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the life of sir john oldcastle-第16章

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bower; hey; my brave girl。

O thou art old sir John when all's done; yfaith。


ACT V。 SCENE III。 St。 Albans。  The entrance of a
carrier's inn。

'Enter the host of the Bell with the Irish man。'

Be me tro; mester; is pore Irisman; is want ludging; is
have no money; is starve and cold:  good mester; give
her some meat; is famise and tie。

Yfaith; my fellow; I have no lodging; but what I keep
for my guess; that I may not disappoint:  as for meat
thou shalt have such as there is; & if thou wilt lie in
the barn; there's fair straw; and room enough。

Is thank my mester hartily; de straw is good bed for me。

Ho; Robin!

Who calls?

Shew this poor Irishman into the barn; go; sirra。


'Enter carrier and Kate。'

Ho; who's within here? who looks to the horses?
God's hat! here's fine work:  the hens in the manger; 
and the hogs in the litter。  A bots found you all; here's
a house well looked to; yvaith。

Mas; goffe Club; I'se very cawd。

Get in; Kate; get in to fire and warm thee。  Ho!  John

'Enter Hostler。'

What; gaffer Club? welcome to saint Albans。  How does
all our friends in Lancashire?

Well; God have mercy; John; how does Tom; where's he?

O; Tom is gone from hence; he's at the three horse…loves
at Stony…stratford。  How does old Dick Dunne?

God's hat; old Dunne has been moyerd in a slough in
Brickhill…lane; a plague found it; yonder is such
abomination weather as never was seen。

God's hat; thief; have one half peck of peas and oats more
for that:  as I am John Ostler; he has been ever as good a 
jade as ever travelled。

Faith; well said; old Jack; thou art the old lad still。

Come; Gaffer Club; unload; unload; and get to supper; and
I'll rub dun the while。  Come。


ACT V。 SCENE IV。 The same。 A room in the carrier's inn。

'Enter the host; sir John Old…castle; and Harpoole。'

Sir; you are welcome to this house; to such as here is with
all my heart; but; by the mass; I fear your lodging will be
the worst。  I have but two beds; and they are both in a
chamber; and the carrier and his daughter lies in the one;
and you and your wife must lie in the other。

In faith; sir; for my self I do not greatly pass。
My wife is weary; and would be at rest;
For we have travelled very far today;
We must be content with such as you have。

But I cannot tell how to do with your man。

What; hast thou never an empty room in thy house for me?

Not a bed; by my troth:  there came a poor Irish man; and
I lodged him in the barn; where he has fair straw; though
he have nothing else。

Well; mine host; I pray thee help me to a pair of fair
sheets; and I'll go lodge with him。

By the mass; that thou shalt; a good pair of hempen
sheets; were never lain in:  Come。


ACT V。 SCENE V。 The same。 A street。

'Enter Constable; Mayor; and Watch。'

What? have you searched the town?

All the town; sir; we have not left a house
unsearched that uses to lodge。

Surely; my lord of Rochester was then deceived;
Or ill informed of sir John Old…castle;
Or if he came this way he's past the town。
He could not else have scaped you in the search。

The privy watch hath been abroad all night;
And not a stranger lodgeth in the town
But he is known; only a lusty priest
We found in bed with a pretty wench;
That says she is his wifeyonder at the sheeres;
But we have charged the host with his forth coming
Tomorrow morning。

What think you best to do?

Faith; master mayor; here's a few straggling houses
beyond the bridge; and a little Inn where carriers use
to lodge; though I think sure he would ne'er lodge
there:  but we'll go search; & the rather; because there
came notice to the town the last night of an Irish man;
that had done a murder; whom we are to make search for。

Come; I pray you; and be circumspect。


ACT V。 SCENE VI。 The same。 Before the Carrier's Inn。
Enter Watch。

First beset the house; before you begin the search。

Content; every man take a several place。

'Here is heard a great noise within。  Keep; keep;
strike him down there; down with him''

'Enter Constable with the Irish man in Harpoole's

Come; you villainous heretic; confess where your
master is。

Vat mester?

Vat mester; you counterfeit rebel? this shall not serve
your turn。

Be sent Patrick I ha no mester。

Where's the lord Cobham; sir John Old…castle; that
lately is escaped out of the Tower?

Vat lort Cobham?

You counterfeit; this shall not serve you; we'll torture
you; we'll make you to confess where that arch…heretic;
Lord Cobham; is:  come; bind him fast。

Ahone; ahone; ahone; a Cree!

Ahone; you crafty rascal!


ACT V。 SCENE VII。 The same。 The yard of the Inn。

'Lord Cobham comes out in his gown stealing。'

Harpoole; Harpoole; I hear a marvelous noise about
the house:  God warrant us; I fear we are pursued:
what; Harpoole。

'Within。'  Who calls there?

Tis I; dost thou not hear a noise about the house?

Yes; mary; do I:zwounds; I can not find my hose;
this Irish rascal that was lodged with me all night 
hath stolen my apparel; and has left me nothing but
a lowsy mantle; and a pair of brogues。  Get up; get
up; and if the carrier and his wench be asleep; change
you with them as he hath done with me; and see if
we can escape。

'Exit lord Cobham。'

'A hoise again heard about the house; a pretty while;
then enter the Constable; meeting Harpoole in the
Irish man's apparel。'

Stand close; here comes the Irish man that did the
murther; by all tokens; this is he。

And perceiving the house beset; would get away。
Stand; sirra。

What are thou that bidst me stand?

I am the Officer; and am come to search for an Irish
man; such a villain as thy self; that hast murthered a
man this last night by the high way。

Sblood; Constable; art thou mad? am I an Irish man?

Sirra; we'll find you an Irish man before we part:  lay
hold upon him。

Make him fast。  O thou bloody rogue!

'Enter Lord Cobham and his lady in the carrier and
wenches apparel。'

What; will these Ostlers sleep all day?
Good morrow; good morrow。  Come; wench; come。
Saddle! saddle!  Now afore God too fair days; ha?

Who comes there?

Oh; tis Lancashire carrier; let him pass。

What; will no body open the gates here?
Come; let's int stable to look to our capons。

'Exeunt Cobham and his Lady。'

'The carrier calling。'

'Calling。'  Host! why ostler! zwooks; here's such a 
bomination company of boys。  A pox of this pigsty
at the house end:  it fills all the house full of fleas。
Ostler! ostler!

'Enter Ostler。'

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