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the island pharisees-第34章

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with his shoulders; as though to stone his hearers with his point of

view。  His face grew paler; his fine eyes finer; his lips ironical。

Almost painful was this combination of the 〃strong〃 man and the

student who was bound to go to pieces if you hit him a smart blow。

〃As for forgiving faithless wives;〃 he said; 〃and all that sort of

thing; I don't believe in sentiment。〃

The words were high…pitched and sarcastic。  Shelton looked hastily

around。  All their faces were complacent。  He grew red; and suddenly

remarked; in a soft; clear voice:

〃I see!〃

He was conscious that he had never before made an impression of this

sort; and that he never would again。  The cold hostility flashing out

all round was most enlightening; it instantly gave way to the polite;

satirical indulgence peculiar to highly…cultivated men。  Crocker rose

nervously; he seemed scared; and was obviously relieved when Shelton;

following his example; grasped the little fat man's hand; who said

good…night in a voice shaken by tobacco。

〃Who are your unshaven friends?〃 he heard as the door was closed

behind them。



〃Eleven o'clock;〃 said Crocker; as they went out of college。  〃I

don't feel sleepy; shall we stroll along the 'High' a bit?〃

Shelton assented; he was too busy thinking of his encounter with the

dons to heed the soreness of his feet。  This; too; was the last day

of his travels; for he had not altered his intention of waiting at

Oxford till July。

〃We call this place the heart of knowledge;〃 he said; passing a great

building that presided; white and silent; over darkness; 〃it seems to

me as little that; as Society is the heart of true gentility。〃

Crocker's answer was a grunt; he was looking at the stars;

calculating possibly in how long he could walk to heaven。

〃No;〃 proceeded Shelton; 〃we've too much common…sense up here to

strain our minds。  We know when it's time to stop。  We pile up news

of Papias and all the verbs in 'ui' but as for news of life or of

oneself!  Real seekers after knowledge are a different sort。  They

fight in the darkno quarter given。  We don't grow that sort up


〃How jolly the limes smell!〃  said Crocker。

He had halted opposite a garden; and taken hold of Shelton by a

button of his coat。  His eyes; like a dog's; stared wistfully。  It

seemed as though he wished to speak; but feared to give offence。

〃They tell you;〃 pursued Shelton; 〃that we learn to be gentlemen up

here。  We learn that better through one incident that stirs our

hearts than we learn it here in all the time we're up。〃

〃Hum!〃  muttered Crocker; twisting at the button; 〃those fellows who

seemed the best sorts up here have turned out the best sorts


〃I hope not;〃 said Shelton gloomily; 〃I was a snob when I was up

here。  I believed all I was told; anything that made things pleasant;

my 〃set〃 were nothing but…〃

Crocker smiled in the darkness; he had been too 〃cranky〃 to belong to

Shelton's 〃set。〃

〃You never were much like your 'set;' old chap;〃 he said。

Shelton turned away; sniffing the perfume of the limes。  Images were

thronging through his mind。  The faces of his old friends strangely

mixed with those of people he had lately metthe girl in the train;

Ferrand; the lady with the short; round; powdered face; the little

barber; others; too; and floating; mysterious;connected with them

all; Antonia's face。  The scent of the lime…trees drifted at him with

its magic sweetness。  From the street behind; the footsteps of the

passers…by sounded muffled; yet exact; and on the breeze was borne

the strain: 〃For he's a jolly good fellow!

For he's a jolly good fellow!  For he's a jolly good fe…ellow!  And

so say all of us!〃

〃Ah!〃 he said; 〃they were good chaps。〃

〃I used to think;〃 said Crocker dreamily; 〃that some of them had too

much side。〃

And Shelton laughed。

〃The thing sickens me;〃 said he; 〃the whole snobbish; selfish

business。  The place sickens me; lined with cotton…wool…made so

beastly comfortable。〃

Crocker shook his head。

〃It's a splendid old place;〃 he said; his eyes fastening at last on

Shelton's boots。  〃You know; old chap;〃 he stammered; 〃I think you

you ought to take care!〃

〃Take care?  What of?〃

Crocker pressed his arm convulsively。

〃Don't be waxy; old boy;〃 he said; 〃I mean that you seem somehowto

beto be losing yourself。〃

〃Losing myself!  Finding myself; you mean!〃

Crocker did not answer; his face was disappointed。  Of what exactly

was he thinking?  In Shelton's heart there was a bitter pleasure in

knowing that his friend was uncomfortable on his account; a sort of

contempt; a sort of aching。  Crocker broke the silence。

〃I think I shall do a bit more walking to…night;〃 he said; 〃I feel

very fit。  Don't you really mean to come any further with me; Bird?〃

And there was anxiety in his voice; as though Shelton were in danger

of missing something good。  The latter's feet had instantly begun to

ache and burn。

〃No!〃?  he said; 〃you know what I'm staying here for。〃

Crocker nodded。

〃She lives near here。  Well; then; I'll say good…bye。  I should like

to do another ten miles to…night。〃

〃My dear fellow; you're tired and lame。〃

Crocker chuckled。

〃No;〃 he said; 〃I want to get on。  See you in London。  Good…bye!〃

and; gripping Shelton's hand; he turned and limped away。

Shelton called after him: 〃Don't be an idiot: You 'll only knock

yourself up。〃

But the sole answer was the pale moon of Crocker's face screwed round

towards him in the darkness; and the waving of his stick。

Shelton strolled slowly on; leaning over the bridge; he watched the

oily gleam of lamps; on the dark water underneath the trees。  He felt

relieved; yet sorry。  His thoughts were random; curious; half

mutinous; half sweet。  That afternoon five years ago; when he had

walked back from the river with Antonia across the Christchurch

meadows; was vivid to his mind; the scent of that afternoon had never

died away from him…the aroma of his love。  Soon she would be his

wifehis wife!  The faces of the dons sprang up before him。  They

had wives; perhaps。  Fat; lean; satirical; and compromisingwhat was

it that through diversity they had in common?  Cultured intolerance!

。  。  。  Honour!  。  。  。  A queer subject to discuss。  Honour!  The

honour that made a fuss; and claimed its rights!  And Shelton smiled。

〃As if man's honour suffered when he's injured!〃  And slowly he

walked along the echoing; empty street to his room at the Bishop's

Head。  Next morning he received the following wire:

     Thirty miles left eighteen hours heel bad but going

     strong                         CROCKER

He passed a fortnight at the Bishop's Head; waiting for the end of

his probation; and the end seemed long in coming。  To be so near

Antonia; and as far as if he lived upon a
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