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the island pharisees-第59章

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card amongst his character。  A minute later he began again to nod。

The policeman passed a second time; his gaze seemed to say; 〃Now;

what's a toff doing on that seat with those two rotters?〃  And

Shelton caught his eye。

〃Ah!〃  he thought; 〃exactly!  You don't know what to make of mea

man of my position sitting here!  Poor devil! to spend your days in

spying on your fellow…creatures!  Poor devil!  But you don't know

that you 're a poor devil; and so you 're not one。〃

The man on the next bench sneezeda shrill and disapproving sneeze。

The policeman passed again; and; seeing that the lower creatures were

both dozing; he spoke to Shelton:

〃Not very safe on these 'ere benches; sir;〃 he said; 〃you never know

who you may be sittin' next to。  If I were you; sir; I should be

gettin' onif you 're not goin' to spend the night here; that is〃;

and he laughed; as at an admirable joke。

Shelton looked at him; and itched to say; 〃Why shouldn't I?〃 but it

struck him that it would sound very odd。  〃Besides;〃 he thought; 〃I

shall only catch a cold〃; and; without speaking; he left the seat;

and went along towards his rooms。



He reached his rooms at midnight so exhausted that; without waiting

to light up; he dropped into a chair。  The curtains and blinds had

been removed for cleaning; and the tall windows admitted the night's

staring gaze。  Shelton fixed his eyes on that outside darkness; as

one lost man might fix his eyes upon another。

An unaired; dusty odour clung about the room; but; like some God…sent

whiff of grass or flowers wafted to one sometimes in the streets; a

perfume came to him; the spice from the withered clove carnation

still clinging; to his button…hole; and he suddenly awoke from his。

queer trance。  There was a decision to be made。  He rose to light a

candle; the dust was thick on everything he touched。  〃Ugh!〃  he

thought; 〃how wretched!〃  and the loneliness that had seized him on

the stone seat at Holm Oaks the day before returned with fearful


On his table; heaped without order; were a pile of bills and

circulars。  He opened them; tearing at their covers with the random

haste of men back from their holidays。  A single long envelope was

placed apart。

MY DEAR DICK 'he read';

I enclose you herewith the revised draft of your marriage settlement。

It is now shipshape。  Return it before the end of the week; and I

will have it engrossed for signature。  I go to Scotland next

Wednesday for a month; shall be back in good time for your wedding。

My love to your mother when you see her。

               Your…affectionate uncle;

                         EDMUND PARAMOR。

Shelton smiled and took out the draft。

〃This Indenture made the____day of 190_; between Richard Paramor


He put it down and sank back in his chair; the chair in which the

foreign vagrant had been wont to sit on mornings when he came to

preach philosophy。

He did not stay there long; but in sheer unhappiness got up; and;

taking his candle; roamed about the room; fingering things; and

gazing in the mirror at his face; which seemed to him repulsive in

its wretchedness。  He went at last into the hall and opened the door;

to go downstairs again into the street; but the sudden certainty

that; in street or house; in town or country; he would have to take

his trouble with him; made him shut it to。  He felt in the letter…

box; drew forth a letter; and with this he went back to the sitting…


It was from Antonia。  And such was his excitement that he was forced

to take three turns between the window and the wall before he could

read; then; with a heart beating so that he could hardly hold the

paper; he began:

I was wrong to ask you to go away。  I see now that it was breaking my

promise; and I did n't mean to do that。  I don't know why things have

come to be so different。  You never think as I do about anything。

I had better tell you that that letter of Monsieur Ferrand's to

mother was impudent。  Of course you did n't know what was in it; but

when Professor Brayne was asking you about him at breakfast; I felt

that you believed that he was right and we were wrong; and I can't

understand it。  And then in the afternoon; when that woman hurt her

horse; it was all as if you were on her side。  How can you feel like


I must say this; because I don't think I ought to have asked you to

go away; and I want you to believe that I will keep my promise; or I

should feel that you and everybody else had a right to condemn me。

I was awake all last night; and have a bad headache this morning。  I

can't write any more。


His first sensation was a sort of stupefaction of relief that had in

it an element of anger。  He was reprieved!  She would not break her

promise; she considered herself bound!  In the midst of the

exaltation of this thought he smiled; and that smile was strange。

He read it through again; and; like a judge; began to weigh what she

had written; her thoughts when she was writing; the facts which had

led up to this。

The vagrant's farewell document had done the business。  True to his

fatal gift of divesting things of clothing; Ferrand had not vanished

without showing up his patron in his proper colours; even to Shelton

those colours were made plain。  Antonia had felt her lover was a

traitor。  Sounding his heart even in his stress of indecision;

Shelton knew that this was true。

〃Then in the afternoon; when that woman hurt her horse…〃  That woman!

〃It was as if you were on her side!〃

He saw too well her mind; its clear rigidity; its intuitive

perception of that with which it was not safe to sympathise; its

instinct for self…preservation; its spontaneous contempt for those

without that instinct。  And she had written these words considering

herself bound to hima man of sentiment; of rebellious sympathies;

of untidiness of principle!  Here was the answer to the question he

had asked all day: 〃How have things come to such a pass?〃 and he

began to feel compassion for her。

Poor child!  She could not jilt him; there was something vulgar in

the word!  Never should it be said that Antonia Dennant had accented

him and thrown him over。  No lady did these things!  They were

impossible!  At the bottom of his heart he had a queer; unconscious

sympathy with; this impossibility。

Once again he read the letter; which seemed now impregnated with

fresh meaning; and the anger which had mingled with his first

sensation of relief detached itself and grew in force。  In that

letter there was something tyrannous; a denial of his right to have a

separate point of view。  It was like a finger pointed at him as an

unsound person。  In marrying her he would be marrying not only her;

but her classhis class。  She would be there always to make him look

on her and on himself; and all the people that they knew a
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