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the island pharisees-第5章

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He found her at one of those exclusive hostelries amongst the pines

where the best English go; in common with Americans; Russian

princesses; and Jewish families; he would not have been shocked to

find her elsewhere; but he would have been surprised。  His sunburnt

face and the new beard; on which he set some undefined value;

apologetically displayed; were scanned by those blue eyes with rapid

glances; at once more friendly and less friendly。  〃Ah!〃 they seemed

to say; 〃here you are; how glad I am!  Butwhat now?〃

He was admitted to their sacred table at the table d'hote; a snowy

oblong in an airy alcove; where the Honourable Mrs。 Dennant; Miss

Dennant; and the Honourable Charlotte Penguin; a maiden aunt with

insufficient lungs; sat twice a day in their own atmosphere。  A

momentary weakness came on Shelton the first time he saw them sitting

there at lunch。  What was it gave them their look of strange

detachment?  Mrs。 Dennant was bending above a camera。

〃I'm afraid; d' you know; it's under…exposed;〃 she said。

〃What a pity!  The kitten was rather nice!〃  The maiden aunt; placing

the knitting of a red silk tie beside her plate; turned her aspiring;

well…bred gaze on Shelton。

〃Look; Auntie;〃 said Antonia in her clear; quick voice; 〃there's the

funny little man again!〃

〃Oh;〃 said the maiden aunta smile revealed her upper teeth; she

looked for the funny little man (who was not English)〃he's rather


Shelton did not look for the funny little man; he stole a glance that

barely reached Antonia's brow; where her eyebrows took their tiny

upward slant at the outer corners; and her hair was still ruffled by

a windy walk。  From that moment he became her slave。

〃Mr。 Shelton; do you know anything about these periscopic

binoculars?〃 said Mrs。 Dennant's voice; 〃they're splendid for

buildin's; but buildin's are so disappointin'。  The thing is to get

human interest; isn't it?〃 and her glance wandered absently past

Shelton in search of human interest。

〃You haven't put down what you've taken; mother。〃

》From a little leather bag Mrs。 Dennant took a little leather book。

〃It's so easy to forget what they're about;〃 she said; 〃that's so


Shelton was not again visited by his uneasiness at their detachment;

he accepted them and all their works; for there was something quite

sublime about the way that they would leave the dining…room;

unconscious that they themselves were funny to all the people they

had found so funny while they had been sitting there; and he would

follow them out unnecessarily upright and feeling like a fool。

In the ensuing fortnight; chaperoned by the maiden aunt; for Mrs。

Dennant disliked driving; he sat opposite to Antonia during many

drives; he played sets of tennis with her; but it was in the evenings

after dinnerthose long evenings on a parquet floor in wicker chairs

dragged as far as might be from the heating apparatusthat he seemed

so very near her。  The community of isolation drew them closer。  In

place of a companion he had assumed the part of friend; to whom she

could confide all her home…sick aspirations。  So that; even when she

was sitting silent; a slim; long foot stretched out in front; bending

with an air of cool absorption over some pencil sketches which she

would not show himeven then; by her very attitude; by the sweet

freshness that clung about her; by her quick; offended glances at the

strange persons round; she seemed to acknowledge in some secret way

that he was necessary。  He was far from realising this; his

intellectual and observant parts were hypnotised and fascinated even

by her failings。  The faint freckling across her nose; the slim and

virginal severeness of her figure; with its narrow hips and arms; the

curve of her long neck…all were added charms。  She had the wind and

rain look; a taste of home; and over the glaring roads; where the

palm…tree shadows lay so black; she seemed to pass like the very

image of an English day。

One afternoon he had taken her to play tennis with some friends; and

afterwards they strolled on to her favourite view。  Down the Toulon

road gardens and hills were bathed in the colour of ripe apricot; an

evening crispness had stolen on the air; the blood; released from the

sun's numbing; ran gladly in the veins。  On the right hand of the

road was a Frenchman playing bowls。  Enormous; busy; pleased; and

upright as a soldier; pathetically trotting his vast carcass from end

to end; he delighted Shelton。  But Antonia threw a single look at the

huge creature; and her face expressed disgust。  She began running up

towards the ruined tower。

Shelton let her keep in front; watching her leap from stone to stone

and throw back defiant glances when he pressed behind。  She stood at

the top; and he looked up at her。  Over the world; gloriously spread

below; she; like a statue; seemed to rule。  The colour was brilliant

in her cheeks; her young bosom heaved; her eyes shone; and the

flowing droop of her long; full sleeves gave to her poised figure the

look of one who flies。  He pulled himself up and stood beside her;

his heart choked him; all the colour had left his cheeks。

〃Antonia;〃 he said; 〃I love you。〃

She started; as if his whisper had intruded on her thoughts; but his

face must have expressed his hunger; for the resentment in her eyes


They stood for several minutes without speaking; and then went home。

Shelton painfully revolved the riddle of the colour in her face。  Had

he a chance then?  Was it possible?  That evening the instinct

vouchsafed at times to lovers in place of reason caused him to pack

his bag and go to Cannes。  On returning; two days later; and

approaching the group in the centre of the Winter Garden; the voice

of the maiden aunt reading aloud an extract from the Morning Post

reached him across the room。

〃Don't you think that's rather nice?〃 he heard her ask; and then:

〃Oh; here you aye!  It's very nice to see you back!〃

Shelton slipped into a wicker chair。  Antonia looked up quickly from

her sketch…book; put out a hand; but did not speak。

He watched her bending head; and his eagerness was changed to gloom。

With desperate vivacity he sustained the five intolerable minutes of

inquiry; where had he been; what had he been doing?  Then once again

the maiden aunt commenced her extracts from the Morning Post。

A touch on his sleeve startled him。  Antonia was leaning forward; her

cheeks were crimson above the pallor of her neck。

〃Would you like to see my sketches?〃

To Shelton; bending above those sketches; that drawl of the well…bred

maiden aunt intoning the well…bred paper was the most pleasant sound

that he had ever listened to。

〃My dear Dick;〃 Mrs。 Dennant said to him a fortnight later; 〃we would

rather; after you leave here; that you don't see each other again

until July。  Of course I know you count it an engagement and all

that; and every
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