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the island pharisees-第50章

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his pale brown face; it could be seen that Algernon Cuffe Dennant;

Esq。; J。P。; accustomed to laugh at other people; suspected that he

was being laughed at。  What more natural than that he should grope

about to see how this could be?  A vagrant alien was making himself

felt by an English Justice of the Peaceno small tribute; this; to

Ferrand's personality。  The latter would sit silent through a meal;

and yet make his effect。  He; the object of their kindness;

education; patronage; inspired their fear。  There was no longer any

doubt; it was not of Ferrand that they were afraid; but of what they

did not understand in him; of horrid subtleties meandering in the

brain under that straight; wet…looking hair; of something bizarre

popping from the curving lips below that thin; lopsided nose。

But to Shelton in this; as in all else; Antonia was what mattered。

At first; anxious to show her lover that she trusted him; she seemed

never tired of doing things for his young protege; as though she too

had set her heart on his salvation; but; watching her eyes when they

rested on the vagabond; Shelton was perpetually reminded of her

saying on the first day of his visit to Holm Oaks; 〃I suppose he 's

really goodI mean all these things you told me about were only。。。。〃

Curiosity never left her glance; nor did that story of his four days'

starving leave her mind; a sentimental picturesqueness clung about

that incident more valuable by far than this mere human being with

whom she had so strangely come in contact。  She watched Ferrand; and

Shelton watched her。  If he had been told that he was watching her;

he would have denied it in good faith; but he was bound to watch her;

to find out with what eyes she viewed this visitor who embodied all

the rebellious under…side of life; all that was absent in herself。

〃Dick;〃 she said to him one day; 〃you never talk to me of Monsieur


〃Do you want to talk of him?〃

〃Don't you think that he's improved?〃

〃He's fatter。〃

Antonia looked grave。

〃No; but really?〃

〃I don't know;〃 said Shelton; 〃I can't judge him。〃

Antonia turned her face away; and something in her attitude alarmed


〃He was once a sort of gentleman;〃 she said; 〃why shouldn't he become

one again?〃

Sitting on the low wall of the kitchen…garden; her head was framed by

golden plums。  The sun lay barred behind the foliage of the holm oak;

but a little patch filtering through a gap had rested in the plum…

tree's heart。  It crowned the girl。  Her raiment; the dark leaves;

the red wall; the golden plums; were woven by the passing glow to a

block of pagan colour。  And her face above it; chaste; serene; was

like the scentless summer evening。  A bird amongst the currant bushes

kept a little chant vibrating; and all the plum…tree's shape and

colour seemed alive。

〃Perhaps he does n't want to be a gentleman;〃 said Shelton。

Antonia swung her foot。

〃How can he help wanting to?〃

〃He may have a different philosophy of life。〃

Antonia was slow to answer。

〃I know nothing about philosophies of life;〃 she said at last。

Shelton answered coldly;

〃No two people have the same。〃

With the falling sun…glow the charm passed off the tree。  Chilled and

harder; yet less deep; it was no more a block of woven colour; warm

and impassive; like a southern goddess; it was now a northern tree;

with a grey light through its leaves。

〃I don't understand you in the least;〃 she said; 〃everyone wishes to

be good。〃

〃And safe?〃 asked Shelton gently。

Antonia stared。

〃Suppose;〃 he said〃I don't pretend to know; I only supposewhat

Ferrand really cares for is doing things differently from other

people?  If you were to load him with a character and give him money

on condition that he acted as we all act; do you think he would

accept it?〃

〃Why not?〃

〃Why are n't cats dogs; or pagans Christians?〃

Antonia slid down from the wall。

〃You don't seem to think there 's any use in trying;〃 she said; and

turned away。

Shelton made a movement as if he would go after her; and then stood

still; watching her figure slowly pass; her head outlined above the

wall; her hands turned back across her narrow hips。  She halted at

the bend; looked back; then; with an impatient gesture; disappeared。

Antonia was slipping from him!

A moment's vision from without himself would have shown him that it

was he who moved and she who was standing still; like the figure of

one watching the passage of a stream with clear; direct; and sullen




One day towards the end of August Shelton took Antonia on the river

the river that; like soft music; soothes the land; the river of the

reeds and poplars; the silver swan…sails; sun and moon; woods; and

the white slumbrous clouds; where cuckoos; and the wind; the pigeons;

and the weirs are always singing; and in the flash of naked bodies;

the play of waterlily leaves; queer goblin stumps; and the twilight

faces of the twisted tree…roots; Pan lives once more。

The reach which Shelton chose was innocent of launches; champagne

bottles and loud laughter; it was uncivilised; and seldom troubled by

these humanising influences。  He paddled slowly; silent and absorbed;

watching Antonia。  An unaccustomed languor clung about her; her eyes

had shadows; as though she had not slept; colour glowed softly in her

cheeks; her frock seemed all alight with golden radiance。  She made

Shelton pull into the reeds; and plucked two rounded lilies sailing

like ships against slow…moving water。

〃Pull into the shade; please;〃 she said; it's too hot out here。〃

The brim of her linen hat kept the sun from her face; but her head

was drooping like a flower's head at noon。

Shelton saw that the heat was really harming her; as too hot a day

will dim the icy freshness of a northern plant。  He dipped his

sculls; the ripples started out and swam in grave diminuendo till

they touched the banks。

He shot the boat into a cleft; and caught the branches of an

overhanging tree。  The skiff rested; balancing with mutinous

vibration; like a living thing。

〃I should hate to live in London;〃 said Antonia suddenly;〃 the slums

must be so awful。  What a pity; when there are places like this!  But

it's no good thinking。〃

〃No;〃 answered Shelton slowly!  〃I suppose it is no good。〃

〃There are some bad cottages at the lower end of Cross Eaton。  I went

them one day with Miss Truecote。  The people won't help themselves。

It's so discouraging to help people who won't help themselves。〃

She was leaning her elbows on her knees; and; with her chin resting

on her hands; gazed up at Shelton。  All around them hung a tent of

soft; thick leaves; and; below; the water was deep…dyed with green

refraction。  Willow boughs; swaying above the boat; caressed

Antonia's arms and shoulders; her face and hair al
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