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ponkapog papers-第19章

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y member of The Kalamazoo International Literary Associa… tion。  Possibly the honor does not take away your respiration; but you are bound by courtesy to make an acknowledgment; and you express your insincere thanks to the obliging secretary of a literary organization which does not exist anywhere on earth。      A scheme of lighter creative touch is that of the correspondent who advises you that he is replenishing his library and desires a detailed list of your works; with the respective dates of their first issue; price; style of binding; etc。  A bibliophile; you say to yourself。  These inter… rogations should of course have been addressed to your publisher; but they are addressed to you; with the stereotyped 〃thanks in advance。〃 The natural inference is that the correspondent; who writes in a brisk commercial vein; wishes to fill out his collection of your books; or; pos… sibly; to treat himself to a complete set in full crushed Levant。  Eight or ten months later this individual; having forgotten (or hoping you will not remember) that he has already de… manded a chronological list of your writings; forwards another application couched in the self…same words。  The length of time it takes him to 〃replenish〃 his library (with your books) strikes you as pathetic。  You cannot control your emotions sufficiently to pen a reply。  From a purely literary point of view this gentleman cares nothing whatever for your holograph; from a mercantile point of view he cares greatly and likes to obtain duplicate specimens; which he disposes of to dealers in such frail merchandise。      The pseudo…journalist who is engaged in preparing a critical and biographical sketch of you; and wants to incorporate; if possible; some slight hitherto unnoted event in your lifea signed photograph and a copy of your book… plate are here in orderis also a character which periodically appears upon the scene。  In this little Comedy of Deceptions there are as many players as men have fancies。      A brother slave…of…the…lamp permits me to transfer this leaf from the book of his experi… ence: 〃Not long ago the postman brought me a letter of a rather touching kind。  The unknown writer; lately a widow; and plainly a woman of refinement; had just suffered a new affliction in the loss of her little girl。  My correspondent asked me to copy for her ten or a dozen lines from a poem which I had written years before on the death of a child。  The request was so shrinkingly put; with such an appealing air of doubt as to its being heeded; that I immediately transcribed the entire poem; a matter of a hun… dred lines or so; and sent it to her。  I am unable to this day to decide whether I was wholly hurt or wholly amused when; two months afterward; I stumbled over my manuscript; with a neat price attached to it; in a second…hand book… shop。〃      Perhaps the most distressing feature of the whole business is the very poor health which seems to prevail among autograph hunters。  No other class of persons in the community shows so large a percentage of confirmed invalids。 There certainly is some mysterious connection between incipient spinal trouble and the col… lecting of autographs。  Which superinduces the other is a question for pathology。  It is a fact that one out of every eight applicants for a specimen of penmanship bases his or her claim upon the possession of some vertebral disability which leaves him or her incapable of doing anything but write to authors for their auto… graph。  Why this particular diversion should be the sole resource remains undisclosed。  But so it appears to be; and the appeal to one's sympa… thy is most direct and persuasive。  Personally; however; I have my suspicions; suspicions that are shared by several men of letters; who have come to regard this plea of invalidism; in the majority of cases; as simply the variation of a very old and familiar tune。  I firmly believe that the health of autograph hunters; as a class; is excellent。



A LITTLE over three hundred years ago England had given to her a poet of the very rarest lyrical quality; but she did not dis… cover the fact for more than a hundred and fifty years afterward。  The poet himself was aware of the fact at once; and stated it; perhaps not too modestly; in countless quatrains and couplets; which were not read; or; if read; were not much regarded at the moment。  It has al… ways been an incredulous world in this matter。 So many poets have announced their arrival; and not arrived!      Robert Herrick was descended in a direct line from an ancient family in Lincolnshire; the Eyricks; a mentionable representative of which was John Eyrick of Leicester; the poet's grand… father; admitted freeman in 1535; and afterward twice made mayor of the town。  John Eyrick or Heyrickehe spelled his name recklessly had five sons; the second of which sought a career in London; where he became a gold… smith; and in December; 1582; married Julian Stone; spinster; of Bedfordshire; a sister to Anne; Lady Soame; the wife of Sir Stephen Soame。  One of the many children of this mar… riage was Robert Herrick。      It is the common misfortune of the poet's biographers; though it was the poet's own great good fortune; that the personal interviewer was an unknown quantity at the period when Her… rick played his part on the stage of life。  Of that performance; in its intimate aspects; we have only the slightest record。      Robert Herrick was born in Wood street; Cheapside; London; in 1591; and baptized at St。 Vedast's; Foster Lane; on August 24 of that year。  He had several brothers and sisters; with whom we shall not concern ourselves。  It would be idle to add the little we know about these persons to the little we know about Herrick himself。  He is a sufficient problem without dragging in the rest of the family。      When the future lyrist was fifteen months old his father; Nicholas Herrick; made his will; and immediately fell out of an upper win… dow。  Whether or not this fall was an intended sequence to the will; the high almoner; Dr。 Fletcher; Bishop of Bristol; promptly put in his claim to the estate; 〃all goods and chattels of suicides〃 becoming his by law。  The cir… cumstances were suspicious; though not conclu… sive; and the good bishop; after long litigation; consented to refer the case to arbitrators; who awarded him two hundred and twenty pounds; thus leaving the question at issuewhether or not Herrick's death had been his own premedi… tated actstill wrapped in its original mystery。 This singular law; which had the possible effect of inducing high almoners to encourage suicide among well…to…do persons of the lower and middle classes; was afterward rescinded。      Nicholas Herrick did not leave his household destitute; for his estate amounted to five thousand pounds; that is to say; twenty…five thousand pounds in to…day's money; but there were many mouths to feed。  The poet's two uncles; Robert Herrick and William Herrick of Beaumanor; the latter subsequently knighted  for his useful… ness as jeweller and money…lender to James I。; were appointed guardians to the children。      Young Robert appears to have attended school in Westminster until his fifteenth year; when he was apprenticed to S
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