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the island pharisees-第53章

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filled with French coffee; Mrs。 Dennant; who had placed four eggs in

a German egg…boiler; said 〃Good…morning;〃 with a kindly smile。

〃Dick; an egg?〃 she asked him; holding up a fifth。

〃No; thank you;〃 replied Shelton; greeting the table and fitting


He was a little late; the buzz of conversation rose hilariously


〃My dear;〃 continued Mr。 Dennant; who was talking to his youngest

daughter; 〃you'll have no chance whatevernot the least little bit

of chance。〃

〃Father; what nonsense!  You know we shall beat your heads off!〃

〃Before it 's too late; then; I will eat a muffin。  Shelton; pass the

muffins!  〃But in making this request; Mr。 Dennant avoided looking in

his face。

Antonia; too; seemed to keep her eyes away from him。  She was talking

to a Connoisseur on Art of supernatural appearances; and seemed in

the highest spirits。  Shelton rose; and; going to the sideboard;

helped himself to grouse。

〃Who was the young man I saw yesterday on the lawn?〃 he heard the

Connoisseur remark。  〃Struck me as having anerquite intelligent


His own intelligent physiog; raised at a slight slant so that he

might look the better through his nose…nippers; was the very pattern

of approval。  〃It's curious how one's always meeting with

intelligence;〃 it seemed to say。  Mrs。 Dennant paused in the act of

adding cream; and Shelton scrutinised her face; it was hare…like; and

superior as ever。  Thank goodness she had smelt no rat!  He felt

strangely disappointed。

〃You mean Monsieur Ferrand; teachin' Toddles French?  Dobson; the

Professor's cup。〃

〃I hope I shall see him again;〃 cooed the Connoisseur; 〃he was quite

interesting on the subject of young German working men。  It seems

they tramp from place to place to learn their trades。  What

nationality was he; may I ask?〃

Mr。 Dennant; of whom he asked this question; lifted his brows; and


〃Ask Shelton。〃

〃Half Dutch; half French。〃

〃Very interesting breed; I hope I shall see him again。〃

〃Well; you won't;〃 said Thea suddenly; 〃he's gone。〃

Shelton saw that their good breeding alone prevented all from adding;

〃And thank goodness; too!〃

〃Gone?  Dear me; it's very〃

〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Dennant; 〃very sudden。〃

〃Now; Algie;〃 murmured Mrs。 Dennant; 〃it 's quite a charmin' letter。

Must have taken the poor young man an hour to write。〃

〃Oh; mother!〃 cried Antonia。

And Shelton felt his face go crimson。  He had suddenly remembered

that her French was better than her mother's。

〃He seems to have had a singular experience;〃 said the Connoisseur。

〃Yes;〃 echoed Mr。 Dennant; 〃he 's had some singular experience。  If

you want to know the details; ask friend Shelton; it's quite

romantic。  In the meantime; my dear; another cup?〃

The Connoisseur; never quite devoid of absent…minded malice; spurred

his curiosity to a further effort; and; turning his well…defended

eyes on Shelton; murmured;

〃Well; Mr。 Shelton; you are the historian; it seems。〃

〃There is no history;〃 said Shelton; without looking up。

〃Ah; that's very dull;〃 remarked the Connoisseur。

〃My dear Dick;〃 said Mrs。 Dennant; 〃that was really a most touchin'

story about his goin' without food in Paris。〃

Shelton shot another look at Antonia; her face was frigid。  〃I hate

your d…d superiority!〃 he thought; staring at the Connoisseur。

〃There's nothing;〃 said that gentleman; 〃more enthralling than

starvation。  Come; Mr Shelton。〃

〃I can't tell stories;〃 said Shelton; 〃never could。〃

He cared not a straw for Ferrand; his coming; going; or his history;

for; looking at Antonia; his heart was heavy。



The morning was sultry; brooding; steamy。  Antonia was at her music;

and from the room where Shelton tried to fix attention on a book he

could hear her practising her scales with a cold fury that cast an

added gloom upon his spirit。  He did not see her until lunch; and

then she again sat next the Connoisseur。  Her cheeks were pale; but

there was something feverish in her chatter to her neighbour; she

still refused to look at Shelton。  He felt very miserable。  After

lunch; when most of them had left the table; the rest fell to

discussing country neighbours。

〃Of course;〃 said Mrs。 Dennant; 〃there are the Foliots; but nobody

calls on them。〃

〃Ah!〃 said the Connoisseur; 〃the Foliotsthe Foliotsthe people

erwhoquite so!〃

〃It's really distressin'; she looks so sweet ridin' about。  Many

people with worse stories get called on;〃 continued Mrs。 Dennant;

with that large frankness of intrusion upon doubtful subjects which

may be made by certain people in a certain way;〃 but; after all; one

couldn't ask them to meet anybody。〃

〃No;〃 the Connoisseur assented。  〃I used to know Foliot。  Thousand

pities。  They say she was a very pretty woman。〃

〃Oh; not pretty!〃  said Mrs。 Dennant! 〃more interestin than pretty; I

should say。〃

Shelton; who knew the lady slightly; noticed that they spoke of her

as in the past。  He did not look towards Antonia; for; though a

little troubled at her presence while such a subject was discussed;

he hated his conviction that her face; was as unruffled as though the

Foliots had been a separate species。  There was; in fact; a curiosity

about her eyes; a faint impatience on her lips; she was rolling

little crumbs of bread。  Suddenly yawning; she muttered some remark;

and rose。  Shelton stopped her at the door。

〃Where are you going?〃

〃For a walk。〃

〃May n't I come?〃。

She shook her head。

〃I 'm going to take Toddles。〃

Shelton held the door open; and went back to the table。

〃Yes;〃 the Connoisseur said; sipping at his sherry; 〃I 'm afraid it's

all over with young Foliot。〃

〃Such a pity!〃 murmured Mrs。 Dennant; and her kindly face looked

quite disturbed。  〃I've known him ever since he was a boy。  Of

course; I think he made a great mistake to bring her down here。  Not

even bein' able to get married makes it doubly awkward。  Oh; I think

he made a great mistake!〃

〃Ah!〃 said the Connoisseur; 〃but d' you suppose that makes much

difference?  Even if What 'shis…name gave her a divorce; I don't

think; don't you know; that〃

〃Oh; it does!  So many people would be inclined to look over it in

time。  But as it is it's hopeless; quite。  So very awkward for

people; too; meetin' them about。  The Telfords and the Butterwicks

by the way; they're comin' here to dine to…nightlive near them;

don't you know。〃

〃Did you ever meet her before…er…before the flood?〃 the Connoisseur

inquired; and his lips parting and unexpectedly revealing teeth gave

him a shadowy resemblance to a goat。

〃Yes; I did meet her once at the Branksomes'。  I thought her quite a

charmin' person。〃

〃Poor fellow!〃  said the Connoisseur; 〃they tell me he was going to

take the hounds。〃

〃And there are his de
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