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robert falconer-第123章

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in the place where the tree falleth; there it shall be。

'He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the

clouds shall not reap。

'As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit; nor how the

bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou

knowest not the works of God who maketh all。

'In the morning sow thy seed; and in the evening withhold not thine

hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper; either this or

that; or whether they both shall be alike good。'

'Ay; ay; that's it;' said Dr。 Anderson。 'Weel; I maun say again that

they're ill aff for an argument that taks that for ane upo' sic a

momentous subjec'。  I prefer to say; wi' the same auld man; that I

know not the works of God who maketh all。  But I wish I could say I

believed onything for certain sure。  But whan I think aboot itwad

ye believe 't? the faith o' my father's mair to me nor ony faith o'

my ain。  That soonds strange。  But it's this: I'm positeeve that

that godly great auld man kent mair aboot a' thae thingsI cud see

't i' the face o' 'mnor ony ither man 'at ever I kent。  An' it's

no by comparison only。  I'm sure he did ken。  There was something

atween God and him。  An' I think he wasna likely to be wrang; an'

sae I tak courage to believe as muckle as I can; though maybe no sae

muckle as I fain wad。'

Robert; who from experience of himself; and the observations he had

made by the bedsides of not a few dying men and women; knew well

that nothing but the truth itself can carry its own conviction; that

the words of our Lord are a body as it were in which the spirit of

our Lord dwells; or rather the key to open the heart for the

entrance of that spirit; turned now from all argumentation to the

words of Jesus。  He himself had said of them; 'They are spirit and

they are life;' and what folly to buttress life and spirit with

other powers than their own!  From that day to the last; as often

and as long as the dying man was able to listen to him; he read from

the glad news just the words of the Lord。 As he read thus; one

fading afternoon; the doctor broke out with;

'Eh; Robert; the patience o' him!  He didna quench the smokin' flax。

There's little fire aboot me; but surely I ken in my ain hert some

o' the risin' smoke o' the sacrifice。  Eh! sic words as they are!

An' he was gaein' doon to the grave himsel'; no half my age; as

peacefu'; though the road was sae rouch; as gin he had been gaein'

hame till 's father。'

'Sae he was;' returned Robert。

'Ay; but here am I lyin' upo' my bed; slippin' easy awa。  An' there

was he'

The old man ceased。  The sacred story was too sacred for speech。

Robert sat with the New Testament open before him on the bed。

'The mair the words o' Jesus come into me;' the doctor began again;

'the surer I am o' seein' my auld Brahmin frien'; Robert。  It's true

I thought his religion not only began but ended inside him。  It was

a' a booin' doon afore and an aspirin' up into the bosom o' the

infinite God。 I dinna mean to say 'at he wasna honourable to them

aboot him。  And I never saw in him muckle o' that pride to the lave

(rest) that belangs to the Brahmin。  It was raither a stately

kin'ness than that condescension which is the vice o' Christians。

But he had naething to do wi' them。  The first comman'ment was a'

he kent。  He loved Godnae a God like Jesus Christ; but the God he

kentand that was a' he could。  The second comman'mentthat

glorious recognition o' the divine in humanity makin' 't fit and

needfu' to be loved; that claim o' God upon and for his ain bairns;

that love o' the neebour as yer'selhe didna ken。  Still there was

religion in him; and he who died for the sins o' the whole world has

surely been revealed to him lang er' noo; and throu the knowledge o'

him; he noo dwalls in that God efter whom he aspired。'

Here was the outcome of many talks which Robert and the doctor had

had together; as they laboured amongst the poor。

'Did ye never try;' Robert asked; 'to lat him ken aboot the comin'

o' God to his world in Jesus Christ?'

'I couldna do muckle that way honestly; my ain faith was sae poor

and sma'。  But I tellt him what Christians believed。  I tellt him

aboot the character and history o' Christ。  But it didna seem to tak

muckle hauld o' him。  It wasna interesstin' till him。  Just ance

whan I tellt him some things he had said aboot his relation to

Godsic as; 〃I and my Father are one;〃and aboot the relation o'

a' his disciples to God and himsel'〃I in them; and thou in me;

that they may be made perfect in one;〃 he said; wi' a smile; 〃The

man was a good Brahmin。〃

'It's little;' said Robert; 'the one great commandment can do

withoot the other。  It's little we can ken what God to love; or hoo

to love him; withoot 〃thy neighbour as thyself。〃  Ony ane o' them

withoot the ither stan's like the ae factor o' a multiplication; or

ae wing upo' a laverock (lark)。'

Towards the close of the week; he grew much feebler。  Falconer

scarcely left his room。  He woke one midnight; and murmured as

follows; with many pauses for breath and strength:

'Robert; my time's near; I'm thinkin'; for; wakin' an' sleepin'; I'm

a bairn again。  I can hardly believe whiles 'at my father hasna a

grup o' my han'。  A meenute ago I was traivellin' throu a terrible

driftin' o' snaweh; hoo it whustled and sang! and the cauld o' 't

was stingin'; but my father had a grup o' me; an' I jist despised

it; an' was stampin' 't doon wi' my wee bit feet; for I was like

saven year auld or thereaboots。  An' syne I thocht I heard my mither

singin'; and kent by that that the ither was a dream。  I'm thinkin'

a hantle 'ill luik dreamy afore lang。  Eh!  I wonner what the final

waukin' 'ill be like。'

After a pause he resumed;

'Robert; my dear boy; ye're i' the richt gait。  Haud on an' lat

naething turn ye aside。  Man; it's a great comfort to me to think

that ye're my ain flesh and blude; an' nae that far aff。  My father

an' your great…gran'father upo' the gran'mither's side war ain

brithers。  I wonner hoo far doon it wad gang。  Ye're the only ane

upo' my father's side; you and yer father; gin he be alive; that I

hae sib to me。  My will's i' the bottom drawer upo' the left han' i'

my writin' table i' the leebrary:I hae left ye ilka plack 'at I

possess。  Only there's ae thing that I want ye to do。  First o' a';

ye maun gang on as yer doin' in London for ten year mair。  Gin

deein' men hae ony o' that foresicht that's been attreebuted to them

in a' ages; it's borne in upo' me that ye wull see yer father again。

At a' events; ye'll be helpin' some ill…faured sowls to a clean

face and a bonny。  But gin ye dinna fa' in wi' yer father within ten

year; ye maun behaud a wee; an' jist pack up yer box; an' gang awa'

ower the sea to Calcutta; an' du what I hae tellt ye to do i' that

wull。  I bind ye by nae promise; Robert; an' I winna hae nane。

Things micht happen to put ye in a terr
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