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ponkapog papers-第23章

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1810 Dr。 Nott; a physician of Bristol; issued a small volume of selections。 It was not until 1823 that Herrick was reprinted in full。  It remained for the taste of our own day to multiply editions of him。      In order to set the seal to Herrick's fame; it is now only needful that some wiseacre should attribute the authorship of the poems to some man who could not possibly have written a line of them。  The opportunity presents attractions that ought to be irresistible。  Excepting a hand… ful of Herrick's college letters there is no scrap of his manuscript extant; the men who drank and jested with the poet at the Dog or the Triple Tun make no reference to him;  and in the wide parenthesis formed by his birth and death we find as little tangible incident as is discover… able in the briefer span of Shakespeare's fifty… two years。  Here is material for profundity and ciphers!      Herrick's second sojourn in London covered the period between 1648 and 1662; curing which interim he fades from sight; excepting for the

      With the single exception of the writer of some verses in the Musarum Deliciae (1656) who mentions

               That old sack      Young Herrick took to entertain      The Muses in a sprightly vein。 instant when he is publishing his book。  If he engaged in further literary work there are no evidences of it beyond one contribution to the 〃Lacrymae Musarum〃 in 1649。      He seems to have had lodgings; for a while at least; in St。 Anne's; Westminster。  With the court in exile and the grim Roundheads seated in the seats of the mighty; it was no longer the merry London of his early manhood。  Time and war had thinned the ranks of friends; in the old haunts the old familiar faces were wanting。 Ben Jonson was dead; Waller banished; and many another comrade 〃in disgrace with for… tune and men's eyes。〃  As Herrick walked through crowded Cheapside or along the dingy river…bank in those years; his thought must have turned more than once to the little vicarage in Devonshire; and lingered tenderly。      On the accession of Charles II。 a favorable change of wind wafted Herrick back to his former moorings at Dean Prior; the obnoxious Syms having been turned adrift。  This occurred on August 24; 1662; the seventy…first anniver… sary of the poet's baptism。  Of Herrick's move… ments after that; tradition does not furnish even the shadow of an outline。  The only notable event concerning him is recorded twelve years later in the parish register: 〃Robert Herrick; vicker; was buried ye 15〃 day October; 1674。〃 He was eighty…three years old。  The location of his grave is unknown。  In 1857 a monument to his memory was erected in Dean Church。  And this is all。


THE details that have come down to us touch… ing Herrick's private life are as meagre as if he had been a Marlowe or a Shakespeare。  But were they as ample as could be desired they would still be unimportant compared with the single fact that in 1648 he gave to the world his 〃Hesperides。〃  The environments of the man were accidental and transitory。  The significant part of him we have; and that is enduring so long as wit; fancy; and melodious numbers hold a charm for mankind。      A fine thing incomparably said instantly be… comes familiar; and has henceforth a sort of dateless excellence。  Though it may have been said three hundred years ago; it is as modern as yesterday; though it may have been said yesterday; it has the trick of seeming to have been always in our keeping。  This quality of remoteness and nearness belongs; in a striking degree; to Herrick's poems。  They are as novel to…day as they were on the lips of a choice few of his contemporaries; who; in reading them in their freshness; must surely have been aware here and there of the ageless grace of old idyllic poets dead and gone。      Herrick was the bearer of no heavy message to the world; and such message as he had he was apparently in no hurry to deliver。  On this point he somewhere says:

     Let others to the printing presse run fast;      Since after death comes glory; I 'll not haste。

He had need of his patience; for he was long detained on the road by many of those obstacles that waylay poets on their journeys to the printer。      Herrick was nearly sixty years old when he published the 〃Hesperides。〃  It was; I repeat; no heavy message; and the bearer was left an unconscionable time to cool his heels in the ante… chamber。  Though his pieces had been set to music by such composers as Lawes; Ramsay; and Laniers; and his court poems had naturally won favor with the Cavalier party; Herrick cut but a small figure at the side of several of his rhyming contemporaries who are now forgotten。 It sometimes happens that the light love…song; reaching few or no ears at its first singing; out… lasts the seemingly more prosperous ode which; dealing with some passing phase of thought; social or political; gains the instant applause of the multitude。  In most cases the timely ode is somehow apt to fade with the circumstance that inspired it; and becomes the yesterday's edito… rial of literature。  Oblivion likes especially to get hold of occasional poems。  That makes it hard for feeble poets laureate。      Mr。 Henry James once characterized Al… phonse Daudet as 〃a great little novelist。〃 Robert Herrick is a great little poet。  The brev… ity of his poems; for he wrote nothing de longue haleine; would place him among the minor singers; his workmanship places him among the masters。  The Herricks were not a family of goldsmiths and lapidaries for nothing。  The accurate touch of the artificer in jewels and costly metals was one of the gifts transmitted to Robert Herrick。  Much of his work is as ex… quisite and precise as the chasing on a dagger… hilt by Cellini; the line has nearly always that vine…like fluency which seems impromptu; and is never the result of anything but austere labor。 The critic who; borrowing Milton's words; described these carefully wrought poems as 〃wood…notes wild〃 showed a singular lapse of penetration。  They are full of subtle simplicity。 Here we come across a stanza as severely cut as an antique cameothe stanza; for instance; in which the poet speaks of his lady…love's 〃win… ter face〃and there a couplet that breaks into unfading daffodils and violets。  The art; though invisible; is always there。  His amatory songs and catches are such poetry as Orlando would have liked to hang on the boughs in the forest of Arden。  None of the work is hastily done; not even that portion of it we could wish had not been done at all。  Be the motive grave or gay; it is given that faultlessness of form which distinguishes everything in literature that has survived its own period。  There is no such thing as 〃form〃 alone; it is only the close…grained material that takes the highest finish。  The struc… ture of Herrick's verse; like that of Blake; is simple to the verge of innocence。  Such rhyth… mic intricacies as those of Shelley; Tennyson; and Swinburne he never dreamed of。  But his manner has this perfection: it fits his matter as the cup of the acorn fits its meat。      Of passion; in the deeper sense; Herrick has little or none。  Here are no 〃tears from the depth of some divine despair;〃 n
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