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the island pharisees-第44章

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and through; so that; like the flowers and bees; the sunlight and the

air; she was all motion; light; and colour。

She turned and saw Shelton standing there。

〃Oh; Dick!〃  she said: 〃Lend me your hand…kerchief to put these

flowers in; there 's a good boy!〃

Her candid eyes; blue as the flowers in her hands; were clear and

cool as ice; but in her smile was all the warm profusion of that

corner; the sweetness had soaked into her; and was welling forth

again。  The sight of those sun…warmed cheeks; and fingers twining

round the flower…stalks; her pearly teeth; and hair all fragrant;

stole the reason out of Shelton。  He stood before her; weak about the


〃Found you at last!〃  he said。

Curving back her neck; she cried out; 〃Catch!〃  and with a sweep of

both her hands flung the flowers into Shelton's arms。

Under the rain of flowers; all warm and odorous; he dropped down on

his knees; and put them one by one together; smelling at the pinks;

to hide the violence of his feelings。  Antonia went on picking

flowers; and every time her hand was full she dropped them on his

hat; his shoulder; or his arms; and went on plucking more; she

smiled; and on her lips a little devil danced; that seemed to know

what he was suffering。  And Shelton felt that she did know。

〃Are you tired?〃 she asked; 〃there are heaps more wanted。  These are

the bedroom…flowersfourteen lots。  I can't think how people can

live without flowers; can you?〃 and close above his head she buried

her face in pinks。

He kept his eyes on the plucked flowers before him on the grass; and

forced himself to answer;

〃I think I can hold out。〃

〃Poor old Dick!〃  She had stepped back。  The sun lit the clear…cut

profile of her cheek; and poured its gold over the bosom of her

blouse。  〃Poor old Dick!  Awfully hard luck; is n't it?〃  Burdened

with mignonette; she came so close again that now she touched his

shoulder; but Shelton did not look; breathless; with wildly beating

heart; he went on sorting out the flowers。  The seeds of mignonette

rained on his neck; and as she let the blossoms fall; their perfume

fanned his face。  〃You need n't sort them out!〃 she said。

Was she enticing him?  He stole a look; but she was gone again;

swaying and sniffing at the flowers。

〃I suppose I'm only hindering you;〃 he growled; 〃I 'd better go。〃

She laughed。

〃I like to see you on your knees; you look so funny!〃  and as she

spoke she flung a clove carnation at him。  〃Does n't it smell good?〃

〃Too good Oh; Antonia!  why are you doing this?〃

〃 Why am I doing what?〃

〃Don't you know what you are doing?〃

〃Why; picking flowers!〃  and once more she was back; bending and

sniffing at the blossoms。

〃That's enough。〃

〃Oh no;〃 she called; 〃it's not not nearly。

〃Keep on putting them together; if you love me。〃

〃You know I love you;〃 answered Shelton; in a smothered voice。

Antonia gazed at him across her shoulder; puzzled and inquiring was

her face。

〃I'm not a bit like you;〃 she said。  〃What will you have for your



〃Cornflowers and clove pinks。  Poppies are too frivolous; and pinks


〃White;〃 said Shelton。

〃And mignonette too hard and…〃

〃Sweet。  Why cornflowers?〃

Antonia stood before him with her hands against her sides; her figure

was so slim and young; her face uncertain and so grave。

〃Because they're dark and deep。〃

〃And why clove pinks?〃

Antonia did not answer。

〃And why clove pinks?〃

〃Because;〃 she said; and; flushing; touched a bee that had settled on

her skirt; 〃because of something in you I don't understand。〃

〃Ah!  And what flowers shall t give YOU?〃

She put her hands behind her。

〃There are all the other flowers for me。〃

Shelton snatched from the mass in front of him an Iceland poppy with

straight stem and a curved neck; white pinks; and sprigs of hard;

sweet mignonette; and held it out to her。

〃There;〃 he said; 〃that's you。〃  But Antonia did not move。

〃Oh no; it is n't!〃 and behind her back her fingers slowly crushed

the petals of a blood…red poppy。  She shook her head; smiling a

brilliant smile。  The blossoms fell; he flung his arms around her;

and kissed her on the lips。

But his hands dropped; not fear exactly; nor exactly shame; had come

to him。  She had not resisted; but he had kissed the smile away; had

kissed a strange; cold; frightened look; into her eyes。

〃She did n't mean to tempt me; then;〃 he thought; in surprise and

anger。  〃What did she mean?〃 and; like a scolded dog; he kept his

troubled watch upon her face。



〃Where now?〃 Antonia asked; wheeling her chestnut mare; as they

turned up High Street; Oxford City。  〃I won't go back the same way;


〃We could have a gallop on Port Meadow; cross the Upper River twice;

and get home that way; but you 'll be tired。〃

Antonia shook her head。  Aslant her cheek the brim of a straw hat

threw a curve of shade; her ear glowed transparent in the sun。

A difference had come in their relations since that kiss; outwardly

she was the same good comrade; cool and quick。  But as before a

change one feels the subtle difference in the temper of the wind; so

Shelton was affected by the inner change in her。  He had made a blot

upon her candour; he had tried to rub it out again; but there was

left a mark; and it was ineffaceable。  Antonia belonged to the most

civilised division of the race most civilised in all the world; whose

creed is 〃Let us love and hate; let us work and marry; but let us

never give ourselves away; to give ourselves away is to leave a mark;

and that is past forgive ness。  Let our lives be like our faces; free

from every kind of wrinkle; even those of laughter; in this way alone

can we be really civilised。〃

He felt that she was ruffled by a vague discomfort。  That he should

give himself away was natural; perhaps; and only made her wonder; but

that he should give her the feeling that she had given herself away

was a very different thing。

〃Do you mind if I just ask at the Bishop's Head for letters?〃 he

said; as they passed the old hotel。

A dirty and thin envelope was brought to him; addressed 〃Mr。 Richard

Shelton; Esq。;〃 in handwriting that was passionately clear; as though

the writer had put his soul into securing delivery of the letter。  It

was dated three days back; and; as they rode away; Shelton read as


                              IMPERIAL PEACOCK HOTEL;



This is already the third time I have taken up pen to write to you;

but; having nothing but misfortune to recount; I hesitated; awaiting

better days。  Indeed; I have been so profoundly discouraged that if I

had not thought it my duty to let you know of my fortunes I know not

even now if I
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