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the island pharisees-第49章

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a curious face。〃

〃You think so?〃 said Shelton; interested。  〃He's had a curious life。〃

The traveller spread his hands; palms downwards; on the grass and

looked at Shelton with; a smile。

〃I should say he was a rolling stone;〃 he said。  〃It 's odd; I' ve

seen white men in Central Africa with a good deal of his look about


〃Your diagnosis is a good one;〃 answered Shelton。

〃I 'm always sorry for those fellows。  There's generally some good in

them。  They are their own enemies。  A bad business to be unable to

take pride in anything one does!〃  And there was a look of pity on

his face。

〃That's exactly it;〃 said Shelton。  〃I 've often tried to put it into

words。  Is it incurable?〃

〃I think so。〃

〃Can you tell me why?〃

Whyddon pondered。

〃I rather think;〃 he said at last; 〃it must be because they have too

strong a faculty of criticism。  You can't teach a man to be proud of

his own work; that lies in his blood 〃; folding his arms across his

breast; he heaved a sigh。  Under the dark foliage; his eyes on the

sunlight; he was the type of all those Englishmen who keep their

spirits bright and wear their bodies out in the dark places of hard

work。  〃You can't think;〃 he said; showing his teeth in a smile; 〃how

delightful it is to be at home!  You learn to love the old country

when you're away from it。〃

Shelton often thought; afterwards; of this diagnosis of the vagabond;

for he was always stumbling on instances of that power of subtle

criticism which was the young foreigner's prime claim to be 〃a most

awfully interesting〃 and perhaps a rather shocking person。

An old school…fellow of Shelton's and his wife were staying in the

house; who offered to the eye the picture of a perfect domesticity。

Passionless and smiling; it was impossible to imagine they could ever

have a difference。  Shelton; whose bedroom was next to theirs; could

hear them in the mornings talking in exactly the tones they used at

lunch; and laughing the same laughs。  Their life seemed to accord

them perfect satisfaction; they were supplied with their convictions

by Society just as; when at home; they were supplied with all the

other necessaries of life by some co…operative stores。  Their fairly

handsome faces; with the fairly kind expressions; quickly and

carefully regulated by a sense of compromise; began to worry him so

much that when in the same room he would even read to avoid the need

of looking at them。  And yet they were kindthat is; fairly kind

and clean and quiet in the house; except when they laughed; which was

often; and at things which made him want to howl as a dog howls at


〃Mr。 Shelton;〃 Ferrand said one day; 〃I 'm not an amateur of

marriagenever had the chance; as you may well suppose; but; in any

case; you have some people in the house who would make me mark time

before I went committing it。  They seem the ideal young married

peopledon't quarrel; have perfect health; agree with everybody; go

to church; have childrenbut I should like to hear what is beautiful

in their life;〃 and he grimaced。  〃It seems to me so ugly that I can

only gasp。  I would much rather they ill…treated each other; just to

show they had the corner of a soul between them。  If that is

marriage; 'Dieu m'en garde!'〃

But Shelton did not answer; he was thinking deeply。

The saying of John Noble's; 〃He's really a most interesting person;〃

grew more and more upon his nerves; it seemed to describe the Dennant

attitude towards this stranger within their gates。  They treated him

with a sort of wonder on the 〃don't touch〃 system; like an object in

an exhibition。  The restoration; however; of; his self…respect

proceeded with success。  For all the semblance of having grown too

big for Shelton's clothes; for all his vividly burnt face; and the

quick but guarded play of cynicism on his lipshe did much credit to

his patrons。  He had subdued his terror of a razor; and looked well

in a suit of Shelton's flannels。  For; after all; he had only been

eight years exiled from middle…class gentility; and he had been a

waiter half that time。  But Shelton wished him at the devil。  Not for

his manners' sakehe was never tired of watching how subtly the

vagabond adapted his conduct to the conduct of his hosts; while

keeping up his critical detachmentbut because that critical

detachment was a constant spur to his own vision; compelling him to

analyse the life into which; he had been born and was about to marry。

This process was disturbing; and to find out when it had commenced;

he had to go back to his meeting with Ferrand on the journey up from


There was kindness in a hospitality which opened to so strange a

bird; admitting the kindness; Shelton fell to analysing it。  To

himself; to people of his class; the use of kindness was a luxury;

not significant of sacrifice; but productive of a pleasant feeling in

the heart; such as massage will setup in the legs。  〃Everybody's

kind;〃 he thought; 〃the question is; What understanding is there;

what real sympathy?〃  This problem gave him food for thought。

The progress; which Mrs。 Dennant not unfrequently remarked upon; in

Ferrand's conquest of his strange position; seemed to Shelton but a

sign that he was getting what he could out of his sudden visit to

green pastures; under the same circumstances; Shelton thought that he

himself would do the same。  He felt that the young foreigner was

making a convenient bow to property; but he had more respect for the

sarcastic smile on the lips of Ferrand's heart。

It was not long before the inevitable change came in the spirit of

the situation; more and more was Shelton conscious of a quaint

uneasiness in the very breathing of the household。

〃Curious fellow you've got hold of there; Shelton;〃 Mr。 Dennant said

to him during a game of croquet; 〃 he 'll never do any good for

himself; I'm afraid。〃

〃In one sense I'm afraid not;〃 admitted Shelton。

〃Do you know his story?  I will bet you sixpence〃and Mr。  Dennant

paused to swing his mallet with a proper accuracy 〃that he's been in


〃Prison!〃 ejaculated Shelton。

〃I think;〃 said Mr。 Dennant; with bent knees carefully measuring his

next shot; 〃that you ought to make inquiriesah!  missed it!

Awkward these hoops!  One must draw the line somewhere。〃

〃I never could draw;〃 returned Shelton; nettled and uneasy; 〃but I

understandI 'll give him a hint to go。〃

〃Don't;〃 said Mr。 Dennant; moving after his second ball; which

Shelton had smitten to the farther end; 〃be offended; my dear

Shelton; and by no means give him a hint; he interests me very much

a very clever; quiet young fellow。〃

That this was not his private view Shelton inferred by studying Mr。

Dennant's manner in the presence of the vagabond。  Underlying the

well…bred banter of the tranquil voice; the guarded quizzicality of

his pale brown face; it could be seen that Algernon Cuffe Dennant;

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