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the island pharisees-第9章

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。  。  。  I don't think I understand what you mean by 〃the healthier

people are; the more repulsive they seem to be〃; one must be healthy

to be perfect; must n't one?  I don't like unhealthy people。  I had

to play on that wretched piano after reading your letter; it made me

feel unhappy。  I've been having a splendid lot of tennis lately; got

the back…handed lifting stroke at lasthurrah!  。  。  。

By the same post; too; came the following note in an autocratic


DEAR BIRD 'for this was Shelton's college nickname';

My wife has gone down to her people; so I'm 'en garcon' for a few

days。  If you've nothing better to do; come and dine to…night at

seven; and go to the theatre。  It's ages since I saw you。

               Yours as ever;

                    B。 M。 HALIDOME。

Shelton had nothing better to do; for pleasant were his friend

Halidome's well…appointed dinners。  At seven; therefore; he went to

Chester Square。  His friend was in his study; reading Matthew Arnold

by the light of an electric lamp。  The walls of the room were hung

with costly etchings; arranged with solid and unfailing taste; from

the carving of the mantel…piece to the binding of the books; from the

miraculously…coloured meerschaums to the chased fire…irons;

everything displayed an unpretentious luxury; an order and a finish

significant of life completely under rule of thumb。  Everything had

been collected。  The collector rose as Shelton entered; a fine figure

of a man; clean shaven;with dark hair; a Roman nose; good eyes; and

the rather weighty dignity of attitude which comes from the assurance

that one is in the right。

Taking Shelton by the lapel; he drew him into the radius of the lamp;

where he examined him; smiling a slow smile。  〃Glad to see you; old

chap。  I rather like your beard;〃 he said with genial brusqueness;

and nothing; perhaps; could better have summed up his faculty for

forming independent judgments which Shelton found so admirable。  He

made no apology for the smallness of the dinner; which; consisting of

eight courses and three wines; served by a butler and one footman;

smacked of the same perfection as the furniture; in fact; he never

apologised for anything; except with a jovial brusqueness that was

worse than the offence。  The suave and reasonable weight of his

dislikes and his approvals stirred Shelton up to feel ironical and

insignificant; but whether from a sense of the solid; humane; and

healthy quality of his friend's egoism; or merely from the fact that

this friendship had been long in bottle; he did not resent his mixed


〃By the way; I congratulate you; old chap;〃 said Halidome; while

driving to the theatre; there was no vulgar hurry about his

congratulations; no more than about himself。  〃They're awfully nice

people; the Dennants。〃

A sense of having had a seal put on his choice came over Shelton。

〃Where are you going to live?  You ought to come down and live near

us; there are some ripping houses to be had down there; it's really a

ripping neighbourhood。  Have you chucked the Bar?  You ought to do

something; you know; it'll be fatal for you to have nothing to do。  I

tell you what; Bird: you ought to stand for the County Council。〃

But before Shelton had replied they reached the theatre; and their

energies were spent in sidling to their stalls。  He had time to pass

his neighbours in review before the play began。  Seated next to him

was a lady with large healthy shoulders; displayed with splendid

liberality; beyond her a husband; red…cheeked; with drooping; yellow…

grey moustache and a bald head; beyond him again two men whom he had

known at Eton。  One of them had a clean…shaved face; dark hair; and a

weather…tanned complexion; his small mouth with its upper lip pushed

out above the lower; his eyelids a little drooped over his watchful

eyes; gave him a satirical and resolute expression。  〃I've got hold

of your tail; old fellow;〃 he seemed to say; as though he were always

busy with the catching of some kind of fox。  The other's goggling

eyes rested on Shelton with a chaffing smile; his thick; sleek hair;

brushed with water and parted in the middle; his neat moustache and

admirable waistcoat; suggested the sort of dandyism that despises

women。  From his recognition of these old schoolfellows Shelton

turned to look at Halidome; who; having cleared his throat; was

staring straight before him at the curtain。  Antonia's words kept

running in her lover's head; 〃I don't like unhealthy people。〃  Well;

all these people; anyway; were healthy; they looked as if they had

defied the elements to endow them with a spark of anything but

health。  Just then the curtain rose。

Slowly; unwillingly; for he was of a trustful disposition; Shelton

recognised that this play was one of those masterpieces of the modern

drama whose characters were drawn on the principle that men were made

for morals rather than morals made by men; and he watched the play

unfold with all its careful sandwiching of grave and gay。

A married woman anxious to be ridded of her husband was the pivot of

the story; and a number of scenes; ingeniously contrived; with a

hundred reasons why this desire was wrong and inexpedient; were

revealed to Shelton's eyes。  These reasons issued mainly from the

mouth of a well…preserved old gentleman who seemed to play the part

of a sort of Moral Salesman。  He turned to Halidome and whispered:

〃Can you stand that old woman?〃

His friend fixed his fine eyes on him wonderingly。

〃What old woman?〃

〃Why; the old ass with the platitudes!〃

Halidome's countenance grew cold; a little shocked; as though he had

been assailed in person。

〃Do you mean Pirbright?〃 he said。  〃I think he's ripping。〃

Shelton turned to the play rebuffed; he felt guilty of a breach of

manners; sitting as he was in one of his friend's stalls; and he

naturally set to work to watch the play more critically than ever。

Antonia's words again recurred to him; 〃I don't like unhealthy

people;〃 and they seemed to throw a sudden light upon this play。  It

was healthy!

The scene was a drawing…room; softly lighted by electric lamps; with

a cat (Shelton could not decide whether she was real or not) asleep

upon the mat。

The husband; a thick…set; healthy man in evening dress; was drinking

off neat whisky。  He put down his tumbler; and deliberately struck a

match; then with even greater deliberation he lit a gold…tipped


Shelton was no inexperienced play…goer。  He shifted his elbows; for

he felt that something was about to happen; and when the match was

pitched into the fire; he leaned forward in his seat。  The husband

poured more whisky out; drank it at a draught; and walked towards the

door; then; turning to the audience as if to admit them to the secret

of some tremendous resolution; he puffed at them a puff of smoke。  He

left the room; returned; and once more filled his glass。  A la
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