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01-the forged coupon-第21章

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made me half mad。  I have not destroyed any liv…
ing soul; why then do those villains kill me? I
have done no harm to anybody 。 。 。〃

〃That will be taken into consideration。〃

〃By whom?〃

〃By God; to be sure。〃

〃I have not seen anything yet showing that
God exists; and I don't believe in Him; brother。 
I think when a man dies; grass will grow over
the spot; and that is the end of it。〃

〃You are wrong to think like that。  I have
murdered so many people; whereas she; poor
soul; was helping everybody。  And you think she
and I are to have the same lot? Oh no! Only

〃Then you believe the soul lives on after a
man is dead?〃

〃To be sure; it truly lives。〃

Prokofy suffered greatly when death drew
near。  He could hardly breathe。  But in the very
last hour he felt suddenly relieved from all pain。 
He called Stepan to him。  〃Farewell; brother;〃
he said。  〃Death has come; I see。  I was so
afraid of it before。  And now I don't mind。  I
only wish it to come quicker。〃


IN the meanwhile; the affairs of Eugene Mihailo…
vich had grown worse and worse。  Business was
very slack。  There was a new shop in the town;
he was losing his customers; and the interest had
to be paid。  He borrowed again on interest。  At
last his shop and his goods were to be sold up。 
Eugene Mihailovich and his wife applied to every
one they knew; but they could not raise the four
hundred roubles they needed to save the shop any…

They had some hope of the merchant Krasno…
puzov; Eugene Mihailovich's wife being on good
terms with his mistress。  But news came that
Krasnopuzov had been robbed of a huge sum of
money。  Some said of half a million roubles。 
〃And do you know who is said to be the thief?〃
said Eugene Mihailovich to his wife。  〃Vassily;
our former yard…porter。  They say he is squan…
dering the money; and the police are bribed by him。〃

〃I knew he was a villain。  You remember how
he did not mind perjuring himself? But I did
not expect it would go so far。〃

〃I hear he has recently been in the courtyard
of our house。  Cook says she is sure it was he。 
She told me he helps poor girls to get married。〃

〃They always invent tales。  I don't believe it。〃

At that moment a strange man; shabbily dressed;
entered the shop。

〃What is it you want?〃

〃Here is a letter for you。〃

〃From whom?〃

〃You will see yourself。〃

〃Don't you require an answer? Wait a mo…

〃I cannot 〃  The strange man handed the let…
ter and disappeared。

〃How extraordinary!〃 said Eugene Mihailo…
vich; and tore open the envelope。  To his great
amazement several hundred rouble notes fell out。 
〃Four hundred roubles!〃 he exclaimed; hardly
believing his eyes。  〃What does it mean?〃

The envelope also contained a badly…spelt letter;
addressed to Eugene Mihailovich。  〃It is said in
the Gospels;〃 ran the letter; 〃 do good for evil。 
You have done me much harm; and in the coupon
case you made me wrong the peasants greatly。 
But I have pity for you。  Here are four hundred
notes。  Take them; and remember your porter

〃Very extraordinary!〃 said Eugene Mihailo…
vich to his wife and to himself。  And each time
he remembered that incident; or spoke about it
to his wife; tears would come to his eyes。


FOURTEEN priests were kept in the Suzdal friary
prison; chiefly for having been untrue to the or…
thodox faith。  Isidor had been sent to that place
also。  Father Missael received him according to
the instructions he had been given; and without
talking to him ordered him to be put into a sep…
arate cell as a serious criminal。  After a fort…
night Father Missael; making a round of the
prison; entered Isidor's cell; and asked him
whether there was anything he wished for。

〃There is a great deal I wish for;〃 answered
Isidor; 〃but I cannot tell you what it is in the
presence of anybody else。  Let me talk to you

They looked at each other; and Missael saw he
had nothing to be afraid of in remaining alone
with Isidor。  He ordered Isidor to be brought
into his own room; and when they were alone; he

〃Well; now you can speak。〃

Isidor fell on his knees。

〃Brother;〃 said Isidor。  〃What are you do…
ing to yourself! Have mercy on your own soul。 
You are the worst villain in the world。  You have
offended against all that is sacred 。 。 。〃

A month after Missael sent a report; asking
that Isidor should be released as he had repented;
and he also asked for the release of the rest of
the prisoners。  After which he resigned his post。


TEN years passed。  Mitia Smokovnikov had fin…
ished his studies in the Technical College; he was
now an engineer in the gold mines in Siberia; and
was very highly paid。  One day he was about to
make a round in the district。  The governor of…
fered him a convict; Stepan Pelageushkine; to ac…
company him on his journey。

〃A convict; you say? But is not that danger…

〃Not if it is this one。  He is a holy man。  You
may ask anybody; they will all tell you so。〃

〃Why has he been sent here?〃

The governor smiled。  〃He had committed six
murders; and yet he is a holy man。  I go bail for

Mitia Smokovnikov took Stepan; now a bald…
headed; lean; tanned man; with him on his journey。 
On their way Stepan took care of Smokovnikov;
like his own child; and told him his story; told
him why he had been sent here; and what now
filled his life。

And; strange to say; Mitia Smokovnikov; who
up to that time used to spend his time drinking;
eating; and gambling; began for the first time to
meditate on life。  These thoughts never left him
now; and produced a complete change in his habits。 
After a time he was offered a very advantageous
position。  He refused it; and made up his mind
to buy an estate with the money he had; to marry;
and to devote himself to the peasantry; helping
them as much as he could。


HE carried out his intentions。  But before retiring
to his estate he called on his father; with whom
he had been on bad terms; and who had settled
apart with his new family。  Mitia Smokovnikov
wanted to make it up。  The old man wondered at
first; and laughed at the change he noticed in his
son; but after a while he ceased to find fault with
him; and thought of the many times when it was
he who was the guilty one。
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