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the essays of montaigne, v19-第6章

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purpose。  It would be a nameless office; otherwise it would lose its
grace and its effect; and 'tis a part that is not indifferently fit for
all men; for truth itself has not the privilege to be spoken at all times
and indiscriminately; its use; noble as it is; has its circumspections
and limits。  It often falls out; as the world goes; that a man lets it
slip into the ear of a prince; not only to no purpose; but moreover
injuriously and unjustly; and no man shall make me believe that a
virtuous remonstrance may not be viciously applied; and that the interest
of the substance is not often to give way to that of the form。

For such a purpose; I would  have a man who is content with his own

               〃Quod sit; esse velit; nihilque malit;〃

          'Who is pleased with what he is and desires nothing further。〃
          Martial; x。 ii; 18。'

and of moderate station; forasmuch as; on the one hand; he would not be
afraid to touch his master's heart to the quick; for fear by that means
of losing his preferment: and; on the other hand; being of no high
quality; he would have more easy communication with all sorts of people。
I would have this office limited to only one person; for to allow the
privilege of his liberty and privacy to many; would beget an inconvenient
irreverence; and of that one; I would above all things require the
fidelity of silence。

A king is not to be believed when he brags of his constancy in standing
the shock of the enemy for his glory; if for his profit and amendment he
cannot stand the liberty of a friend's advice; which has no other power
but to pinch his ear; the remainder of its effect being still in his own
hands。  Now; there is no condition of men whatever who stand in so great
need of true and free advice and warning; as they do: they sustain a
public life; and have to satisfy the opinion of so many spectators; that;
as those about them conceal from them whatever should divert them from
their own way; they insensibly find themselves involved in the hatred and
detestation of their people; often upon occasions which they might have
avoided without any prejudice even of their pleasures themselves; had
they been advised and set right in time。  Their favourites commonly have
more regard to themselves than to their master; and indeed it answers
with them; forasmuch as; in truth; most offices of real friendship; when
applied to the sovereign; are under a rude and dangerous hazard; so that
therein there is great need; not only of very great affection and
freedom; but of courage too。

In fine; all this hodge…podge which I scribble here; is nothing but a
register of the essays of my own life; which; for the internal soundness;
is exemplary enough to take instruction against the grain; but as to
bodily health; no man can furnish out more profitable experience than I;
who present it pure; and no way corrupted and changed by art or opinion。
Experience is properly upon its own dunghill in the subject of physic;
where reason wholly gives it place: Tiberius said that whoever had lived
twenty years ought to be responsible to himself for all things that were
hurtful or wholesome to him; and know how to order himself without

     'All that Suetonius says in his Life of Tiberius is that this
     emperor; after he was thirty years old; governed his health without
     the aid of physicians; and what Plutarch tells us; in his essay on
     the Rules and Precepts of Health; is that Tiberius said that the man
     who; having attained sixty years; held out his pulse to a physician
     was a fool。'

and he might have learned it of Socrates; who; advising his disciples to
be solicitous of their health as a chief study; added that it was hard if
a man of sense; having a care to his exercise and diet; did not better
know than any physician what was good or ill for him。  And physic itself
professes always to have experience for the test of its operations: so
Plato had reason to say that; to be a right physician; it would be
necessary that he who would become such; should first himself have passed
through all the diseases he pretends to cure; and through all the
accidents and circumstances whereof he is to judge。  'Tis but reason they
should get the pox; if they will know how to cure it; for my part;
I should put myself into such hands; the others but guide us; like him
who paints seas and rocks and ports sitting at table; and there makes the
model of a ship sailing in all security; but put him to the work itself;
he knows not at which end to begin。  They make such a description of our
maladies as a town crier does of a lost horse or dogsuch a color; such
a height; such an earbut bring it to him and he knows it not; for all
that。  If physic should one day give me some good and visible relief;
then truly I will cry out in good earnest:

               〃Tandem effcaci do manus scientiae。〃

     '〃Show me and efficacious science; and I will take it by the hand。〃
     Horace; xvii。 I。'

The arts that promise to keep our bodies and souls in health promise a
great deal; but; withal; there are none that less keep their promise。
And; in our time; those who make profession of these arts amongst us;
less manifest the effects than any other sort of men; one may say of
them; at the most; that they sell medicinal drugs; but that they are
physicians; a man cannot say。

     'The edition of 1588 adds: 〃Judging by themselves; and those
     who are ruled by them。〃'

I have lived long enough to be able to give an account of the custom that
has carried me so far; for him who has a mind to try it; as his taster;
I have made the experiment。  Here are some of the articles; as my memory
shall supply me with them; I have no custom that has not varied according
to circumstances; but I only record those that I have been best
acquainted with; and that hitherto have had the greatest possession of

My form of life is the same in sickness as in health; the same bed; the
same hours; the same meat; and even the same drink; serve me in both
conditions alike; I add nothing to them but the moderation of more or
less; according to my strength and appetite。  My health is to maintain my
wonted state without disturbance。  I see that sickness puts me off it on
one side; and if I will be ruled by the physicians; they will put me off
on the other; so that by fortune and by art I am out of my way。
I believe nothing more certainly than this; that I cannot be hurt by the
use of things to which I have been so long accustomed。  'Tis for custom
to give a form to a man's life; such as it pleases him; she is all in all
in that: 'tis the potion of Circe; that varies our nature as she best
pleases。  How many nations; and but three steps from us; think the fear
of the night…dew; that so manifestly is hurtful to us; a ridiculous
fancy; and our own watermen and peasants laugh at it。  You make a German
sick if you lay him upon a mattress; as you do an Italian if you lay him
on a feather…bed; and a Frenchman; if without curtains or fire。 A Spanish
stomach cannot hold out to eat as we can; nor ours to drink like the
Swiss。  A German made me 
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