated to 

entice them; there was a prospect of plunder; and likewise a 

prospect of safety and refuge; should the dogs of justice be roused 

against them。  If there were the populous town and village in those 

lands; there was likewise the lone waste; and uncultivated spot; to 

which they could retire when danger threatened them。  Still more 

suitable to them must have been La Mancha; a land of tillage; of 

horses; and of mules; skirted by its brown sierra; ever eager to 

afford its shelter to their dusky race。  Equally suitable; 

Estremadura and New Castile; but far; far more; Andalusia; with its 

three kingdoms; Jaen; Granada; and Seville; one of which was still 

possessed by the swarthy Moor; … Andalusia; the land of the proud 

steed and the stubborn mule; the land of the savage sierra and the 

fruitful and cultivated plain:  to Andalusia they hied; in bands of 

thirties and sixties; the hoofs of their asses might be heard 

clattering in the passes of the stony hills; the girls might be 

seen bounding in lascivious dance in the streets of many a town; 

and the beldames standing beneath the eaves telling the 'buena 

ventura' to many a credulous female dupe; the men the while 

chaffered in the fair and market…place with the labourers and 

chalanes; casting significant glances on each other; or exchanging 

a word or two in Rommany; whilst they placed some uncouth animal in 

a particular posture which served to conceal its ugliness from the 

eyes of the chapman。  Yes; of all provinces of Spain; Andalusia was 

the most frequented by the Gitano race; and in Andalusia they most 

abound at the present day; though no longer as restless independent 

wanderers of the fields and hills; but as residents in villages and 

towns; especially in Seville。


HAVING already stated to the reader at what period and by what 

means these wanderers introduced themselves into Spain; we shall 

now say something concerning their manner of life。

It would appear that; for many years after their arrival in the 

Peninsula; their manners and habits underwent no change; they were 

wanderers; in the strictest sense of the word; and lived much in 

the same way as their brethren exist in the present day in England; 

Russia; and Bessarabia; with the exception perhaps of being more 

reckless; mischievous; and having less respect for the laws; it is 

true that their superiority in wickedness in these points may have 

been more the effect of the moral state of the country in which 

they were; than of any other operating cause。

Arriving in Spain with a predisposition to every species of crime 

and villainy; they were not likely to be improved or reclaimed by 

the example of the people with whom they were about to mix; nor was 

it probable that they would entertain much respect for laws which; 

from time immemorial; have principally served; not to protect the 

honest and useful members of society; but to enrich those entrusted 

with the administration of them。  Thus; if  they came thieves; it 

is not probable that they would become ashamed of the title of 

thief in Spain; where the officers of justice were ever willing to 

shield an offender on receiving the largest portion of the booty 

obtained。  If on their arrival they held 
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