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the island pharisees-第56章

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breath; she had not heard him。  He crept up close behind the trunk

till he stood in touch of her。  〃I mustn't startle her;〃 he thought。


There was a faint stir in the hammock; but no answer。  He stood over

her; but even then he could not see her face; he only; had a sense of

something breathing and alive within a yard of himof something warm

and soft。  He whispered again; 〃Antonia!〃 but again there came no

answer; and a sort of fear and frenzy seized on him。  He could no

longer hear her breathe; the creaking of the branch had ceased。  What

was passing in that silent; living creature there so close?  And then

he heard again the sound of breathing; quick and scared; like the

fluttering of a bird; in a moment he was staring in the dark at an

empty hammock。

He stayed beside the empty hammock till he could bear uncertainty no

longer。  But as he crossed the lawn the sky was rent from end to end

by jagged lightning; rain spattered him from head to foot; and with a

deafening crack the thunder broke。

He sought the smoking…room; but; recoiling at the door; went to his

own room; and threw himself down on the bed。  The thunder groaned and

sputtered in long volleys; the lightning showed him the shapes of

things within the room; with a weird distinctness that rent from them

all likeness to the purpose they were made for; bereaved them of

utility; of their matter…of…factness; presented them as skeletons;

abstractions; with indecency in their appearance; like the naked

nerves and sinews of a leg preserved in; spirit。  The sound of the

rain against the house stunned his power of thinking; he rose to shut

his windows; then; returning to his bed; threw himself down again。

He stayed there till the storm was over; in a kind of stupor; but

when the boom of the retreating thunder grew every minute less

distinct; he rose。  Then for the first time he saw something white

close by the door。

It was a note:

I have made a mistake。  Please forgive me; and go away。ANTONIA。



When he had read this note; Shelton put it down beside his sleeve…

links on his dressing table; stared in the mirror at himself; and

laughed。 But his lips soon stopped him laughing; he threw himself

upon his bed and pressed his face into the pillows。  He lay there

half…dressed throughout the night; and when he rose; soon after dawn;

he had not made his mind up what to do。  The only thing he knew for

certain was that he must not meet Antonia。

At last he penned the following:

I have had a sleepless night with toothache; and think it best to run

up to the dentist at once。  If a tooth must come out; the sooner the


He addressed it to Mrs。 Dennant; and left it on his table。  After

doing this he threw himself once more upon his bed; and this time

fell into a doze。

He woke with a start; dressed; and let himself quietly out。  The

likeness of his going to that of Ferrand struck him。  〃Both outcasts

now;〃 he thought。

He tramped on till noon without knowing or caring where he went;

then; entering a field; threw himself down under the hedge; and fell


He was awakened by a whirr。  A covey of partridges; with wings

glistening in the sun; were straggling out across the adjoining field

of mustard。  They soon settled in the old…maidish way of partridges;

and began to call upon each other。

Some cattle had approached him in his sleep; and a beautiful bay cow;

with her head turned sideways; was snuffing at him gently; exhaling

her peculiar sweetness。  She was as fine in legs and coat as any

race…horse。  She dribbled at the corners of her black; moist lips;

her eye was soft and cynical。  Breathing the vague sweetness of the

mustard…field; rubbing dry grasp…stalks in his fingers; Shelton had a

moment's happinessthe happiness of sun and sky; of the eternal

quiet; and untold movements of the fields。  Why could not human

beings let their troubles be as this cow left the flies that clung

about her eyes?  He dozed again; and woke up with a laugh; for this

was what he dreamed:

He fancied he was in a room; at once the hall and drawing…room of

some country house。  In the centre of this room a lady stood; who was

looking in a hand…glass at her face。  Beyond a door or window could

be seen a garden with a row of statues; and through this door people

passed without apparent object。

Suddenly Shelton saw his mother advancing to the lady with the hand…

glass; whom now he recognised as Mrs。 Foliot。  But; as he looked; his

mother changed to Mrs。 Dennant; and began speaking in a voice that

was a sort of abstract of refinement。  〃Je fais de la philosophic;〃

it said; 〃I take the individual for what she's worth。  I do not

condemn; above all; one must have spirit!〃  The lady with the mirror

continued looking in the glass; and; though he could not see her

face; he could see its image…pale; with greenish eyes; and a smile

like scorn itself。  Then; by a swift transition; he was walking in

the garden talking to Mrs。 Dennant。

It was from this talk that he awoke with laughter。  〃But;〃 she had

been saying; 〃Dick; I've always been accustomed to believe what I was

told。  It was so unkind of her to scorn me just because I happen to

be second…hand。〃  And her voice awakened Shelton's pity; it was like

a frightened child's。  〃I don't know what I shall do if I have to

form opinions for myself。  I was n't brought up to it。  I 've always

had them nice and secondhand。  How am I to go to work?  One must

believe what other people do; not that I think much of other people;

but; you do know what it isone feels so much more comfortable;〃 and

her skirts rustled。  〃But; Dick; whatever happens〃her voice

entreated〃do let Antonia get her judgments secondhand。  Never mind

for meif I must form opinions for myself; I mustbut don't let

her; any old opinions so long as they are old。  It 's dreadful to

have to think out new ones for oneself。〃  And he awoke。  His dream

had had in it the element called Art; for; in its gross absurdity;

Mrs。 Dennant had said things that showed her soul more fully than

anything she would have said in life。

〃No;〃 said a voice quite close; behind the hedge; 〃not many

Frenchmen; thank the Lord!  A few coveys of Hungarians over from the

Duke's。  Sir James; some pie?〃

Shelton raised himself with drowsy curiositystill half asleepand

applied his face to a gap in the high; thick osiers of the hedge。

Four men were seated on camp…stools round a folding…table; on which

was a pie and other things to eat。  A game…cart; well…adorned with

birds and hares; stood at a short distance; the tails of some dogs

were seen moving humbly; and a valet opening bottles。  Shelton had

forgotten that it was 〃the first。〃  The host was a soldierly and

freckled man; an older man sat next him; square…jawed; with an

absent…looking eye and sharpened nose; next him; again; there was a

bearded person w
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