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end of the tether-第48章

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paper to her eyes fell slowly; and her slender figure in

a plain black dress walked rigidly to the window。  Her

eyes were dry: no cry of sorrow or whisper of thanks

went up to heaven from her lips。  Life had been too

hard; for all the efforts of his love。  It had silenced her

emotions。  But for the first time in all these years its

sting had departed; the carking care of poverty; the

meanness of a hard struggle for bread。  Even the image

of her husband and of her children seemed to glide away

from her into the gray twilight; it was her father's

face alone that she saw; as though he had come to see

her; always quiet and big; as she had seen him last; but

with something more august and tender in his aspect。

She slipped his folded letter between the two buttons

of her plain black bodice; and leaning her forehead

against a window…pane remained there till dusk; per…

fectly motionless; giving him all the time she could

spare。  Gone!  Was it possible?  My God; was it possi…

ble!  The blow had come softened by the spaces of the

earth; by the years of absence。  There had been whole

days when she had not thought of him at allhad no

time。  But she had loved him; she felt she had loved

him; after all。

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