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the life of sir john oldcastle-第13章

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True; I did say so; but in what respect?
Because I heard it was reported so。

Was there no other argument but that?

To clear my conscience ere I die; my lord;
I must confess; we have no other ground
But only Rumor; to accuse this lord;
Which now I see was merely fabulous。

The more pernitious you to taint him then;
Whom you knew not was faulty; yea or no。

Let this; my Lord; which I present your grace;
Speak for my loyalty:  read these articles;
And then give sentence of my life or death。

Earl Cambridge; Scroop; and Gray corrupted
With bribes from Charles of France; either to win
My Crown from me; or secretly contrive
My death by treason?  Is this possible?

There is the platform; and their hands; my lord;
Each severally subscribed to the same。

Oh never heard of; base ingratitude!
Even those I hug within my bosom most
Are readiest evermore to sting my heart。
Pardon me; Cobham; I have done thee wrong;
Hereafter I will live to make amends。
Is; then; their time of meeting no near hand?
We'll meet with them; but little for their ease;
If God permit。  Go; take these rebels hence;
Let them have martial law:  but as for thee;
Friend to thy king and country; still be free。


Be it more or less; what a world is this?
Would I had continued still of the order of knaves;
And never sought knighthood; since it costs so dear。
Sir Roger; I may thank you for all。

Now tis too late to have it remedied;
I prithee; Murley; do not urge me with it。

Will you away; and make no more to do?

Fie; paltry; paltry! to and fro; as occasion serves;
If you be so hasty; take my place。

No; good sir knight; you shall begin in your hand。

I could be glad to give my betters place。


ACT IV。 SCENE III。 Kent。 Court before lord 
Cobham's house。

'Enter Bishop; lord Warden; Cromer the Shrieve;
Lady Cob; and attendants。'

I tell ye; Lady; it's not possible
But you should know where he conveys himself;
And you have hid him in some secret place。

My Lord; believe me; as I have a soul;
I know not where my lord my husband is。

Go to; go to; ye are an heretic;
And will be forced by torture to confess;
If fair means will not serve to make ye tell。

My husband is a noble gentleman;
And need not hide himself for any fact
That ere I heard of; therefore wrong him not。

Your husband is a dangerous schismatic;
Traitor to God; the King; and common wealth:
And therefore; master Croamer; shrieve of Kent;
I charge you take her to your custody;
And seize the goods of Sir John Old…castle
To the King's use。  Let her go in no more;
To fetch so much as her apparel out。
There is your warrant from his majesty。

Good my Lord Bishop; pacify your wrath
Against the Lady。

Then let her confess
Where Old…castle her husband is concealed。

I dare engage mine honor and my life;
Poor gentlewoman; she is ignorant
And innocent of all his practises;
If any evil by him be practised。

If; my Lord Warden? nay; then I charge you;
That all the cinque Ports; whereof you are chief;
Be laid forthwith; that he escape us not。
Shew him his highness' warrant; Master Shrieve。

I am sorry for the noble gentleman

'Enter Old…castle and Harpoole。'

Peace; he comes here; now do your office。

Harpoole; what business have we here in hand?
What makes the Bishop and the Sheriff here?
I fear my coming home is dangerous;
I would I had not made such haste to Cobham。

Be of good cheer; my Lord:  if they be foes; we'll
scramble shrewdly with them:  if they be friends;
they are welcome。  One of them (my Lord Warden)
is your friend; but me thinks my lady weeps; I like
not that。

Sir John Old…castle; Lord Cobham; in the King's 
majesty's name; I arrest ye of high treason。

Treason; Master Croamer?

Treason; Master Shrieve? sblood; what treason?

Harpoole; I charge thee; stir not; but be quiet still。
Do ye arrest me; Master Shrieve; for treason?

Yea; of high treason; traitor; heretic。

Defiance in his face that calls me so。
I am as true a loyal gentleman
Unto his highness as my proudest enemy。
The King shall witness my late faithful service;
For safety of his sacred majesty。

What thou art the king's hand shall testify:
Shewt him; Lord Warden。

Jesu defend me!
Is't possible your cunning could so temper
The princely disposition of his mind;
To sign the damage of a loyal subject?
Well; the best is; it bears an antedate;
Procured by my absence; and your malice;
But I; since that; have shewd my self as true
As any churchman that dare challenge me。
Let me be brought before his majesty;
If he acquit me not; then do your worst。

We are not bound to do king offices
For any traitor; schismatic; nor heretic。
The king's hand is our warrant for our work;
Who is departed on his way for France;
And at Southhampton doth repose this night。

O that it were the blessed will of God; that thou
and I were within twenty mile of it; on Salisbury
plan!  I would lose my head if ever thou broughtst
thy head hither again。


My Lord Warden o' the cinque Ports; & my Lord of
Rochester; ye are joint Commissioners:  favor me so much;
On my expence to bring me to the king。

What; to Southhampton?

Thither; my good Lord;
And if he do not clear me of all guilt;
And all suspicion of conspiracy;
Pawning his princely warrant for my truth:
I ask no favour; but extremest torture。
Bring me; or send me to him; good my Lord:
Good my Lord Warden; Master Shrieve; entreat。

'Here the Lord Warden; and Croamer uncover
the Bishop; and secretly whispers with him。'

Come hither; ladynay; sweet wife; forbear
To heap one sorrow on another's neck:
Tis grief enough falsely to be accused;
And not permitted to acquit my self;
Do not thou with thy kind respective tears;
Torment thy husband's heart that bleeds for thee;
But be of comfort。  God hath help in store
For those that put assured trust in him。
Dear wife; if they commit me to the Tower;
Come up to London to your sister's house:
That being near me; you may comfort me。
One solace find I settled in my soul;
That I am free from treason's very thought:
Only my conscience for the Gospel's sake
Is cause of all the troubles I sustain。

O my dear Lord; what shall betide of us?
You to the Tower; and I turned out of doors;
Our substance seized unto his highness' use;
Even to the garments longing to our backs。

Patience; good madame; things at worst will mend;
And if they do not; yet our lives may end。

Urge it no more; for if an Angel spake;
I swear by sweet saint Peter's blessed keys;
First goes he to the Tower; then to the stake。

But by your leave; this warrant doth not stretch
To imprison her。

No; turn her out of doors;

'Lord Warden and Old…castle whisper。'

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