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the white moll-第61章

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could do; just one; but she must be sure first that Danglar was
well started on his way。  She reached the doorway; looked out … and
suddenly caught her breath in a low; quick inhalation; In the
semi…darkness she could just make out Danglar's form; perhaps
twenty…five yards away now; heading along the lane toward the
street; but behind Danglar; at a well…guarded distance in the rear;
hugging the shadows of the fence; she saw the form of another man。
Her brows knitted in a perplexed and anxious frown。  The second man
was undoubtedly following Danglar。  That was evident。  But why?
Who was it?  What did it mean?

She retreated back into the shed; and commenced hastily to disrobe
and dress again in her own clothes; which she had flung down upon
the floor。  In the last analysis; did it matter who it was that was
following Danglar … even if it were one of the police?  For;
supposing that the man who was shadowing Danglar was a plain…clothes
man; and suppose he even followed Danglar and the rest of the gang
to the old iron plant; and suppose that with the necessary assistance
he rounded them all up; and in that sense effected the Adventurer's
rescue; it scarcely meant a better fate for the Adventurer!  It
simply meant that the Adventurer; as one of the gang; and against
whom every one of the rest would testify as the sole means left to
them of wreaking their vengeance upon one who had tricked and
outwitted them again and again for his own ends; would stand his
trial with the others; and with the others go behind prison bars for
a long term of years。

She hurried now; completing the last touches that transformed her
from Gypsy Nan into the veiled figure of the White Moll; stepped
out into the lane; and walking rapidly; reached the street and
headed; not in the direction of Harlem; but deeper over into the
East Side。  Even as Danglar had been speaking she had realized that;
for the Adventurer's own sake; and irrespective of what any
premature disclosure of her own identity to the authorities might
mean to her; she could not call upon the police for aid。  There
was only one way; just one … to go herself; to reach the Adventurer
herself before Danglar returned there and had an opportunity of
putting his worse than murderous intentions into effect。

Well; she was going there; wasn't she?  And if she lost no time she
should be there easily ahead of them; and her chances would be
excellent of releasing the Adventurer with very little risk。  From
what Danglar had said; the Adventurer was there alone。  Once tied
and gagged there had been no need to leave anybody to guard him;
save that the watchman would ordinarily serve to keep any one off
the premises; which was all that was necessary。  But that he had
been left at all worried her greatly。  He had; of course; already
refused to talk。  What they had done to him she did not know; but
the 'solitary confinement' Danglar had referred to was undoubtedly
the first step in their efforts to break his spirit。  Her lips
tightened as she went along。  Surely she could accomplish it!  She
had but to evade the watchman … only; first; the lost revolver;
the one safeguard against an adverse turn of fortune; must be
replaced; and that was where she was going now。  She knew; from her
associations with the underworld as the White Moll in the old days;
where such things could be purchased and no questions asked; if one
were known。  And she was known in the establishment to which she
was going; for evil days had once fallen upon its proprietor; one
〃Daddy〃 Jacques; in that he had incurred the enmity of certain of
his own ilk in the underworld; and on a certain night; which he
would not be likely to forget; she had stood between him and a
manhandling that would probably have cost him his life; and … Yes;
this was the place。

She entered a dirty…windowed; small and musty pawnshop。  A little
old man; almost dwarf…like in stature; with an unkempt; tawny beard;
who wore a greasy and ill…fitting suit; and upon whose bald head
was perched an equally greasy skull cap; gazed at her inquiringly
from behind the counter。

〃I want a gun; and a good one; please;〃 she said; after a glance
around her to assure herself that they were alone。

The other squinted at her through his spectacles; as he shook his

〃I haven't got any; lady;〃 he answered。  〃We're not allowed to sell
them without …〃

〃Oh; yes; you have; Daddy;〃 she contradicted quietly; as she raised
her veil。  〃And quick; please; I'm in a hurry。〃

The little old man leaned forward; staring at her for a moment as
though fascinated; and then his hand; in a fumbling way; removed
the skull cap from his bead。  There was a curious; almost wistful
reverence in his voice as he spoke。

〃The White Moll!〃 he said。

〃Yes;〃 she smiled。  〃But the gun; Daddy。  Quick!  I haven't an
instant to lose。〃

〃Yes; yes!〃 he said eagerly … and shuffled away。

He was back in a moment; an automatic in his hand。

〃It's loaded; of course?〃 she said; as she took the weapon。  She
slipped it into her pocket as he nodded affirmatively。  〃How much;

〃The White Moll!〃  He seemed still under the spell of amazement。
〃It is nothing。  There is no charge。  It is nothing; of course。〃

〃Thank you; Daddy!〃 she said softly … and laid a bill upon the
counter; and stepped back to the door。  〃Good…night!〃 she smiled。

She heard him call to her; but she was already on the street again;
and hurrying along。  She felt better; somehow; in a mental way; for
that little encounter with the shady old pawnbroker。  She was not
so much alone; perhaps; as she had thought; there were many; perhaps;
even if they were of the underworld; who had not swerved from the
loyalty they had once professed to the White Moll。

It brought a new train of thought; and she paused suddenly in her
walk。  She might rally around her some of those underworld intimates
upon whose allegiance she felt she could depend; and use them now;
to…night; in behalf of the Adventurer; she would be sure then to be
a match for Danglar; no matter what turn affairs took。  And then;
with an impatient shake of her head; she hurried on again。  There
was no time for that。  It would take a great deal of time to find
and pick her men; she had even wasted time herself; where there was
no time to spare; in the momentary pause during which she had given
the thought consideration。

She reached the nearest subway station; which was her objective;
and boarded a Harlem train; satisfied that her heavy veil would
protect her against recognition。  Unobtrusively she took a window
seat。  No one paid her any attention。  Hours passed; it seemed to
her impatience; while the black walls rushed by; punctuated by
occasional scintillating signal lights; and; at longer intervals;
by the fuller glare from the station platforms。

In the neighborhood of 125th street she left the train; and;
entering the first drug store she found; consulted a directory。
She did not know this section of New York at all; she did not know
either the location or the firm name of the iron plant to which
Danglar; assuming naturally; of course; that she was conversant
with it; h
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