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the toad-第3章

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not exactly agreeable; but she was going upward… upward towards Egypt…

and she knew it; and that was why her eyes gleamed; and a spark seemed

to fly out of them。

    〃Quunk!… ah!〃

    The body was dead… the Toad was killed! But the spark that had

shot forth from her eyes; what became of that?

    The sunbeam took it up; the sunbeam carried the jewel from the

head of the toad。 Whither?

    Ask not the naturalist; rather ask the poet。 He will tell it

thee under the guise of a fairy tale; and the Caterpillar on the

cabbage; and the Stork family belong to the story。 Think! the

Caterpillar is changed; and turns into a beautiful butterfly; the

Stork family flies over mountains and seas; to the distant Africa; and

yet finds the shortest way home to the same country… to the same roof。

Nay; that is almost too improbable; and yet it is true。 You may ask

the naturalist; he will confess it is so; and you know it yourself;

for you have seen it。

    But the jewel in the head of the toad?

    Seek it in the sun; see it there if you can。

    The brightness is too dazzling there。 We have not yet such eyes as

can see into the glories which God has created; but we shall receive

them by…and…by; and that will be the most beautiful story of all;

and we shall all have our share in it。

                            THE END

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