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the island pharisees-第47章

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certainly be better at the end of the month。  Now that I know English

well; I thought perhaps I could procure a situation for teaching


〃I see;〃 said Shelton。

As a fact; however; he was far from seeing; he literally did not know

what to do。  It seemed so brutal to give Ferrand money and ask him to

clear out; besides; he chanced to have none in his pocket。

〃It needs philosophy to support what I 've gone through this week;〃

said Ferrand; shrugging his shoulders。  〃On Wednesday last; when I

received your letter; I had just eighteen…pence; and at once I made a

resolution to come and see you; on that sum I 've done the journey。

My strength is nearly at an end。〃

Shelton stroked his chin。

〃Well;〃 he had just begun; 〃we must think it over;〃 when by Ferrand's

face he saw that some one had come in。  He turned; and saw Antonia in

the doorway。  〃Excuse me;〃 he stammered; and; going to Antonia; drew

her from the room。

With a smile she said at once: 〃It's the young foreigner; I'm

certain。  Oh; what fun!〃

〃Yes;〃 answered Shelton slowly; 〃he's come to see me about getting

some sort of tutorship or other。  Do you think your mother would mind

if I took him up to have a wash?  He's had a longish walk。  And might

he have some breakfast?  He must be hungry。〃

〃Of course!  I'll tell Dobson。  Shall I speak to mother?  He looks

nice; Dick。〃

He gave her a grateful; furtive look; and went back to his guest; an

impulse had made him hide from her the true condition of affairs。

Ferrand was standing where he had been left his face still clothed in

mordant impassivity。

〃Come up to my room!〃  said Shelton; and while his guest was washing;

brushing; and otherwise embellishing his person; he stood reflecting

that Ferrand was by no means unpresentable; and he felt quite

grateful to him。

He took an opportunity; when the young man's back was turned; of

examining his counterfoils。  There was no record; naturally; of a

cheque drawn in Ferrand's favour。  Shelton felt more mean than ever。

A message came from Mrs。 Dennant; so he took the traveller to the

dining…room and left him there; while he himself went to the lady of

the house。  He met Antonia coming down。

〃How many days did you say he went without food that timeyou know?〃

she asked in passing。


〃He does n't look a bit common; Dick。〃

Shelton gazed at her dubiously。

〃They're surely not going to make a show of him!〃 he thought。

Mrs。 Dennant was writing; in a dark…blue dress starred over with

white spots; whose fine lawn collar was threaded with black velvet。

〃Have you seen the new hybrid Algy's brought me back from Kidstone?

Is n't it charmin'?〃 and she bent her face towards this perfect rose。

〃They say unique; I'm awfully interested to find out if that's true。

I've told Algy I really must have some。〃

Shelton thought of the unique hybrid breakfasting downstairs; he

wished that Mrs。 Dennant would show in him the interest she had

manifested in the rose。  But this was absurd of him; he knew; for the

potent law of hobbies controlled the upper classes; forcing them to

take more interest in birds; and roses; missionaries; or limited and

highly…bound editions of old books (things; in a word; in treating

which you knew exactly where you were) than in the manifestations of

mere life that came before their eyes。

〃Oh; Dick; about that young Frenchman。  Antonia says he wants a

tutorship; now; can you really recommend him?  There's Mrs。 Robinson

at the Gateways wants someone to teach her boys languages; and; if he

were quite satisfactory; it's really time Toddles had a few lessons

in French; he goes to Eton next half。〃

Shelton stared at the rose; he had suddenly realised why it was that

people take more interest in roses than in human beingsone could do

it with a quiet heart。

〃He's not a Frenchman; you know;〃 he said to gain a little time。

〃He's not a German; I hope;〃 Mrs。 Dennant answered; passing her

forgers round a petal; to impress its fashion on her brain; 〃I don't

like Germans。  Is n't he the one you wrote aboutcome down in the

world?  Such a pity with so young a fellow!  His father was a

merchant; I think you told us。  Antonia says he 's quite refined to

look at。〃

〃Oh; yes;〃 said Shelton; feeling on safe ground; 〃he's refined enough

to look at。〃

Mrs。 Dennant took the rose and put it to her nose。

〃Delicious perfume!  That was a very touchin' story about his goin'

without food in Paris。  Old Mrs。 Hopkins has a room to let; I should

like to do her a good turn。  I'm afraid there's a hole in the

ceilin'; though。  Or there's the room here in the left wing on the

ground…floor where John the footman used to sleep。  It's quite nice;

perhaps he could have that。〃

〃You 're awfully kind;〃 said Shelton; 〃 but…〃

〃I should like to do something to restore his self…respect;〃; went on

Mrs。 Dennant; 〃if; as you say; he 's clever and all that。  Seein' a

little refined life again might make a world of difference to him。

It's so sad when a young man loses self…respect。〃

Shelton was much struck by the practical way in which she looked at

things。  Restore his self…respect!  It seemed quite a splendid

notion!  He smiled; and said;

〃You're too kind。  I think…〃

〃I don't believe in doin' things by halves;〃 said Mrs。 Dennant; 〃he

does n't drink; I suppose?〃

〃Oh; no;〃 said Shelton。  〃He's rather a tobacco maniac; of course。〃

〃Well; that's a mercy!  You would n't believe the trouble I 've had

with drink; especially over cooks and coachmen。  And now Bunyan's

taken to it。〃

〃Oh; you'd have no trouble with Ferrand;〃 returned Shelton; 〃 you

couldn't tell him from a gentleman as far as manners go。〃

Mrs。 Dennant smiled one of her rather sweet and kindly smiles。

〃My dear Dick;〃 she said; 〃there's not much comfort in that。  Look at

poor Bobby Surcingle; look at Oliver Semples and Victor Medallion;

you could n't have better families。  But if you 're sure he does n't

drink!  Algy 'll laugh; of course; that does n't matterhe laughs at


Shelton felt guilty; being quite unprepared for so rapid an adoption

of his client。

〃I really believe there's a lot of good in him;〃 he stammered; 〃but;

of course; I know very little; and from what he tells me he's had a

very curious life。  I shouldn't like…〃

〃Where was he educated?〃 inquired Mrs。 Dennant。  〃They have no public

schools in France; so I 've been told; but; of course; he can't help

that; poor young fellow!  Oh; and; Dick; there 's one thinghas he

relations?  One has always to be so careful about that。  It 's one

thing to help a young fellow; but quite another to help his family

too。  One sees so many cases of that where men marry girls without

money; don't you know。〃

〃He has told me;〃 answered Shelton; 〃his only relations are some

cousins; and they are rich。〃

Mrs。 Dennan
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