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end of the tether-第39章

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all confused and mingling darkly everywhere; but low

down; amidships; a single lighted port stared out on

the night; perfectly round; like a small; full moon;

whose yellow beam caught a patch of wet mud; the

edge of trodden grass; two turns of heavy cable

wound round the foot of a thick wooden post in the


Mr。 Van Wyk; peering alongside; heard a muzzy

boastful voice apparently jeering at a person called

Prendergast。  It mouthed abuse thickly; choked; then

pronounced very distinctly the word 〃Murphy;〃 and

chuckled。  Glass tinkled tremulously。  All these sounds

came from the lighted port。  Mr。 Van Wyk hesitated;

stooped; it was impossible to look through unless he

went down into the mud。

〃Sterne;〃 he said; half aloud。

The drunken voice within said gladly

〃Sterneof course。  Look at him blink。  Look at

him!  Sterne; Whalley; Massy。  Massy; Whalley;

Sterne。  But Massy's the best。  You can't come over

him。  He would just love to see you starve。〃

Mr。 Van Wyk moved away; made out farther forward

a shadowy head stuck out from under the awnings as

if on the watch; and spoke quietly in Malay; 〃Is the

mate asleep?〃

〃No。  Here; at your service。〃

In a moment Sterne appeared; walking as noiselessly

as a cat on the wharf。

〃It's so jolly dark; and I had no idea you would be

down to…night。〃

〃What's this horrible raving?〃 asked Mr。 Van Wyk;

as if to explain the cause of a shudder than ran over

him audibly。

〃Jack's broken out on a drunk。  That's our second。

It's his way。  He will be right enough by to…morrow

afternoon; only Mr。 Massy will keep on worrying up

and down the deck。  We had better get away。〃

He muttered suggestively of a talk 〃up at the house。〃

He had long desired to effect an entrance there; but Mr。

Van Wyk nonchalantly demurred: it would not; he

feared; be quite prudent; perhaps; and the opaque

black shadow under one of the two big trees left at the

landing…place swallowed them up; impenetrably dense;

by the side of the wide river; that seemed to spin into

threads of glitter the light of a few big stars dropped

here and there upon its outspread and flowing stillness。

〃The situation is grave beyond doubt;〃 Mr。 Van Wyk

said。  Ghost…like in their white clothes they could not

distinguish each others' features; and their feet made

no sound on the soft earth。  A sort of purring was

heard。  Mr。 Sterne felt gratified by such a beginning。

〃I thought; Mr。 Van Wyk; a gentleman of your sort

would see at once how awkwardly I was situated。〃

〃Yes; very。  Obviously his health is bad。  Perhaps

he's breaking up。  I see; and he himself is well aware

I assume I am speaking to a man of sensehe is well

aware that his legs are giving out。〃

〃His legsah!〃  Mr。 Sterne was disconcerted; and

then turned sulky。  〃You may call it his legs if you

like; what I want to know is whether he intends to clear

out quietly。  That's a good one; too!  His legs!


〃Why; yes。  Only look at the way he walks。〃  Mr。

Van Wyk took him up in a perfectly cool and undoubt…

ing tone。  〃The question; however; is whether your

sense of duty does not carry you too far from your true

interest。  After all; I too could do something to serve

you。  You know who I am。〃

〃Everybody along the Straits has heard of you; sir。〃

Mr。 Van Wyk presumed that this meant something

favorable。  Sterne had a soft laugh at this pleasantry。

He should think so!  To the opening statement; that

the partnership agreement was to expire at the end of

this very trip; he gave an attentive assent。  He was

aware。  One heard of nothing else on board all the

blessed day long。  As to Massy; it was no secret that he

was in a jolly deep hole with these worn…out boilers。

He would have to borrow somewhere a couple of hun…

dred first of all to pay off the captain; and then he

would have to raise money on mortgage upon the ship

for the new boilersthat is; if he could find a lender at

all。  At best it meant loss of time; a break in the trade;

short earnings for the yearand there was always the

danger of having his connection filched away from him

by the Germans。  It was whispered about that he had

already tried two firms。  Neither would have anything

to do with him。  Ship too old; and the man too well

known in the place。 。 。 。  Mr。 Sterne's final rapid wink…

ing remained buried in the deep darkness sibilating with

his whispers。

〃Supposing; then; he got the loan;〃 Mr。 Van Wyk

resumed in a deliberate undertone; 〃on your own show…

ing he's more than likely to get a mortgagee's man

thrust upon him as captain。  For my part; I know that

I would make that very stipulation myself if I had to

find the money。  And as a matter of fact I am thinking

of doing so。  It would be worth my while in many ways。

Do you see how this would bear on the case under dis…


〃Thank you; sir。  I am sure you couldn't get any…

body that would care more for your interests。〃

〃Well; it suits my interest that Captain Whalley

should finish his time。  I shall probably take a passage

with you down the Straits。  If that can be done; I'll be

on the spot when all these changes take place; and in a

position to look after YOUR interests。〃

〃Mr。 Van Wyk; I want nothing better。  I am sure

I am infinitely 。 。 。〃

〃I take it; then; that this may be done without any


〃Well; sir; what risk there is can't be helped; but

(speaking to you as my employer now) the thing is

more safe than it looks。  If anybody had told me of it

I wouldn't have believed it; but I have been looking on

myself。  That old Serang has been trained up to the

game。  There's nothing the matter with hishis

limbs; sir。  He's got used to doing things himself in a

remarkable way。  And let me tell you; sir; that Cap…

tain Whalley; poor man; is by no means useless。  Fact。

Let me explain to you; sir。  He stiffens up that old

monkey of a Malay; who knows well enough what to do。

Why; he must have kept captain's watches in all sorts of

country ships off and on for the last five…and…twenty

years。  These natives; sir; as long as they have a white

man close at the back; will go on doing the right thing

most surprisingly welleven if left quite to themselves。

Only the white man must be of the sort to put starch

into them; and the captain is 
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