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the island pharisees-第40章

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alarm about the eye。  Was it possible that he; too; dreaded


〃I can't express…〃 began Shelton hurriedly。

〃Yes; it's beastly to get wet;〃 said Mr。 Dennant; and he sang

          For we can wrestle and fight; my boys;

          And jump out anywhere。

〃You 'll be with us for that dinner…party next week; eh?  Capital!

There's the Bishop of Blumenthal and old Sir Jack Buckwell; I must

get my wife to put you between them…〃

          For it's my delight of a starry night

〃The Bishop's a great anti…divorce man; and old Buckwell 's been in

the court at least twice…'

          In the season of the year!

〃Will you please to take some tea; gentlemen?〃 said the voice of

Phoebe in the doorway。

〃No; thank you; Phoebe。  That girl ought to get married;〃 went on Mr。

Dennant; as Phoebe blushingly withdrew。  A flush showed queerly on

his sallow cheeks。  〃A shame to keep her tied like this to her

father's apron…stringsselfish fellow; that!〃  He looked up sharply;

as if he had made a dangerous remark。

          The keeper he was watching us;

          For him we did n't care!

Shelton suddenly felt certain that Antonia's father was just as

anxious to say something expressive of his feelings; and as unable as

himself。  And this was comforting。

〃You know; sir…〃 he began。

But Mr。 Dennant's eyebrows rose; his crow's…feet twinkled; his

personality seemed to shrink together。

〃By Jove!〃  he said; 〃it's stopped!  Now's our chance!  Come along;

my dear fellow; delays are dangerous!〃  and with his bantering

courtesy he held the door for Shelton to pass out。  〃I think we'll

part here;〃 he said〃I almost think so。  Good luck to you!〃

He held out his dry; yellow hand。  Shelton seized it; wrung it hard;

and muttered the word:


Again Mr。 Dennant's eyebrows quivered as if they had been tweaked; he

had been found out; and he disliked it。  The colour in his face had

died away; it was calm; wrinkled; dead…looking under the flattened;

narrow brim of his black hat; his grey moustache drooped thinly; the

crow's…feet hardened round his eyes; his nostrils were distended by

the queerest smile。

〃Gratitude!〃  he said; 〃almost a vice; is n't it?  Good…night!〃

Shelton's face quivered; he raised his hat; and; turning as abruptly

as his senior; proceeded on his way。  He had been playing in a comedy

that could only have been played in England。  He could afford to

smile now at his past discomfort; having no longer the sense of duty

unfulfilled。  Everything had been said that was right and proper to

be said; in the way that we such things should say。  No violence had

been done; he could afford to smilesmile at himself; at Mr。

Dennant; at to…morrow; smile at the sweet aroma of the earth; the

shy; unwilling sweetness that only rain brings forth。



The luncheon hour at Holm Oaks; was; as in many well…bred country

housesout of the shooting season; be it understoodthe soulful

hour。  The ferment of the daily doings was then at its full height;

and the clamour of its conversation on the weather; and the dogs; the

horses; neighbours; cricket; golf; was mingled with a literary

murmur; for the Dennants were superior; and it was quite usual to

hear remarks like these 〃Have you read that charmin' thing of

Poser's?〃 or; 〃Yes; I've got the new edition of old Bablington:

delightfully boundso light。〃  And it was in July that Holm Oaks; as

a gathering…place of the elect; was at its best。  For in July it had

become customary to welcome there many of those poor souls from

London who arrived exhausted by the season; and than whom no

seamstress in a two…pair back could better have earned a holiday。

The Dennants themselves never went to London for the season。  It was

their good pleasure not to。  A week or fortnight of it satisfied

them。  They had a radical weakness for fresh air; and Antonia; even

after her presentation two seasons back; had insisted on returning

home; stigmatising London balls as 〃stuffy things。〃

When Shelton arrived the stream had only just begun; but every day

brought fresh; or rather jaded; people to occupy the old; dark;

sweet…smelling bedrooms。  Individually; he liked his fellow…guests;

but he found himself observing them。  He knew that; if a man judged

people singly; almost all were better than himself; only when judged

in bulk were they worthy of the sweeping criticisms he felt inclined

to pass on them。  He knew this just as he knew that the conventions;

having been invented to prevent man following his natural desires;

were merely the disapproving sums of innumerable individual


It was in the bulk; then; that he found himself observing。  But with

his amiability and dread of notoriety he remained to all appearance a

well…bred; docile creature; and he kept his judgments to himself。

In the matter of intellect he made a rough division of the guests

those who accepted things without a murmur; those who accepted them

with carping jocularity; in the matter of morals he found they all

accepted things without the semblance of a kick。  To show sign of

private moral judgment was to have lost your soul; and; worse; to be

a bit of an outsider。  He gathered this by intuition rather than from

conversation; for conversation naturally tabooed such questions; and

was carried on in the loud and cheerful tones peculiar to people of

good breeding。  Shelton had never been able to acquire this tone; and

he could not help feeling that the inability made him more or less an

object of suspicion。  The atmosphere struck him as it never had

before; causing him to feel a doubt of his gentility。  Could a man

suffer from passion; heart…searchings; or misgivings; and remain a

gentleman?  It seemed improbable。  One of his fellow…guests; a man

called Edgbaston; small…eyed and semi…bald; with a dark moustache and

a distinguished air of meanness; disconcerted him one day by

remarking of an unknown person; 〃A half…bred lookin' chap; did n't

seem to know his mind。〃  Shelton was harassed by a horrid doubt。

Everything seemed divided into classes; carefully docketed and

valued。  For instance; a Briton was of more value than a man; and

wives than women。  Those things or phases of life with which people

had no personal acquaintance were regarded with a faint amusement and

a certain disapproval。  The principles of the upper class; in fact;

were strictly followed。

He was in that hypersenstive and nervous state favourable for

recording currents foreign to itself。  Things he had never before

noticed now had profound effect on him; such as the tone in which men

spoke of womennot precisely with hostility; nor exactly with

contempt best; perhaps; described as cultured jeering; never; of

course; when men spoke of their own wives; mothers; sisters; or

immediate friends; but merely when they spoke of any other women。  He
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