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the essays of montaigne, v19-第17章

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grace and savour。  I; who but crawl upon the earth; hate this inhuman
wisdom; that will have us despise and hate all culture of the body; I
look upon it as an equal injustice to loath natural pleasures as to be
too much in love with them。  Xerxes was a blockhead; who; environed with
all human delights; proposed a reward to him who could find out others;
but he is not much less so who cuts off any of those pleasures that
nature has provided for him。  A man should neither pursue nor avoid them;
but receive them。  I receive them; I confess; a little too warmly and
kindly; and easily suffer myself to follow my natural propensions。  We
have no need to exaggerate their inanity; they themselves will make us
sufficiently sensible of it; thanks to our sick wet…blanket mind; that
puts us out of taste with them as with itself; it treats both itself and
all it receives; one while better; and another worse; according to its
insatiable; vagabond; and versatile essence:

         〃Sincerum est nisi vas; quodcunque infundis; acescit。〃

          '〃Unless the vessel be clean; it will sour whatever
          you put into it。〃Horace; Ep。; i。 2; 54。'

I; who boast that I so curiously and particularly embrace the
conveniences of life; find them; when I most nearly consider them; very
little more than wind。  But what?  We are all wind throughout; and;
moreover; the wind itself; more discreet than we; loves to bluster and
shift from corner to corner; and contents itself with its proper offices
without desiring stability and solidity…qualities not its own。

The pure pleasures; as well as the pure displeasures; of the imagination;
say some; are the greatest; as was expressed by the balance of
Critolaiis。  'Tis no wonder; it makes them to its own liking; and cuts
them out of the whole cloth; of this I every day see notable examples;
and; peradventure; to be desired。  But I; who am of a mixed and heavy
condition; cannot snap so soon at this one simple object; but that I
negligently suffer myself to be carried away with the present pleasures
of the; general human law; intellectually sensible; and sensibly
intellectual。  The Cyrenaic philosophers will have it that as corporal
pains; so corporal pleasures are more powerful; both as double and as
more just。  There are some; as Aristotle says; who out of a savage kind
of stupidity dislike them; and I know others who out of ambition do the
same。  Why do they not; moreover; forswear breathing?  why do they not
live of their own?  why not refuse light; because it is gratuitous; and
costs them neither invention nor exertion?  Let Mars; Pallas; or Mercury
afford them their light by which to see; instead of Venus; Ceres; and
Bacchus。  These boastful humours may counterfeit some content; for what
will not fancy do?  But as to wisdom; there is no touch of it。  Will they
not seek the quadrature of the circle; even when on their wives?  I hate
that we should be enjoined to have our minds in the clouds; when our
bodies are at table; I would not have the mind nailed there; nor wallow
there; I would have it take place there and sit; but not lie down。
Aristippus maintained nothing but the body; as if we had no soul; Zeno
comprehended only the soul; as if we had no body: both of them faultily。
Pythagoras; they say; followed a philosophy that was all contemplation;
Socrates one that was all conduct and action; Plato found a mean betwixt
the two; but they only say this for the sake of talking。  The true
temperament is found in Socrates; and; Plato is much more Socratic than
Pythagoric; and it becomes him better。  When I dance; I dance; when I
sleep; I sleep。  Nay; when I walk alone in a beautiful orchard; if my
thoughts are some part of the time taken up with external occurrences;
I some part of the time call them back again to my walk; to the orchard;
to the sweetness of that solitude; and to myself。

Nature has mother…like observed this; that the actions she has enjoined
us for our necessity should be also pleasurable to us; and she invites us
to them; not only by reason; but also by appetite; and 'tis ;injustice to
infringe her laws。  When I see alike Caesar and Alexander; in the midst
of his greatest business; so fully enjoy human and corporal pleasures; I
do not say that he relaxed his mind: I say that he strengthened it; by
vigour of courage subjecting those violent employments and laborious
thoughts to the ordinary usage of life: wise; had he believed the last
was his ordinary; the first his extraordinary; vocation。  We are great
fools。  〃He has passed his life in idleness;〃 say we: 〃I have done
nothing to…day。〃  What? have you not lived?  that is not only the
fundamental; but the most illustrious; of your occupations。  〃Had I been
put to the management of great affairs; I should have made it seen what I
could do。〃  〃Have you known how to meditate and manage your life?  you
have performed the greatest work of all。〃  In order to shew and develop
herself; nature needs only fortune; she equally manifests herself in all
stages; and behind a curtain as well as without one。  Have you known how
to regulate your conduct; you have done a great deal more than he who has
composed books。  Have you known how to take repose; you have done more
than he who has taken empires and cities。

The glorious masterpiece of man is to live to purpose; all other things:
to reign; to lay up treasure; to build; are but little appendices and
props。  I take pleasure in seeing a general of an army; at the foot of a
breach he is presently to assault; give himself up entire and free at
dinner; to talk and be merry with his friends。  And Brutus; when heaven
and earth were conspired against him and the Roman liberty; stealing some
hour of the night from his rounds to read and scan Polybius in all
security。  'Tis for little souls; buried under the weight of affairs; not
from them to know how clearly to disengage themselves; not to know how to
lay them aside and take them up again:

                   〃O fortes; pejoraque passi
                    Mecum saepe viri!  nunc vino pellite curas
                    Cras ingens iterabimus aequor。〃

     '〃O brave spirits; who have often suffered sorrow with me; drink
     cares away; tomorrow we will embark once more on the vast sea。〃
     Horace; Od。; i。 7; 30。'

Whether it be in jest or earnest; that the theological and Sorbonnical
wine; and their feasts; are turned into a proverb; I find it reasonable
they should dine so much more commodiously and pleasantly; as they have
profitably and seriously employed the morning in the exercise of their
schools。  The conscience of having well spent the other hours; is the
just and savoury sauce of the dinner…table。  The sages lived after that
manner; and that inimitable emulation to virtue; which astonishes us both
in the one and the other Cato; that humour of theirs; so severe as even
to be importunate; gently submits itself and yields to the laws of the
human condition; of Venus and Bacchus; according to the precepts of their
sect; that require the perfect sage to be as expert and intelligent in
the use of natural pleasures as in all other duties of life:

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