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the kentons-第14章

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If it is a merit to treat a fatuous mother with deference; Bittridge had
that merit。  His deference was of the caressing and laughing sort; which
took the spectator into the joke of her peculiarities as something they
would appreciate and enjoy with him。  She had been a kittenish and petted
person in her youth; perhaps; and now she petted herself; after she had
long ceased to be a kitten。  What was respectable and what was pathetic
in her was her wish to promote her son's fortunes with the Kentons; but
she tried to do this from not a very clear understanding of her part;
apparently; and little sense of the means。  For Ellen's sake; rather than
hers; the father and mother received her overtures to their liking
kindly; they answered her patiently; and Mrs。 Kenton even tried to lead
the way for her to show herself at her best; by talking of her journey on
to New York; and of the city; and what she would see there to interest
her。  Lottie and Boyne; sternly aloof together in one of their momentary
alliances; listened to her replies with a silent contempt that almost
included their mother; Kenton bore with the woman humbly and sadly。

He was; in fact; rather bewildered with the situation; for which he felt
himself remotely if not immediately responsible。  Bittridge was there
among them not only on good terms; but apparently in the character of a
more than tolerated pretendant to Ellen's favor。  There were passages of
time is which the father was not sure that the fellow was not engaged to
his daughter; though when these instants were gone he was aware that
there had been no overt love…making between them and Bittridge had never
offered himself。  What was he doing there; then?  The judge asked himself
that; without being able to answer himself。  So far as he could make out;
his wife and he were letting him see Ellen; and show her off to his
mother; mainly to disgust her with them both; and because they were
afraid that if they denied her to him; it would be the worse for them
through her suffering。  The judge was not accustomed to apply the tests
by which people are found vulgar or not; these were not of his simple
world; all that he felt about Mrs。 Bittridge was that she was a very
foolish; false person; who was true in nothing but her admiration of her
rascal of a son; he did not think of Bittridge as a rascal violently; but
helplessly; and with a heart that melted in pity for Ellen。

He longed to have these people gone; not so much because he was so
unhappy in their presence as because he wished to learn Ellen's feeling
about them from his wife。  She would know; whether Allen said anything to
her or not。  But perhaps if Mrs。 Kenton had been asked to deliver her
mind on this point at once she would have been a little puled。  All that
she could see; and she saw it with a sinking of the heart; was that Ellen
looked more at peace than she had been since Bittridge was last in their
house at Tuskingum。  Her eyes covertly followed him as he sat talking; or
went about the room; making himself at home among them; as if he were
welcome with every one。  He joked her more than the rest; and accused her
of having become a regular New…Yorker; he said he supposed that when she
came back from Europe she would not know anybody in Tuskingum; and his
mother; playing with Ellen's fingers; as if they had been the fringe of a
tassel; declared that she must not mind him; for he carried on just so
with everybody; at the same time she ordered him to stop; or she would go
right out of the room。

She gave no other sign of going; and it was her son who had to make the
movement for her at last; she apparently did not know that it was her
part to make it。  She said that now the Kentons must come and return her
call; and be real neighborly; just the same as if they were all at home
together。  When her son shook hands with every one she did so too; and
she said to each; 〃Well; I wish you good…morning;〃 and let him push her
before him; in high delight with the joke; out of the room。

When they were gone the Kentons sat silent; Ellen with a rapt smile on
her thin; flushed face; till Lottie said; 〃You forgot to ask him if we
might BREATHE; poppa;〃 and paced out of the room in stately scorn;
followed by Boyne; who had apparently no words at the command of his dumb
rage。  Kenton wished to remain; and he looked at his wife for
instruction。  She frowned; and he took this for a sign that he had better
go; and he went with a light sigh。

He did not know what else to do with himself; and he went down to the
reading…room。  He found Bittridge there; smoking a cigar; and the young
man companionably offered to bestow one upon him; but the judge stiffly
refused; saying he did not wish to smoke just then。  He noted that
Bittridge was still in his character of family favorite; and his hand
trembled as he passed it over the smooth knob of his stick; while he sat
waiting for the fellow to take himself away。  But Bittridge had
apparently no thought of going。  He was looking at the amusements for the
evening in a paper he had bought; and he wished to consult the judge as
to which was the best theatre to go to that night; he said he wanted to
take his mother。  Kenton professed not to know much about the New York
theatres; and then Bittridge guessed he must get the clerk to tell him。 
But still he did not part with the judge。  He sat down beside him; and
told him how glad he was to see his family looking so well; especially
Miss Ellen; he could not remember ever seeing her so strong…looking。  He
said that girl had captured his mother; who was in love with pretty much
the whole Kenton family; though。

〃And by…the…way;〃 he added; 〃I want to thank you and Mrs。 Kenton; judge;
for the way you received my mother。  You made her feel that she was among
friends。  She can't talk about anything else; and I guess I sha'n't have
much trouble in making her stay in New York as long as you're here。  She
was inclined to be homesick。  The fact is; though I don't care to have it
talked about yet; and I wish you wouldn't say anything to Dick about it
when you write home; I think of settling in New York。  I've been offered
a show in the advertising department of one of the big dailiesI'm not
at liberty to say whichand it's a toss…up whether I stay here or go to
Washington; I've got a chance there; too; but it's on the staff of a new
enterprise; and I'm not sure about it。  I've brought my mother along to
let her have a look at both places; though she doesn't know it; and I'd
rather you wouldn't speak of it before her; I'm going to take her on to
Washington before we go back。  I want to have my mother with me; judge。 
It's better for a fellow to have that home…feeling in a large place from
the start; it keeps him out of a lot of things; and I don't pretend to be
better than other people; or not more superhuman。  If I've been able to
keep out of scrapes; it's more because I've had my mother near me; and I
don't intend ever to be separated from her; after this; till I have a
home of my own。  She's been the guiding…star of my life。〃

Kenton was unable to make any formal response; and; in fact; he was so
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