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the island pharisees-第45章

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had not thought it my duty to let you know of my fortunes I know not

even now if I should have found the necessary spirit。  'Les choses

vont de mal en mal'。  From what I hear there has never been so bad a

season here。  Nothing going on。  All the same; I am tormented by a

mob of little matters which bring me not sufficient to support my

life。  I know not what to do; one thing is certain; in no case shall

I return here another year。  The patron of this hotel; my good

employer; is one of those innumerable specimens who do not forge or

steal because they have no need; and if they had would lack the

courage; who observe the marriage laws because they have been brought

up to believe in them; and know that breaking them brings risk and

loss of reputation; who do not gamble because they dare not; do not

drink because it disagrees with them; go to church because their

neighbours go; and to procure an appetite for the mid…day meal;

commit no murder because; not transgressing in any other fashion;

they are not obliged。  What is there to respect in persons of this

sort?  Yet they are highly esteemed; and form three quarters of

Society。  The rule with these good gentlemen is to shut their eyes;

never use their thinking powers; and close the door on all the dogs

of life for fear they should get bitten。

Shelton paused; conscious of Antonia's eyes fixed on him with the

inquiring look that he had come to dread。  In that chilly questioning

she seemed to say: 〃I am waiting。  I am prepared to be told things

that is; useful thingsthings that help one to believe without the

risk of too much thinking。〃

〃It's from that young foreigner;〃 he said; and went on reading to


I have eyes; and here I am; I have a nose 'pour; flairer le humbug'。

I see that amongst the value of things nothing is the equal of 〃free

thought。〃  Everything else they can take from me; 'on ne pent pas

m'oter cela'!  I see no future for me here; and certainly should have

departed long ago if I had had the money; but; as I have already told

you; all that I can do barely suffices to procure me 'de quoi vivre'。

'Je me sens ecceuye'。  Do not pay too much attention to my Jeremiads;

you know what a pessimist I am。  'Je ne perds pas courage'。

Hoping that you are well; and in the cordial pressing of your hand; I

subscribe myself;

                    Your very devoted

                              LOUIS FERRAND。

He rode with the letter open in his hand; frowning at the curious

turmoil which Ferrand excited in his heart。  It was as though this

foreign vagrant twanged within him a neglected string; which gave

forth moans of a mutiny。

〃What does he say?〃 Antonia asked。

Should he show it to her?  If he might not; what should he do when

they were married?

〃I don't quite know;〃 he said at last; 〃it 's not particularly


〃What is he like; DickI mean; to look at?  Like a gentleman; or


Shelton stifled a desire to laugh。

〃He looks very well in a frock…coat;〃 he replied; 〃his father was a

wine merchant。〃

Antonia flicked her whip against her skirt。

〃Of course;〃 she murmured; 〃I don't want to hear if there's anything

I ought not。〃

But instead of soothing Shelton; these words had just the opposite

effect。  His conception of the ideal wife was not that of one from

whom the half of life must be excluded。

〃It's only;〃 he stammered again; 〃that it's not cheerful。〃

〃Oh; all right!〃  she cried; and; touching her horse; flew off in

front。  〃I hate dismal things。〃

Shelton bit his lips。  It was not his fault that half the world was

dark。  He knew her words were loosed against himself; and; as always

at a sign of her displeasure; was afraid。  He galloped after her on

the scorched turf。

〃 What is it?〃 he said。  〃You 're angry with me!〃

〃Oh no!〃

〃Darling; I can't help it if things are n't cheerful。  We have eyes;〃

he added; quoting from the letter。

Antonia did not look at him; but touched her horse again。

〃Well; I don't want to see the gloomy side;〃 she said; 〃and I can't

see why YOU should。  It's wicked to be discontented〃; and she

galloped off。

It was not his fault if there were a thousand different kinds of men;

a thousand different points of view; outside the fence of her

experience!  〃What business;〃 he thought; digging in his dummy spurs;

〃has our class to patronise?  We 're the only people who have n't an

idea of what life really means。〃  Chips of dried turf and dust came

flying back; stinging his face。  He gained on her; drew almost within

reach; then; as though she had been playing with him; was left

hopelessly behind。

She stooped under the far hedge; fanning her flushed face with dock…


〃Aha; Dick!  I knew you'd never catch me〃 and she patted the chestnut

mare; who turned her blowing muzzle with contemptuous humour towards

Shelton's steed; while her flanks heaved rapturously; gradually

darkening with sweat。

〃We'd better take them steadily;〃 grunted Shelton; getting off and

loosening his girths; 〃if we mean to get home at all。〃

〃Don't be cross; Dick!〃

〃We oughtn't to have galloped them like this; they 're not in

condition。  〃We'd better go home the way we came。〃

Antonia dropped the reins; and straightened her back hair。

〃There 's no fun in that;〃 she said。  〃Out and back again; I hate a

dog's walk。〃

〃Very well;〃 said Shelton; he would have her longer to himself!

The road led up and up a hill; and from the top a vision of Saxonia

lay disclosed in waves of wood and pasture。  Their way branched down

a gateless glade; and Shelton sidled closer till his knee touched the

mare's off…flank。

Antonia's profile conjured up visions。  She was youth itself; her

eyes so brilliant; and so innocent; her cheeks so glowing; and her

brow unruffled; but in her smile and in the setting of her jaw lurked

something resolute and mischievous。  Shelton put his hand out to the

mare's mane。

〃What made you promise to marry me?〃 he said。

She smiled。

〃Well; what made you?〃

〃I?〃 cried Shelton。

She slipped her hand over his hand。

〃Oh; Dick!〃  she said。

〃I want;〃 he stammered; 〃to be everything to you。  Do you think I


〃Of course!〃

Of course!  The words seemed very much or very little。

She looked down at the river; gleaming below the glade in a curving

silver line。  〃Dick; there are such a lot of splendid things that we

might do。〃

Did she mean; amongst those splendid things; that they might

understand each other; or were they fated to pretend to only; in the

old time…honoured way?

They crossed the river by a ferry; and rode a long time in silence;

while the twilight slowly fell behind the aspens。  And all the beauty

of the evening; with its restless leaves; its grave young moon; and

lighted campion flowers; was but a part of her; the scents; the

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