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the island pharisees-第7章

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come backa youth of principle。  Leave a letter with me; I'm always


Shelton hesitated; but those last three words; 〃I'm always here;〃

touched him in their simplicity。  Nothing more dreadful could be


〃Can you find me a sheet of paper; then?〃 he asked; 〃please keep the

change for the trouble I am giving you。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said the Frenchman simply; 〃he told me that your heart

was good。  If you don't mind the kitchen; you could write there at

your ease。〃

Shelton wrote his letter at the table of this stone…flagged kitchen

in company with an aged; dried…up gentleman; who was muttering to

himself; and Shelton tried to avoid attracting his attention;

suspecting that he was not sober。  Just as he was about to take his

leave; however; the old fellow thus accosted him:

〃Did you ever go to the dentist; mister?〃 he said; working at a loose

tooth with his shrivelled fingers。  〃I went to a dentist once; who

professed to stop teeth without giving pain; and the beggar did stop

my teeth without pain; but did they stay in; those stoppings?  No; my

bhoy; they came out before you could say Jack Robinson。 Now; I

shimply ask you; d'you call that dentistry?〃  Fixing his eyes on

Shelton's collar; which had the misfortune to be high and clean; he

resumed with drunken scorn: 〃Ut's the same all over this pharisaical

counthry。  Talk of high morality and Anglo…Shaxon civilisation!  The

world was never at such low ebb!  Phwhat's all this morality?  Ut

stinks of the shop。  Look at the condition of Art in this counthry!

look at the fools you see upon th' stage! look at the pictures and

books that sell!  I know what I'm talking about; though I am a

sandwich man。  Phwhat's the secret of ut all?  Shop; my bhoy!  Ut

don't pay to go below a certain depth!  Scratch the skin; but pierce

utOh! dear; no!  We hate to see the blood fly; eh?〃

Shelton stood disconcerted; not knowing if he were expected to reply;

but the old gentleman; pursing up his lips; went on:

〃Sir; there are no extremes in this fog…smitten land。 Do ye think

blanks loike me ought to exist?  Whoy don't they kill us off?

Palliativespalliativesand whoy?  Because they object to th'

extreme course。  Look at women: the streets here are a scandal to the

world。  They won't recognise that they existtheir noses are so dam

high! They blink the truth in this middle…class counthry。  My bhoy〃 …

…and he whispered confidentially〃ut pays 'em。  Eh? you say; why

shouldn't they; then?〃  (But Shelton had not spoken。)  〃Well; let'em!

let 'em!。  But don't tell me that'sh morality; don't tell me that'sh

civilisation!  What can you expect in a counthry where the crimson;

emotions are never allowed to smell the air?  And what'sh the result?

My bhoy; the result is sentiment; a yellow thing with blue spots;

like a fungus or a Stilton cheese。  Go to the theatre; and see one of

these things they call plays。  Tell me; are they food for men and

women?  Why; they're pap for babes and shop…boys!  I was a blanky

actor moyself!〃

Shelton listened with mingled feelings of amusement and dismay; till

the old actor; having finished; resumed his crouching posture at the


〃You don't get dhrunk; I suppose?〃 he said suddenly〃too much of 'n

Englishman; no doubt。〃

〃Very seldom;〃 said Shelton。

〃Pity!  Think of the pleasures of oblivion!  Oi 'm dhrunk every


〃How long will you last at that rate?〃

〃There speaks the Englishman!  Why should Oi give up me only pleasure

to keep me wretched life in?  If you've anything left worth the

keeping shober for; keep shober by all means; if not; the sooner you

are dhrunk the betterthat stands to reason。〃

In the corridor Shelton asked the Frenchman where the old man came


〃Oh; and Englishman!  Yes; yes; from Belfast very drunken old man。

You are a drunken nation〃he made a motion with his hands 〃he no

longer eatsno inside left。  It is unfortunate…a man of spirit。  If

you have never seen one of these palaces; monsieur; I shall be happy

to show you over it。〃

Shelton took out his cigarette case。

〃Yes; yes;〃 said the Frenchman; making a wry nose and taking a

cigarette; 〃I'm accustomed to it。  But you're wise to fumigate the

air; one is n't in a harem。〃

And Shelton felt ashamed of his fastidiousness。

〃This;〃 said the guide; leading him up…stairs and opening a door; 〃is

a specimen of the apartments reserved for these princes of the

blood。〃  There were four empty beds on iron legs; and; with the air

of a showman; the Frenchman twitched away a dingy quilt。  〃They go

out in the mornings; earn enough to make them drunk; sleep it off;

and then begin again。  That's their life。  There are people who think

they ought to be reformed。  'Mon cher monsieur'; one must face

reality a little; even in this country。  It would be a hundred times

better for these people to spend their time reforming high Society。

Your high Society makes all these creatures; there's no harvest

without cutting stalks。  'Selon moi';〃 he continued; putting back the

quilt; and dribbling cigarette smoke through his nose; 〃there's no

grand difference between your high Society and these individuals

here; both want pleasure; both think only of themselves; which is

very natural。  One lot have had the luck; the otherwell; you see。〃

He shrugged。  〃A common set!  I've been robbed here half a dozen

times。  If you have new shoes; a good waistcoat; an overcoat; you

want eyes in the back of your head。  And they are populated!  Change

your bed; and you'll run all the dangers of not sleeping alone。

'V'la ma clientele'!  The half of them don't pay me!〃  He; snapped

his yellow sticks of fingers。  〃A penny for a shave; twopence a cut!

'Quelle vie'!  Here;〃 he continued; standing by a bed; 〃is a

gentleman who owes me fivepence。  Here's one who was a soldier; he's

done for!  All brutalised; not one with any courage left!  But;

believe me; monsieur;〃 he went on; opening another door; 〃when you

come down to houses of this sort you must have a vice; it's as

necessary as breath is to the lungs。  No matter what; you must have a

vice to give you a little solace'un peu de soulagement'。  Ah; yes!

before you judge these swine; reflect on life!  I've been through it。

Monsieur; it is not nice never to know where to get your next meal。

Gentlemen who have food in their stomachs; money in their pockets;

and know where to get more; they never think。  Why should they'pas

de danger'!  All these cages are the same。  Come down; and you shall

see the pantry。〃  He took Shelton through the kitchen; which seemed

the only sitting…room of the establishment; to an inner room

furnished with dirty cups and saucers; plates; and knives。  Another

fire was burning there。  〃We always have hot water;〃 said the

Frenchman; 〃and three times a week they make a fire down there〃he

pointed to a cellar〃for our clients to boil their vermin。  Oh; yes;

we have all the luxuries。〃

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