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is the place to and from which things are carried。 They who got

their living by teaming were said vellaturam facere。 Hence; too;

the Latin word vilis and our vile; also villain。 This suggests

what kind of degeneracy villagers are liable to。 They are wayworn

by the travel that goes by and over them; without traveling


Some do not walk at all; others walk in the highways; a few walk

across lots。 Roads are made for horses and men of business。 I do

not travel in them much; comparatively; because I am not in a

hurry to get to any tavern or grocery or livery…stable or depot

to which they lead。 I am a good horse to travel; but not from

choice a roadster。 The landscape…painter uses the figures of men

to mark a road。 He would not make that use of my figure。 I walk

out into a nature such as the old prophets and poets; Menu;

Moses; Homer; Chaucer; walked in。 You may name it America; but it

is not America; neither Americus Vespueius; nor Columbus; nor the

rest were the discoverers of it。 There is a truer amount of it in

mythology than in any history of America; so called; that I have


However; there are a few old roads that may be trodden with

profit; as if they led somewhere now that they are nearly

discontinued。 There is the Old Marlborough Road; which does not

go to Marlborough now; me… thinks; unless that is Marlborough

where it carries me。 I am the bolder to speak of it here; because

I presume that there are one or two such roads in every town。


   Where they once dug for money;

   But never found any;

   Where sometimes Martial Miles

   Singly files;

   And Elijah Wood;

   I fear for no good:

   No other man;

   Save Elisha Dugan

   O man of wild habits;

   Partridges and rabbits

   Who hast no cares

   Only to set snares;

   Who liv'st all alone;

   Close to the bone

   And where life is sweetest

   Constantly eatest。

When the spring stirs my blood

 With the instinct to travel;

 I can get enough gravel

On the Old Marlborough Road。

   Nobody repairs it;

   For nobody wears it;

   It is a living way;

   As the Christians say。

Not many there be

 Who enter therein;

Only the guests of the

 Irishman Quin。

What is it; what is it

 But a direction out there;

And the bare possibility

   Of going somewhere?

   Great guide…boards of stone;

   But travelers none;

   Cenotaphs of the towns

   Named on their crowns。

   It is worth going to see

   Where you MIGHT be。

   What king

   Did the thing;

   I am still wondering;

   Set up how or when;

   By what selectmen;

   Gourgas or Lee;

   Clark or Darby?

   They're a great endeavor

   To be something forever;

   Blank tablets of stone;

   Where a traveler might groan;

   And in one sentence

   Grave all that is known

   Which another might read;

   In his extreme need。

   I know one or two

   Lines that would do;

   Literature that might stand

   All over the land

   Which a man could remember

   Till next December;

   And read again in the spring;

   After the thawing。

If with fancy unfurled

 You leave your abode;

You may go round the world

 By the Old Marlborough Road。

At present; in this vicinity; the best part of the land is not

private property; the landscape is not owned; and the walker

enjoys comparative freedom。 But possibly the day will come when

it will be partitioned off into so…called pleasure…grounds; in

which a few will take a narrow and exclusive pleasure onlywhen

fences shall be multiplied; and man…traps and other engines

invented to confine men to the PUBLIC road; and walking over the

surface of God's earth shall be construed to mean trespassing on

some gentleman's grounds。 To enjoy a thing exclusively is

commonly to exclude yourself from the true enjoyment of it。 Let

us improve our opportunities; then; before the evil days come。

What is it that makes it so hard sometimes to determine whither

we will walk? I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in

Nature; which; if we unconsciously yield to it; will direct us

aright。 It is not indifferent to us which way we walk。 There is a

right way; but we are very liable from heedlessness and stupidity

to take the wrong one。 We would fain take that walk; never yet

taken by us through this actual world; which is perfectly

symbolical of the path which we love to travel in the interior

and ideal world; and sometimes; no doubt; we find it difficult to

choose our direction; because it does not yet exist distinctly in

our idea。

When I go out of the house for a walk; uncertain as yet whither I

will bend my steps; and submit myself to my instinct to decide

for me; I find; strange and whimsical as it may seem; that I

finally and inevitably settle southwest; toward some particular

wood or meadow or deserted pasture or hill in that direction。 My

needle is slow to settle;varies a few degrees; and does not

always point due southwest; it is true; and it has good authority

for this variation; but it always settles between west and

south…southwest。 The future lies that way to me; and the earth

seems more unexhausted and richer on that side。 The outline which

would bound my walks would be; not a circle; but a parabola; or

rather like one of those cometary orbits which have been thought

to be non…returning curves; in this case opening westward; in

which my house occupies the place of the sun。 I turn round and

round irresolute sometimes for a quarter of an hour; until I

decide; for a thousandth time; that I will walk into the

southwest or west。 Eastward I go only by force; but westward I go

free。 Thither no business leads me。 It is hard for me to believe

that I shall find fair landscapes or sufficient wildness and

freedom behind the eastern horizon。 I am not excited by the

prospect of a walk thither; but I believe that the forest which I

see in the western horizon stretches uninterruptedly toward the

setting sun; and there are no towns nor cities in it of enough

consequence to disturb me。 Let me live where I will; on this side

is the city; on that the wilderness; and ever I am leaving the

city more and more; and withdrawing into the wilderness。 I should

not lay so much stress on this fact; if I did not believe that

something like this is the prevailing tendency of my countrymen。

I must walk toward Oregon; and not toward Europe。 And that way

the nation is moving; and I may say that mankind progress from

east to west。 Within a few years we have witnessed the phenomenon

of a southeastward migration; in the settlement of Australia; but

this affects us as a retrograde movement; and; judging from the

moral and physical character of the first generation of

Australians; has not yet proved a successful experiment。 The

eastern Tartars think that there is nothing west beyond Thibet。

〃The world ends there;〃 say they; 〃beyond there is nothing but a
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