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the life of sir john oldcastle-第18章

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Deafs the loud thunder; and solicits heaven
With more than Mandrake's shrieks for your offence?

What murder? you upbraid us wrongfully。

Can you deny the fact? see you not here
The body of my son by you mis…done?
Look on his wounds; look on his purple hue:
Do we not find you where the deed was done?
Were not your knives fast closed in your hands?
Is not this cloth an argument beside;
Thus stained and spotted with his innocent blood?
These speaking characters; were nothing else
To plead against ye; would convict you both。
Bring them away; bereavers of my joy。
At Hartford; where the Sizes now are kept;
Their lives shall answer for my son's lost life。

As we are innocent; so may we speed。

As I am wronged; so may the law proceed。


ACT V。 SCENE IX。 St。 Albans。

'Enter bishop of Rochester; constable of St。 Albans;
with sir John of Wrotham; Doll his wench; and the
Irishman in Harpoole's apparel。'

What intricate confusion have we here?
Not two hours since we apprehended one;
In habit Irish; but in speech not so:
And now you bring another; that in speech
Is altogether Irish; but in habit
Seems to be English:  yea and more than so; 
The servant of that heretic Lord Cobham。

Fait; me be no servant of the lord Cobham;
Me be Mack Chane of Vister。

Otherwise called Harpoole of Kent; go to; sir;
You cannot blind us with your broken Irish。

Trust me; my Lord Bishop; whether Irish;
Or English; Harpoole or not Harpoole; that
I leave to be decided by the trial:
But sure I am this man by face and speech
Is he that murdered young sir Richard Lee
I met him presently upon the fact
And that he slew his master for that gold;
Those jewels; and that chain I took from him。

Well; our affairs do call us back to London;
So that we cannot prosecute the cause;
As we desire to do; therefore we leave
The charge with you; to see they be conveyed
To Hartford Sise:  both this counterfeit
And you; sir John of Wrotham; and your wench;
For you are culpable as well as they;
Though not for murder; yet for felony。
But since you are the means to bring to light
This graceless murder; you shall bear with you
Our letters to the Judges of the bench;
To be your friends in what they lawful may。

So; away with them。


ACT V。 SCENE X。 Hertford。 A Hall of Justice。

'Enter Gaoler and his man; bringing forth Old…castle。'

Bring forth the prisoners; see the court prepared;
The Justices are coming to the bench。
So; let him stand; away; and fetch the rest。


Oh; give me patience to endure this scourge;
Thou that art fountain of that virtuous stream;
And though contempt; false witness; and reproach
Hang on these iron gyves; to press my life
As low as earth; yet strengthen me with faith;
That I may mount in spirit above the clouds。

'Enter Gaoler; bringing in Lady Old…castle and

Here comes my lady:  sorrow; tis for her
Thy wound is grievous; else I scoff at thee。
What; and poor Harpoole! art thou ith bryars too?

Ifaith; my Lord; I am in; get out how I can。

Say; gentle Lord; for now we are alone;
And may confer; shall we confess in brief;
Of whence; and what we are; and so prevent
The accusation is commenced against us?

What will that help us? being known; sweet love;
We shall for heresy be put to death;
For so they term the religion we profess。
No; if it be ordained we must die;
And at this instant; this our comfort be;
That of the guilt imposed; our souls are free。

Yea; yea; my lord; Harpoole is so resolved。
I wreak of death the less; in that I die
Not by the sentence of that envious priest
The Bishop of Rochester:  oh; were it he;
Or by his means that I should suffer here;
It would be double torment to my soul。

Well; be it then according as heaven please。

'Enter lord Judge; two Justices; Mayor of Saint
Albans; lord Powesse and his lady; and old sir
Richard Lee:  the Judge and Justices take their

Now; Master Mayor; what gentleman is that;
You bring with you before us and the bench?

The Lord Powis; if it like your honor;
And this his Lady; travelling toward Wales;
Who; for they lodged last night within my house;
And my Lord Bishop did lay search for such;
Were very willing to come on with me;
Lest for their sakes suspicion me might wrong。

We cry your honor mercy; good my Lord;
Wilt please ye take your place。  Madame; your ladyship
May here or where you will repose your self;
Until this business now in hand be past。

I will withdraw into some other room;
So that your Lordship and the rest be pleased。

With all our hearts:  attend the Lady there。

Wife; I have eyed yond prisoners all this while;
And my conceit doth tell me; tis our friend;
The noble Cobham; and his virtuous Lady。

I think no less:  are they suspected; trow ye;
For doing of this murder?

What is means
I cannot tell; but we shall know anon。
Mean space as you pass by them; ask the question;
But do it secretly; you be not seen;
And make some sign that I may know your mind。

My Lord Cobham? madam?

'As she passeth over the stage by them。'

No Cobham now; nor madam; as you love us;
But John of Lancashire; and Ione his wife。

Oh tell; what is it that our love can do;
To pleasure you? for we are bound to you。

Nothing but this; that you conceal our names;
So; gentle lady; pass for being spied。

My heart I leave; to bear part of your grief。


Call the prisoners to the bar。  Sir Richard Lee;
What evidence can you bring against these people;
To prove them guilty of the murder done?

This bloody towel and these naked knives;
Beside we found them sitting by the place;
Where the dead body lay; within a bush。

What answer you why law should not proceed;
According to the evidence given in;
To tax ye with the penalty of death?

That we are free from murder's very thoughts;
And know not how the gentleman was slain。

How came this linen cloth so bloody then?

My husband hot with travelling; my lord;
His nose gushed out a bleeding; that was it。

But wherefore were your sharp edged knives 

To cut such simple victual as we had。

Say we admit this answer to those articles;
What made ye in so private a dark nook;
So far remote from any common path;
As was the thick where the dead corpse was thrown?

Journeying; my lord; from London from the term;
Down into Lancashire where we do dwell;
And what with age and travel being faint;
We gladly sought a place where we might rest;
Free from resort of other passengers;
And so we strayed into that secret corner。

These are but ambages to drive of time;
And linger Justice from her purposed end。
But who are these?

'Enter the Constable; bringing in the Irishman; sir
John of Wrotham; and Do
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