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the toad-第2章

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wonder if that is the bucket which will be let down; and into which

I must step to get higher up? Or is the sun the great bucket? How

great it is! how bright it is! It can take up all。 I must look out;

that I may not miss the opportunity。 Oh; how it seems to shine in my

head! I don't think the jewel can shine brighter。 But I haven't the

jewel; not that I cry about that… no; I must go higher up; into

splendor and joy! I feel so confident; and yet I am afraid。 It's a

difficult step to take; and yet it must be taken。 Onward; therefore;

straight onward!〃

    She took a few steps; such as a crawling animal may take; and soon

found herself on a road beside which people dwelt; but there were

flower gardens as well as kitchen gardens。 And she sat down to rest by

a kitchen garden。

    〃What a number of different creatures there are that I never knew!

and how beautiful and great the world is! But one must look round in

it; and not stay in one spot。〃 And then she hopped into the kitchen

garden。 〃How green it is here! how beautiful it is here!〃

    〃I know that;〃 said the Caterpillar; on the leaf; 〃my leaf is

the largest here。 It hides half the world from me; but I don't care

for the world。〃

    〃Cluck; cluck!〃 And some fowls came。 They tripped about in the

cabbage garden。 The Fowl who marched at the head of them had a long

sight; and she spied the Caterpillar on the green leaf; and pecked

at it; so that the Caterpillar fell on the ground; where it twisted

and writhed。

    The Fowl looked at it first with one eye and then with the

other; for she did not know what the end of this writhing would be。

    〃It doesn't do that with a good will;〃 thought the Fowl; and

lifted up her head to peck at the Caterpillar。

    The Toad was so horrified at this; that she came crawling straight

up towards the Fowl。

    〃Aha; it has allies;〃 quoth the Fowl。 〃Just look at the crawling

thing!〃 And then the Fowl turned away。 〃I don't care for the little

green morsel; it would only tickle my throat。〃 The other fowls took

the same view of it; and they all turned away together。

    〃I writhed myself free;〃 said the Caterpillar。 〃What a good

thing it is when one has presence of mind! But the hardest thing

remains to be done; and that is to get on my leaf again。 Where is it?〃

    And the little Toad came up and expressed her sympathy。 She was

glad that in her ugliness she had frightened the fowls。

    〃What do you mean by that?〃 cried the Caterpillar。 〃I wriggled

myself free from the Fowl。 You are very disagreeable to look at。

Cannot I be left in peace on my own property? Now I smell cabbage; now

I am near my leaf。 Nothing is so beautiful as property。 But I must

go higher up。〃

    〃Yes; higher up;〃 said the little Toad; 〃higher…up! She feels just

as I do; but she's not in a good humor to…day。 That's because of the

fright。 We all want to go higher up。〃 And she looked up as high as

ever she could。

    The stork sat in his nest on the roof of the farm…house。 He

clapped with his beak; and the Mother…stork clapped with hers。

    〃How high up they live!〃 thought the Toad。 〃If one could only

get as high as that!〃

    In the farm…house lived two young students; the one was a poet and

the other a scientific searcher into the secrets of nature。 The one

sang and wrote joyously of everything that God had created; and how it

was mirrored in his heart。 He sang it out clearly; sweetly; richly; in

well…sounding verses; while the other investigated created matter

itself; and even cut it open where need was。 He looked upon God's

creation as a great sum in arithmetic… subtracted; multiplied; and

tried to know it within and without; and to talk with understanding

concerning it; and that was a very sensible thing; and he spoke

joyously and cleverly of it。 They were good; joyful men; those two;

    〃There sits a good specimen of a toad;〃 said the naturalist。 〃I

must have that fellow in a bottle of spirits。〃

    〃You have two of them already;〃 replied the poet。 〃Let the thing

sit there and enjoy its life。〃

    〃But it's so wonderfully ugly;〃 persisted the first。

    〃Yes; if we could find the jewel in its head;〃 said the poet; 〃I

too should be for cutting it open。'

    〃A jewel!〃 cried the naturalist。 〃You seem to know a great deal

about natural history。〃

    〃But is there not something beautiful in the popular belief that

just as the toad is the ugliest of animals; it should often carry

the most precious jewel in its head? Is it not just the same thing

with men? What a jewel that was that Aesop had; and still more;


    The Toad did not hear any more; nor did she understand half of

what she had heard。 The two friends walked on; and thus she escaped

the fate of being bottled up in spirits。

    〃Those two also were speaking of the jewel;〃 said the Toad to

herself。 〃What a good thing that I have not got it! I might have

been in a very disagreeable position。〃

    Now there was a clapping on the roof of the farm…house。

Father…Stork was making a speech to his family; and his family was

glancing down at the two young men in the kitchen garden。

    〃Man is the most conceited creature!〃 said the Stork。 〃Listen

how their jaws are wagging; and for all that they can't clap properly。

They boast of their gifts of eloquence and their language! Yes; a fine

language truly! Why; it changes in every day's journey we make。 One of

them doesn't understand another。 Now; we can speak our language over

the whole earth… up in the North and in Egypt。 And then men are not

able to fly; moreover。 They rush along by means of an invention they

call 'railway;' but they often break their necks over it。 It makes

my beak turn cold when I think of it。 The world could get on without

men。 We could do without them very well; so long as we only keep frogs

and earth…worms。〃

    〃That was a powerful speech;〃 thought the little Toad。 〃What a

great man that is yonder! and how high he sits! Higher than ever I saw

any one sit yet; and how he can swim!〃 she cried; as the Stork

soared away through the air with outspread pinions。

    And the Mother…Stork began talking in the nest; and told about

Egypt and the waters of the Nile; and the incomparable mud that was to

be found in that strange land; and all this sounded new and very

charming to the little Toad。

    〃I must go to Egypt!〃 said she。 〃If the Stork or one of his

young ones would only take me! I would oblige him in return。 Yes; I

shall get to Egypt; for I feel so happy! All the longing and all the

pleasure that I feel is much better than having a jewel in one's


    And it was just she who had the jewel。 That jewel was the

continual striving and desire to go upward… ever upward。 It gleamed in

her head; gleamed in joy; beamed brightly in her longing。

    Then; suddenly; up came the Stork。 He had seen the Toad in the

grass; and stooped down and seized the little creature anything but

gently。 The Stork's beak pinched her; and the wind whistled; it was

not exactly agreeable; but she was going upward… upward towards Egypt…

and she knew it; an
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