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the island pharisees-第30章

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night; four days after joining company; they reached the village of

Dowdenhame。  All day long the road had lain through pastureland; with

thick green hedges and heavily feathered elms。  Once or twice they

had broken the monotony by a stretch along the towing…path of a

canal; which; choked with water…lily plants and shining weeds;

brooded sluggishly beside the fields。  Nature; in one of her ironic

moods; had cast a grey and iron…hard cloak over all the country's

bland luxuriance。  From dawn till darkness fell there had been no

movement in the steely distant sky; a cold wind ruffed in the hedge…

tops; and sent shivers through the branches of the elms。  The cattle;

dappled; pied; or bay; or white; continued grazing with an air of

grumbling at their birthright。  In a meadow close to the canal

Shelton saw five magpies; and about five o'clock the rain began; a

steady; coldly…sneering rain; which Crocker; looking at the sky;

declared was going to be over in a minute。  But it was not over in a

minute; they were soon drenched。  Shelton was tired; and it annoyed

him very much that his companion; who was also tired; should grow

more cheerful。  His thoughts kept harping upon Ferrand: 〃This must be

something like what he described to me; tramping on and on when

you're dead…beat; until you can cadge up supper and a bed。〃  And

sulkily he kept on ploughing through the mud with glances at the

exasperating Crocker; who had skinned one heel and was limping

horribly。  It suddenly came home to him that life for three quarters

of the world meant physical exhaustion every day; without a

possibility of alternative; and that as soon as; for some cause

beyond control; they failed thus to exhaust themselves; they were

reduced to beg or starve。  〃And then we; who don't know the meaning

of the word exhaustion; call them 'idle scamps;'〃 he said aloud。

It was past nine and dark when they reached Dowdenhame。  The street

yielded no accommodation; and while debating where to go they passed

the church; with a square tower; and next to it a house which was

certainly the parsonage。

〃Suppose;〃 said Crocker; leaning on his arms upon the gate; 〃we ask

him where to go〃; and; without waiting for Shelton's answer; he rang

the bell。

The door was opened by the parson; a bloodless and clean…shaven man;

whose hollow cheeks and bony hands suggested a perpetual struggle。

Ascetically benevolent were his grey eyes; a pale and ghostly smile

played on the curves of his thin lips。

〃What can I do for you?〃 he asked。  〃Inn? yes; there's the Blue

Chequers; but I 'm afraid you 'll find it shut。  They 're early

people; I 'm glad to say〃; and his eyes seemed to muse over the

proper fold for these damp sheep。  〃Are you Oxford men; by any

chance?〃 he asked; as if that might throw some light upon the matter。

〃Of Mary's?  Really!  I'm of Paul's myself。  LadymanBillington

Ladyman; you might remember my youngest brother。  I could give you a

room here if you could manage without sheets。  My housekeeper has two

days' holiday; she's foolishly taken the keys。〃

Shelton accepted gladly; feeling that the intonation in the parson's

voice was necessary unto his calling; and that he did not want to


〃You 're hungry; I expect; after your tramp。  I'm very much afraid

there 'sernothing in the house but bread; I could boil you water;

hot lemonade is better than nothing。

Conducting them into the kitchen; he made a fire; and put a kettle on

to boil; then; after leaving them to shed their soaking clothes;

returned with ancient; greenish coats; some carpet slippers; and some

blankets。  Wrapped in these; and carrying their glasses; the

travellers followed to the study; where; by doubtful lamp…light; he

seemed; from books upon the table; to have been working at his


〃We 're giving you a lot of trouble;〃 said Shelton; 〃it's really very

good of you。〃

〃Not at all;〃 the parson answered; I'm only grieved the house is


It was a truly dismal contrast to the fatness of the land they had

been passing through; and the parson's voice issuing from bloodless

lips; although complacent; was pathetic。  It was peculiar; that voice

of his; seeming to indicate an intimate acquaintanceship with what

was fat and fine; to convey contempt for the vulgar need of money;

while all the time his eyesthose watery; ascetic eyesas plain as

speech they said; 〃Oh; to know what it must be like to have a pound

or two to spare just once a year; or so!〃

Everything in the room had been bought for cheapness; no luxuries

were there; and necessaries not enough。  It was bleak and bare; the

ceiling cracked; the wall…paper discoloured; and those booksprim;

shining books; fat…backed; with arms stamped on themglared in the

surrounding barrenness。

〃My predecessor;〃 said the parson; 〃played rather havoc with the

house。  The poor fellow had a dreadful struggle; I was told。  You

can; unfortunately; expect nothing else these days; when livings have

come down so terribly in value!  He was a married manlarge family!〃

Crocker; who had drunk his steaming lemonade; was smiling and already

nodding in his chair; with his black garment buttoned closely round

his throat; his long legs rolled up in a blanket; and stretched

towards the feeble flame of the newly…lighted fire; he had a rather

patchy air。  Shelton; on the other hand; had lost his feeling of

fatigue; the strangeness of the place was stimulating his brain; he

kept stealing glances at the scantiness around; the room; the parson;

the furniture; the very fire; all gave him the feeling caused by

seeing legs that have outgrown their trousers。  But there was

something underlying that leanness of the landscape; something

superior and academic; which defied all sympathy。  It was pure

nervousness which made him say:

〃Ah! why do they have such families?〃

A faint red mounted to the parson's cheeks; its appearance there was

startling; and Crocker chuckled; as a sleepy man will chuckle who

feels bound to show that he is not asleep。

〃It's very unfortunate;〃 murmured the parson; 〃certainly; in many


Shelton would now have changed the subject; but at this moment the

unhappy Crocker snored。  Being a man of action; he had gone to sleep。

〃It seems to me;〃 said Shelton hurriedly; as he saw the parson's

eyebrows rising at the sound; 〃almost what you might call wrong。〃

〃Dear me; but how can it be wrong?〃

Shelton now felt that he must justify his saying somehow。

〃I don't know;〃 he said; 〃only one hears of such a lot of cases

clergymen's families; I've two uncles of my own; who…〃

A new expression gathered on the parson's face; his mouth had

tightened; and his chin receded slightly。  〃 Why; he 's like a mule!〃

thought Shelton。  His eyes; too; had grown harder; greyer; and more

parroty。  Shelton no longer liked his face。

〃Perhaps you and I;〃 the parson said; 〃would not understand each

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