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01-the forged coupon-第9章

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put questions to him。  Stepan had terminated his
military service; and was of a solitary turn of
mind。  When he had separated from his father;
and started his own home; he had his first experi…
ence of losing a horse。  After that he worked for
two years in the mines; and made money enough
to buy two horses。  These two had been stolen by
Ivan Mironov。

〃Tell me where my horses are!〃 shouted
Stepan; pale with fury; alternately looking at the
ground and at Ivan Mironov's face。

Ivan Mironov denied his guilt。  Then Stepan
aimed so violent a blow at his face that he
smashed his nose and the blood spurted out。

〃Tell the truth; I say; or I'll kill you!〃

Ivan Mironov kept silent; trying to avoid the
blows by stooping。  Stepan hit him twice more
with his long arm。  Ivan Mironov remained
silent; turning his head backwards and forwards。

〃Beat him; all of you!〃 cried the bailiff; and
the whole crowd rushed upon Ivan Mironov。  He
fell without a word to the ground; and then

〃Devils; wild beasts; kill me if that's what you
want! I am not afraid of you!〃

Stepan seized a stone out of those that had been
collected for the purpose; and with a heavy blow
smashed Ivan Mironov's head。


IVAN MIRONOV'S murderers were brought to
trial; Stepan Pelageushkine among them。  He had
a heavier charge to answer than the others; all
the witnesses having stated that it was he who
had smashed Ivan Mironov's head with a stone。 
Stepan concealed nothing when in court。  He con…
tented himself with explaining that; having been
robbed of his two last horses; he had informed the
police。  Now it was comparatively easy at that
time to trace the horses with the help of profes…
sional thieves among the gipsies。  But the police
officer would not even permit him; and no search
had been ordered。

〃Nothing else could be done with such a man。 
He has ruined us all。〃

〃But why did not the others attack him。  It
was you alone who broke his head open。〃

〃That is false。  We all fell upon him。  The
village agreed to kill him。  I only gave the final
stroke。  What is the use of inflicting unnecessary
sufferings on a man?〃

The judges were astonished at Stepan's wonder…
ful coolness in narrating the story of his crime
how the peasants fell upon Ivan Mironov; and
how he had given the final stroke。  Stepan act…
ually did not see anything particularly revolting in
this murder。  During his military service he had
been ordered on one occasion to shoot a soldier;
and; now with regard to Ivan Mironov; he saw
nothing loathsome in it。  〃A man shot is a dead
manthat's all。  It was him to…day; it might be
me to…morrow;〃 he thought。  Stepan was only
sentenced to one year's imprisonment; which was
a mild punishment for what he had done。  His
peasant's dress was taken away from him and put
in the prison stores; and he had a prison suit and
felt boots given to him instead。  Stepan had never
had much respect for the authorities; but now he
became quite convinced that all the chiefs; all the
fine folk; all except the Czarwho alone had pity
on the peasants and was justall were robbers
who suck blood out of the people。  All he heard
from the deported convicts; and those sentenced to
hard labour; with whom he had made friends in
prisons; confirmed him in his views。  One man
had been sentenced to hard labour for having con…
victed his superiors of a theft; another for having
struck an official who had unjustly confiscated the
property of a peasant; a third because he forged
bank notes。  The well…to…do…people; the mer…
chants; might do whatever they chose and come
to no harm; but a poor peasant; for a trumpery
reason or for none at all; was sent to prison to
become food for vermin。

He had visits from his wife while in prison。 
Her life without him was miserable enough; when;
to make it worse; her cottage was destroyed by
fire。  She was completely ruined; and had to take
to begging with her children。  His wife's misery
embittered Stepan still more。  He got on very
badly with all the people in the prison; was rude
to every one; and one day he nearly killed the cook
with an axe; and therefore got an additional year
in prison。  In the course of that year he received
the news that his wife was dead; and that he had
no longer a home。

When Stepan had finished his time in prison;
he was taken to the prison stores; and his own
dress was taken down from the shelf and handed
to him。

〃Where am I to go now?〃 he asked the prison
officer; putting on his old dress。

〃Why; home。〃

〃I have no home。  I shall have to go on the
road。  Robbery will not be a pleasant occupa…

〃In that case you will soon be back here。〃

〃I am not so sure of that。〃

And Stepan left the prison。  Nevertheless he
took the road to his own place。  He had nowhere
else to turn。

On his way he stopped for a night's rest in an
inn that had a public bar attached to it。  The inn
was kept by a fat man from the town; Vladimir;
and he knew Stepan。  He knew that Stepan had
been put into prison through ill luck; and did not
mind giving him shelter for the night。  He was
a rich man; and had persuaded his neighbour's
wife to leave her husband and come to live with
him。  She lived in his house as his wife; and
helped him in his business as well。

Stepan knew all about the innkeeper's affairs
how he had wronged the peasant; and how the
woman who was living with him had left her hus…
band。  He saw her now sitting at the table in a
rich dress; and looking very hot as she drank her
tea。  With great condescension she asked Stepan
to have tea with her。  No other travellers were
stopping in the inn that night。  Stepan was given
a place in the kitchen where he might sleep。  Ma…
trenathat was the woman's namecleared the
table and went to her room。  Stepan went to lie
down on the large stove in the kitchen; but he
could not sleep; and the wood splinters put on the
stove to dry were crackling under him; as he tossed
from side to side。  He could not help thinking of
his host's fat paunch protruding under the belt
of his shirt; which had lost its colour from having
been washed ever so many times。  Would not it
be a good thing to make a good clean incision in
that paunch。  And that woman; too; he thought。

One moment he would say to himself; 〃I had
better go from here to…morrow; bother them all!〃
But then again Ivan Mironov came back to his
mind; and he went on thinking of the innkeeper's
paunch and Matrena's white throat bathed in per…
spiration。  〃Kill I must; and it must be both!〃

He heard the cock crow for the second time。

〃I must do it at once; or dawn will be here 〃  He
had seen in the evening before he went to bed a
knife and an axe。  He crawled down from the
stove; took the knife and axe; and went out of
the kitchen door。  At that very moment he heard
the lock of the entrance door open。  The inn…
keeper was going out of the house to the court…
yard。  It all turned out contrary to what Stepan
desired。  He had no opportunity of using the
knife; he just swung the axe and split the innkeep…
er's head in two。  The man tumbled down on the
threshold of the door; then 
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