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the life of sir john oldcastle-第2章

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And so enraged; that we could not appease it。

This case concerns the King's prerogative;
And's dangerous to the State and common wealth。
Gentlemen; Justices; master Mayor; and master Shrieve;
It doth behoove us all; and each of us
In general and particular; to have care
For suppressing of all mutinies;
And all assemblies; except soldiers' musters
For the King's preparation into France。
We hear of secret conventicles made;
And there is doubt of some conspiracies;
Which may break out into rebellious arms
When the King's gone; perchance before he go:
Note as an instance; this one perilous fray;
What factions might have grown on either part;
To the destruction of the King and Realm。
Yet; in my conscience; sir John Old…castle;
Innocent of it; only his name was used。
We; therefore; from his Highness give this charge:
You; master Mayor; look to your citizens;
You; master Sheriff; unto your shire; and you
As Justices; in every one's precinct;
There be no meetings。  When the vulgar sort
Sit on their Ale…bench; with their cups and cans;
Matters of state be not their common talk;
Nor pure religion by their lips profaned。
Let us return unto the Bench again;
And there examine further of this fray。

'Enter a Bailiff and a Servant。'

Sirs; have ye taken the lord Powesse yet?

No; nor heard of him。

No; he's gone far enough。

They that are left behind shall answer all。


ACT I。 SCENE II。 Eltham。 An antechamber in the

'Enter Suffolk; Bishop of Rochester; Butler; parson of

Now; my lord Bishop; take free liberty
To speak your mind:  what is your suit to us?

My noble Lord; no more than what you know;
And have been oftentimes invested with:
Grievous complaints have past between the lips
Of envious persons to upbraid the Clergy;
Some carping at the livings which we have;
And others spurning at the ceremonies
That are of ancient custom in the church。
Amongst the which; Lord Cobham is a chief:
What inconvenience may proceed hereof;
Both to the King and to the commonwealth;
May easily be discerned; when like a frenzy
This innovation shall possess their minds。
These upstarts will have followers; to uphold
Their damned opinion; more than Harry shall
To undergo his quarrel gainst the French。

What proof is there against them to be had;
That what you say the law may justify?

They give themselves the name of Protestants;
And meet in fields and solitary groves。

Was ever heard; my Lord; the like til now?
That thieves and rebelssblood; heretics;
Plain heretics; I'll stand tooth to their teeth
Should have; to colour their vile practices;
A title of such worth as Protestant?

'Enter one with a letter。'

O; but you must not swear; it ill becomes
One of your coat to rap out bloody oaths。

Pardon him; good my Lord; it is his zeal;
An honest country prelate; who laments
To see such foul disorder in the church。

There's onethey call him Sir John Old…castle
He has not his name for naught:  for like a castle
Doth he encompass them within his walls;
But till that castle be subverted quite;
We ne'er shall be at quiet in the realm。

That is not our suit; my Lord; that he be ta'en;
And brought in question for his heresy。
Beside; two letters brought me out of Wales;
Wherein my Lord Hereford writes to me;
What tumult and sedition was begun;
About the Lord Cobham at the Sises there;
(For they had much ado the calm the rage);
And that the valiant Herbert is there slain。

A fire that must be quenched。  Well; say no more;
The King anon goes to the counsel chamber;
There to debate of matters touching France:
As he doth pass by; I'll inform his grace
Concerning your petition:  Master Butler;
If I forget; do you remember me。

I will; my Lord。

'Offer him a purse。'

Not for a recompence;
But as a token of our love to you;
By me my Lords of the clergy do present
This purse; and in it full a thousand Angels;
Praying your Lordship to accept their gift。

I thank them; my Lord Bishop; for their love;
But will not take they money; if you please
To give it to this gentleman; you may。

Sir; then we crave your furtherance herein。

The best I can; my Lord of Rochester。

Nay; pray ye take it; trust me but you shall。

Were ye all thee upon New Market heath;
You should not need strain curtsey who should ha't;
Sir John would quickly rid ye of that care。

The King is coming。  Fear ye not; my Lord;
The very first thing I will break with him
Shall be about your matter。

'Enter King Henry and Huntington in talk。'

My Lord of Suffolk;
Was it not said the Clergy did refuse
To lend us money toward our wars in France?

It was; my Lord; but very wrongfully。

I know it was; for Huntington here tells me;
They have been very bountiful of late。

And still they vow; my gracious Lord; to be so;
Hoping your majesty will think of them
As of your loving subjects; and suppress
All such malicious errors as begin
To spot their calling; and disturb the church。

God else forbid:  why; Suffolk; is there
Any new rupture to disquiet them?

No new; my Lord; the old is great enough;
And so increasing as; if not cut down;
Will breed a scandal to your royal state;
And set your Kingdom quickly in an uproar。
The Kentish knight; Lord Cobham; in despite
Of any law; or spiritual discipline;
Maintains this upstart new religion still;
And divers great assemblies by his means
And private quarrels are commenced abroad;
As by this letter more at large; my liege;
Is made apparent。

We do find it here:
There was in Wales a certain fray of late;
Between two noblemen; but what of this?
Follows it straight; Lord Cobham must be he
Did cause the same?  I dare be sworn; good knight;
He never dreamt of any such contention。

But in his name the quarrel did begin;
About the opinion which he held; my liege。

How if it did? was either he in place;
To take part with them; or abet them in it?
If brabling fellows; whose inkindled blood;
Seethes in their fiery veins; will needs go fight;
Making their quarrels of some words that past
Either of you; or you; amongst their cups;
Is the fault yours; or are they guilty of it?

With pardon of your Highness; my dread lord;
Such little sparks; neglected; may in time
Grow to a might flame:  but that's not all;
He doth; beside; maintain a strange religion;
And will not be compelled to come to mass。

We do beseech you; therefore; gracious prince;
Without offence unto your majesty;
We may be bold to use authority。

As how?

To summon him unto the Arches;
Where such offences have their punishment。

To answer personally? is that your meaning?

It is; my lord。

How; if he appeal?

He cannot; my Lord; in such a case as this。

Not where Religion is the plea; my lord。

I took it always; that our 
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