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the island pharisees-第33章

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The visitor called Berryman sat down; and gazed up at the wall with

his fine eyes。

Shelton had a faint remembrance of this don; and bowed; but the new…

comer sat smiling; and did not notice the salute。

〃Trimmer and Washer are coming round;〃 he said; and as he spoke the

door opened to admit these gentlemen。  Of the same height; but

different appearance; their manner was faintly jocular; faintly

supercilious; as if they tolerated everything。  The one whose name

was Trimmer had patches of red on his large cheek…bones; and on his

cheeks a bluish tint。  His lips were rather full; so that he had a

likeness to a spider。  Washer; who was thin and pale; wore an

intellectual smile。

The little fat host moved the hand that held the meerschaum。

〃Crocker; Shelton;〃 he said。

An awkward silence followed。  Shelton tried to rouse the cultured

portion of his wits; but the sense that nothing would be treated

seriously paralysed his faculties; he stayed silent; staring at the

glowing tip of his cigar。  It seemed to him unfair to have intruded

on these gentlemen without its having been made quite clear to them

beforehand who and what he was; he rose to take his leave; but Washer

had begun to speak。

〃Madame Bovary!〃 he said quizzically; reading the title of the book

on the little fat man's bookrest; and; holding it closer to his

boiled…looking eyes; he repeated; as though it were a joke; 〃Madame


〃Do you mean to say; Turl; that you can stand that stuff?〃 said


As might have been expected; this celebrated novel's name had

galvanised him into life; he strolled over to the bookcase; took down

a book; opened it; and began to read; wandering in a desultory way

about the room。

〃Ha!  Berryman;〃 said a conciliatory voice behindit came from

Trimmer; who had set his back against the hearth; and grasped with

either hand a fistful of his gown〃the book's a classic!〃

〃Classic!〃 exclaimed Berryman; transfixing Shelton with his eyes;

〃the fellow ought to have been horsewhipped for writing such


A feeling of hostility instantly sprang up in Shelton; he looked at

his little host; who; however; merely blinked。

〃Berryman only means;〃 explains Washer; a certain malice in his

smile; 〃that the author is n't one of his particular pets。〃

〃For God's sake; you know; don't get Berryman on his horse!〃  growled

the little fat man suddenly。

Berryman returned his volume to the shelf and took another down。

There was something almost godlike in his sarcastic absent…


〃Imagine a man writing that stuff;〃 he said; 〃if he'd ever been at

Eton!  What do we want to know about that sort of thing?  A writer

should be a sportsman and a gentleman〃; and again he looked down over

his chin at Shelton; as though expecting him to controvert the


〃Don't you〃 began the latter。

But Berryman's attention had wandered to the wall。

〃I really don't care;〃 said he; 〃to know what a woman feels when she

is going to the dogs; it does n't interest me。〃

The voice of Trimmer made things pleasant:

〃Question of moral standards; that; and nothing more。〃

He had stretched his legs like compasses;and the way he grasped his

gown…wings seemed to turn him to a pair of scales。  His lowering

smile embraced the room; deprecating strong expressions。  〃After

all;〃 he seemed to say; 〃we are men of the world; we know there 's

not very much in anything。  This is the modern spirit; why not give

it a look in?〃

〃Do I understand you to say; Berryman; that you don't enjoy a spicy

book?〃 asked Washer with his smile; and at this question the little

fat man sniggered; blinking tempestuously; as if to say; 〃Nothing

pleasanter; don't you know; before a hot fire in cold weather。〃

Berryman paid no attention to the impertinent inquiry; continuing to

dip into his volume and walk up and down。

〃I've nothing to say;〃 he remarked; stopping before Shelton; and

looking down; as if at last aware of him; 〃to those who talk of being

justified through Art。  I call a spade a spade。〃

Shelton did not answer; because he could not tell whether Berryman

was addressing him or society at large。  And Berryman went on:

〃Do we want to know about the feelings of a middle…class woman with a

taste for vice?   Tell me the point of it。  No man who was in the

habit of taking baths would choose such a subject。〃

〃You come to the question of…ah…subjects;〃 the voice of Trimmer

genially buzzed he had gathered his garments tight across his back…

〃my dear fellow; Art; properly applied; justifies all subjects。〃

〃For Art;〃 squeaked Berryman; putting back his second volume and

taking down a third; 〃you have Homer; Cervantes; Shakespeare; Ossian;

for garbage; a number of unwashed gentlemen。〃

There was a laugh; Shelton glanced round at all in turn。  With the

exception of Crocker; who was half asleep and smiling idiotically;

they wore; one and all; a look as if by no chance could they consider

any subject fit to move their hearts; as if; one and all; they were

so profoundly anchored on the sea of life that waves could only seem

impertinent。  It may have been some glimmer in this glance of

Shelton's that brought Trimmer once more to the rescue with his

compromising air。

〃The French;〃 said he; 〃have quite a different standard from

ourselves in literature; just as they have a different standard in

regard to honour。  All this is purely artificial。〃

What he; meant; however; Shelton found it difficult to tell。

〃Honour;〃 said Washer; 〃'l'honneur; die Ehre' duelling; unfaithful


He was clearly going to add to this; but it was lost; for the little

fat man; taking the meerschaum with trembling fingers; and holding it

within two inches of his chin; murmured:

〃You fellows; Berryman's awf'ly strong on honour。〃

He blinked twice; and put the meerschaum back between his lips。

Without returning the third volume to its shelf; Berryman took down a

fourth; with chest expanded; he appeared about to use the books as


〃Quite so;〃 said Trimmer; 〃the change from duelling to law courts is


Whether he were going to say 〃significant〃 or 〃insignificant;〃 in

Shelton's estimate he did not know himself。  Fortunately Berryman

broke in:

〃Law courts or not; when a man runs away with a wife of mine; I shall

punch his head!〃

〃Come; come!〃  said Turner; spasmodically grasping his two wings。

Shelton had a gleam of inspiration。  〃If your wife deceived you;〃 he

thought; looking at Trimmer's eyes; 〃you 'd keep it quiet; and hold

it over her。〃

Washer passed his hand over his pale chaps: his smile had never

wavered; he looked like one for ever lost in the making of an


The punching theorist stretched his body; holding the books level

with his shoulders; as though to stone his hearers with his point of

view。  His f
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