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the zincali-第11章

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ten thousand:  it is probable that; ere the conclusion of the 

present century; they will have entirely disappeared。  They are in 

general quite strangers to the commonest rudiments of education; 

few even of the most wealthy can either read or write。  With 

respect to religion; they call themselves members of the 

Established Church; and are generally anxious to have their 

children baptized; and to obtain a copy of the register。  Some of 

their baptismal papers; which they carry about with them; are 

highly curious; going back for a period of upwards of two hundred 

years。  With respect to the essential points of religion; they are 

quite careless and ignorant; if they believe in a future state they 

dread it not; and if they manifest when dying any anxiety; it is 

not for the soul; but the body:  a handsome coffin; and a grave in 

a quiet country churchyard; are invariably the objects of their 

last thoughts; and it is probable that; in their observance of the 

rite of baptism; they are principally influenced by a desire to 

enjoy the privilege of burial in consecrated ground。  A Gypsy 

family never speak of their dead save with regret and affection; 

and any request of the dying individual is attended to; especially 

with regard to interment; so much so; that I have known a corpse 

conveyed a distance of nearly one hundred miles; because the 

deceased expressed a wish to be buried in a particular spot。

Of the language of the English Gypsies; some specimens will be 

given in the sequel; it is much more pure and copious than the 

Spanish dialect。  It has been asserted that the English Gypsies are 

not possessed of any poetry in their own tongue; but this is a 

gross error; they possess a great many songs and ballads upon 

ordinary subjects; without any particular merit; however; and 

seemingly of a very modern date。


What has been said of the Gypsies of Europe is; to a considerable 

extent; applicable to their brethren in the East; or; as they are 

called; Zingarri; they are either found wandering amongst the 

deserts or mountains; or settled in towns; supporting themselves by 

horse…dealing or jugglery; by music and song。  In no part of the 

East are they more numerous than in Turkey; especially in 

Constantinople; where the females frequently enter the harems of 

the great; pretending to cure children of 'the evil eye;' and to 

interpret the dreams of the women。  They are not unfrequently seen 

in the coffee…houses; exhibiting their figures in lascivious dances 

to the tune of various instruments; yet these females are by no 

means unchaste; however their manners and appearance may denote the 

contrary; and either Turk or Christian who; stimulated by their 

songs and voluptuous movements; should address them with proposals 

of a dishonourable nature; would; in all probability; meet with a 

decided repulse。

Among the Zingarri are not a few who deal in precious stones; and 

some who vend poisons; and the most remarkable individual whom it 

has been my fortune to encounter amongst the Gypsies; whether of 

the Eastern or Western world; was a person who dealt in both these 

articles。  He was a native of Constantinople; and in the pursuit of 

his trade had visited the most remote and remarkable portions of 

the world。  He had traversed alone and on foot the greatest part of 

India; he spoke several dialects of the Malay; and understood the 

original language of Java; that isle more fertile in poisons than 

even 'far Iolchos and Spain。' From what I could learn from him; it 

appeared that his jewels were in less request than his drugs; 

though he assured me that there was scarcely a Bey or Satrap in 

Persia or Turkey whom he had not supplied with both。  I have seen 

this individual in more countries than one; for he flits over the 

world like the shadow of a cloud; the last time at Granada in 

Spain; whither he had come after paying a visit to his Gitano 

brethren in the presidio of Ceuta。

Few Eastern authors have spoken of the Zingarri; notwithstanding 

they have been known in the East for many centuries; amongst the 

few; none has made more curious mention of them than Arabschah; in 

a chapter of his life of Timour or Tamerlane; which is deservedly 

considered as one of the three classic works of Arabian literature。  

This passage; which; while it serves to illustrate the craft; if 

not the valour of the conqueror of half the world; offers some 

curious particulars as to Gypsy life in the East at a remote 

period; will scarcely be considered out of place if reproduced 

here; and the following is as close a translation of it as the 

metaphorical style of the original will allow。

'There were in Samarcand numerous families of Zingarri of various 

descriptions:  some were wrestlers; others gladiators; others 

pugilists。  These people were much at variance; so that hostilities 

and battling were continually arising amongst them。  Each band had 

its chief and subordinate officers; and it came to pass that Timour 

and the power which he possessed filled them with dread; for they 

knew that he was aware of their crimes and disorderly way of life。  

Now it was the custom of Timour; on departing upon his expeditions; 

to leave a viceroy in Samarcand; but no sooner had he left the 

city; than forth marched these bands; and giving battle to the 

viceroy; deposed him and took possession of the government; so that 

on the return of Timour he found order broken; confusion reigning; 

and his throne overturned; and then he had much to do in restoring 

things to their former state; and in punishing or pardoning the 

guilty; but no sooner did he depart again to his wars; and to his 

various other concerns; than they broke out into the same excesses; 

and this they repeated no less than three times; and he at length 

laid a plan for their utter extermination; and it was the 

following:… He commenced building a wall; and he summoned unto him 

the people small and great; and he allotted to every man his place; 

and to every workman his duty; and he stationed the Zingarri and 

their chieftains apart; and in one particular spot he placed a band 

of soldiers; and he commanded them to kill whomsoever he should 

send to them; and having done so; he called to him the heads of the 

people; and he filled the cup for them and clothed them in splendid 

vests; and when the turn came to the Zingarri; he likewise pledged 

one of them; and bestowed a vest upon him; and sent him with a 

message to the soldiers; who; as soon as he arrived; tore from him 

his vest; and stabbed him; pouring forth the gold of his heart into 

the pan of destruction; (14) and in this way they continue
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