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the island pharisees-第4章

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〃When you've travelled like me;〃 he said; as if resolved to speak the

truth; 〃you acquire an instinct in choosing to whom and how you

speak。  It is necessity that makes the law; if you want to live you

must learn all that sort of thing to make face against life。〃

Shelton; who himself possessed a certain subtlety; could not but

observe the complimentary nature of these words。  It was like saying

〃I'm not afraid of you misunderstanding me; and thinking me a rascal

just because I study human nature。〃

〃But is there nothing to be done for that poor girl?〃

His new acquaintance shrugged his shoulders。

〃A broken jug;〃 said he; 〃you'll never mend her。  She's going to a

cousin in London to see if she can get help; you've given her the

means of getting thereit's all that you can do。  One knows too well

what'll become of her。〃

Shelton said gravely;

〃Oh!  that's horrible!  Could n't she be induced to go back home?  I

should be glad〃

The foreign vagrant shook his head。

〃Mon cher monsieur;〃 he said; 〃you evidently have not yet had

occasion to know what the 'family' is like。  'The family' does not

like damaged goods; it will have nothing to say to sons whose hands

have dipped into the till or daughters no longer to be married。  What

the devil would they do with her?  Better put a stone about her neck

and let her drown at once。  All the world is Christian; but Christian

and good Samaritan are not quite the same。〃

Shelton looked at the girl; who was sitting motionless; with her

hands crossed on her bag; and a revolt against the unfair ways of

life arose within him。

〃Yes;〃 said the young foreigner; as if reading all his thoughts;

〃what's called virtue is nearly always only luck。〃  He rolled his

eyes as though to say: 〃Ah! La; Conventions?  Have them by all means

but don't look like peacocks because you are preserving them; it is

but cowardice and luck; my friendsbut cowardice and luck!〃

〃Look here;〃 said Shelton; 〃I'll give her my address; and if she

wants to go back to her family she can write to me。〃

〃She'll never go back; she won't have the courage。〃

Shelton caught the cringing glance of the girl's eyes; in the droop

of her lip there was something sensuous; and the conviction that the

young man's words were true came over him。

〃I had better not give them my private address;〃 he thought; glancing

at the faces opposite; and he wrote down the following: 〃Richard

Paramor Shelton; c/o Paramor and Herring; Lincoln's Inn Fields。〃

〃You're very good; sir。  My name is Louis Ferrand; no address at

present。  I'll make her understand; she's half stupefied just now。〃

Shelton returned to the perusal of his paper; too disturbed to read;

the young vagrant's words kept sounding in his ears。  He raised his

eyes。  The plump hand of the lady with the Roman nose still rested on

her lap; it had been recased in its black glove with large white

stitching。  Her frowning gaze was fixed on him suspiciously; as if he

had outraged her sense of decency。

〃He did n't get anything from me;〃 said the voice of the red…faced

man; ending a talk on tax…gatherers。  The train whistled loudly; and

Shelton reverted to his paper。  This time he crossed his legs;

determined to enjoy the latest murder; once more he found himself

looking at the vagrant's long…nosed; mocking face。  〃That fellow;〃 he

thought; 〃has seen and felt ten times as much as I; although he must

be ten years younger。〃

He turned for distraction to the landscape; with its April clouds;

trim hedgerows; homely coverts。  But strange ideas would come; and he

was discontented with himself; the conversation he had had; the

personality of this young foreigner; disturbed him。  It was all as

though he had made a start in some fresh journey through the fields

of thought。



Five years before the journey just described Shelton had stood one

afternoon on the barge of his old college at the end of the summer

races。  He had been 〃down〃 from Oxford for some years; but these

Olympian contests still attracted him。

The boats were passing; and in the usual rush to the barge side his

arm came in contact with a soft young shoulder。  He saw close to him

a young girl with fair hair knotted in a ribbon; whose face was eager

with excitement。  The pointed chin; long neck; the fluffy hair; quick

gestures; and the calm strenuousness of her grey…blue eyes; impressed

him vividly。

〃Oh; we must bump them!〃 he heard her sigh。

〃Do you know my people; Shelton?〃 said a voice behind his back; and

he was granted a touch from the girl's shy; impatient hand; the

warmer fingers of a lady with kindly eyes resembling a hare's; the

dry hand…clasp of a gentleman with a thin; arched nose; and a

quizzical brown face。

〃Are you the Mr。 Shelton who used to play the 'bones' at Eton?〃 said

the lady。  〃Oh; we so often heard of you from Bernard!  He was your

fag; was n't he?  How distressin' it is to see these poor boys in the


〃Mother; they like it!〃 cried the girl。

〃Antonia ought to be rowing; herself;〃 said her father; whose name

was Dennant。

Shelton went back with them to their hotel; walking beside Antonia

through the Christchurch meadows; telling her details of his college

life。  He dined with them that evening; and; when he left; had a

feeling like that produced by a first glass of champagne。

The Dennants lived at Holm Oaks; within six miles of Oxford; and two

days later he drove over and paid a call。  Amidst the avocations of

reading for the Bar; of cricket; racing; shooting; it but required a

whiff of some fresh scenthay; honeysuckle; cloverto bring

Antonia's face before him; with its uncertain colour and its frank;

distant eyes。  But two years passed before he again saw her。  Then;

at an invitation from Bernard Dennant; he played cricket for the

Manor of Holm Oaks against a neighbouring house; in the evening there

was dancing oh the lawn。  The fair hair was now turned up; but the

eyes were quite unchanged。  Their steps went together; and they。

outlasted every other couple on the slippery grass。  Thence; perhaps;

sprang her respect for him; he was wiry; a little taller than

herself; and seemed to talk of things that interested her。  He found

out she was seventeen; and she found out that he was twenty…nine。

The following two years Shelton went to Holm Oaks whenever he was

asked; to him this was a period of enchanted games; of cub…hunting;

theatricals; and distant sounds of practised music; and during it

Antonia's eyes grew more friendly and more curious; and his own more

shy; and schooled; more furtive and more ardent。  Then came his

father's death; a voyage round the world; and that peculiar hour of

mixed sensations when; one March morning; abandoning his steamer at

Marseilles; he took train for Hyeres。

He found her at one of those exclusive hostelries amongst the pines

where th
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