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end of the tether-第23章

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ing the passage: a clear day; just windy enough for

the sea to break on every ledge; buoying; as it were;

the channel plainly to the sight; whereas during a calm

you had nothing to depend on but the compass and the

practiced judgment of your eye。  And yet the suc…

cessive captains of the Sofala had had to take her

through at night more than once。  Nowadays you could

not afford to throw away six or seven hours of a

steamer's time。  That you couldn't。  But then use is

everything; and with proper care 。 。 。  The channel

was broad and safe enough; the main point was to hit

upon the entrance correctly in the darkfor if a man

got himself involved in that stretch of broken water

over yonder he would never get out with a whole ship

if he ever got out at all。

This was Sterne's last train of thought independent

of the great discovery。  He had just seen to the secur…

ing of the anchor; and had remained forward idling

away a moment or two。  The captain was in charge on

the bridge。  With a slight yawn he had turned away

from his survey of the sea and had leaned his shoulders

against the fish davit。

These; properly speaking; were the very last moments

of ease he was to know on board the Sofala。  All the

instants that came after were to be pregnant with pur…

pose and intolerable with perplexity。  No more idle;

random thoughts; the discovery would put them on the

rack; till sometimes he wished to goodness he had been

fool enough not to make it at all。  And yet; if his

chance to get on rested on the discovery of 〃something

wrong;〃 he could not have hoped for a greater stroke

of luck。


The knowledge was too disturbing; really。  There was

〃something wrong〃 with a vengeance; and the moral

certitude of it was at first simply frightful to contem…

plate。  Sterne had been looking aft in a mood so idle;

that for once he was thinking no harm of anyone。  His

captain on the bridge presented himself naturally to

his sight。  How insignificant; how casual was the

thought that had started the train of discoverylike an

accidental spark that suffices to ignite the charge of a

tremendous mine!

Caught under by the breeze; the awnings of the fore…

deck bellied upwards and collapsed slowly; and above

their heavy flapping the gray stuff of Captain Whalley's

roomy coat fluttered incessantly around his arms and

trunk。  He faced the wind in full light; with his great

silvery beard blown forcibly against his chest; the eye…

brows overhung heavily the shadows whence his glance

appeared to be staring ahead piercingly。  Sterne could

just detect the twin gleam of the whites shifting under

the shaggy arches of the brow。  At short range these

eyes; for all the man's affable manner; seemed to look

you through and through。  Sterne never could defend

himself from that feeling when he had occasion to speak

with his captain。  He did not like it。  What a big

heavy man he appeared up there; with that little

shrimp of a Serang in close attendanceas was usual

in this extraordinary steamer!  Confounded absurd cus…

tom that。  He resented it。  Surely the old fellow could

have looked after his ship without that loafing native

at his elbow。  Sterne wriggled his shoulders with dis…

gust。  What was it?  Indolence or what?

That old skipper must have been growing lazy for

years。  They all grew lazy out East here (Sterne was

very conscious of his own unimpaired activity); they

got slack all over。  But he towered very erect on the

bridge; and quite low by his side; as you see a small

child looking over the edge of a table; the battered soft

hat and the brown face of the Serang peeped over the

white canvas screen of the rail。

No doubt the Malay was standing back; nearer to the

wheel; but the great disparity of size in close associa…

tion amused Sterne like the observation of a bizarre fact

in nature。  They were as queer fish out of the sea as

any in it。

He saw Captain Whalley turn his head quickly to

speak to his Serang; the wind whipped the whole white

mass of the beard sideways。  He would be directing the

chap to look at the compass for him; or what not。  Of

course。  Too much trouble to step over and see for him…

self。  Sterne's scorn for that bodily indolence which

overtakes white men in the East increased on reflection。

Some of them would be utterly lost if they hadn't all

these natives at their beck and call; they grew perfectly

shameless about it too。  He was not of that sort; thank

God!  It wasn't in him to make himself dependent for

his work on any shriveled…up little Malay like that。  As

if one could ever trust a silly native for anything in

the world!  But that fine old man thought differently;

it seems。  There they were together; never far apart;

a pair of them; recalling to the mind an old whale at…

tended by a little pilot…fish。

The fancifulness of the comparison made him smile。

A whale with an inseparable pilot…fish!  That's what

the old man looked like; for it could not be said he

looked like a shark; though Mr。 Massy had called him

that very name。  But Mr。 Massy did not mind what he

said in his savage fits。  Sterne smiled to himselfand

gradually the ideas evoked by the sound; by the im…

agined shape of the word pilot…fish; the ideas of aid; of

guidance needed and received; came uppermost in his

mind: the word pilot awakened the idea of trust; of

dependence; the idea of welcome; clear…eyed help brought

to the seaman groping for the land in the dark: groping

blindly in fogs: feeling their way in the thick weather

of the gales that; filling the air with a salt mist blown

up from the sea; contract the range of sight on all

sides to a shrunken horizon that seems within reach of

the hand。

A pilot sees better than a stranger; because his local

knowledge; like a sharper vision; completes the shapes

of things hurriedly glimpsed; penetrates the veils of

mist spread over the land by the storms of the sea; de…

fines with certitude the outlines of a coast lying under

the pall of fog; the forms of landmarks half buried in a

starless night as in a shallow grave。  He recognizes be…

cause he already knows。  It is not to his far…reaching

eye but to his more extensive knowledge that the pilot

looks for certitude; for this certitude of the ship's posi…

tion on which may depend a man's good fame and the

peace of his conscience; the justification of the trust

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