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the island pharisees-第3章

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〃I wish I could assist you;〃 said the foreign youth; 〃unfortunately

〃 he shrugged his shoulders; and again his eyes returned to


The latter thrust his hand into his pocket。

〃Can I be of any use?〃 he asked in English。

〃Certainly; sir; you could render this young lady the greatest

possible service by lending her the money for a ticket。〃

Shelton produced a sovereign; which the young man took。  Passing it。

to the girl; he said:

〃A thousand thanks'voila une belle action'!〃

The misgivings which attend on casual charity crowded up in Shelton's

mind; he was ashamed of having them and of not having them; and he

stole covert looks at this young foreigner; who was now talking to

the girl in a language that he did not understand。  Though vagabond

in essence; the fellow's face showed subtle spirit; a fortitude and

irony not found upon the face of normal man; and in turning from it

to the other passengers Shelton was conscious of revolt; contempt;

and questioning; that he could not define。  Leaning back with half…

closed eyes; he tried to diagnose this new sensation。  He found it

disconcerting that the faces and behaviour of his neighbours lacked

anything he could grasp and secretly abuse。  They continued to

converse with admirable and slightly conscious phlegm; yet he knew;

as well as if each one had whispered to him privately; that this

shady incident had shaken them。  Something unsettling to their

notions of propriety…something dangerous and destructive of

complacencyhad occurred; and this was unforgivable。  Each had a

different way; humorous or philosophic; contemptuous; sour; or sly;

of showing this resentment。  But by a flash of insight Shelton saw

that at the bottom of their minds and of his own the feeling was the

same。  Because he shared in their resentment he was enraged with them

and with himself。  He looked at the plump; sleek hand of the woman

with the Roman nose。  The insulation and complacency of its pale

skin; the passive righteousness about its curve; the prim separation

from the others of the fat little finger; had acquired a wholly

unaccountable importance。  It embodied the verdict of his fellow…

passengers; the verdict of Society; for he knew that; whether or no

repugnant to the well…bred mind; each assemblage of eight persons;

even in a third…class carriage; contains the kernel of Society。

But being in love; and recently engaged; Shelton had a right to be

immune from discontent of any kind; and he reverted to his mental

image of the cool; fair face; quick movements; and the brilliant

smile that now in his probationary exile haunted his imagination; he

took out his fiancee's last letter; but the voice of the young

foreigner addressing him in rapid French caused him to put it back


〃From what she tells me; sir;〃 he said; bending forward to be out of

hearing of the girl; 〃hers is an unhappy case。  I should have been

only too glad to help her; but; as you see〃and he made a gesture by

which Shelton observed that he had parted from his waistcoat〃I am

not Rothschild。  She has been abandoned by the man who brought her

over to Dover under promise of marriage。  Look〃and by a subtle

flicker of his eyes he marked how the two ladies had edged away from

the French girl 〃they take good care not to let their garments touch

her。  They are virtuous women。  How fine a thing is virtue; sir! and

finer to know you have it; especially when you are never likely to be


Shelton was unable to repress a smile; and when he smiled his face

grew soft。

〃Haven't you observed;〃 went on the youthful foreigner; 〃that those

who by temperament and circumstance are worst fitted to pronounce

judgment are usually the first to judge?  The judgments of Society

are always childish; seeing that it's composed for the most part of

individuals who have never smelt the fire。  And look at this: they

who have money run too great a risk of parting with it if they don't

accuse the penniless of being rogues and imbeciles。〃

Shelton was startled; and not only by an outburst of philosophy from

an utter stranger in poor clothes; but at this singular wording of

his own private thoughts。  Stifling his sense of the unusual for the

queer attraction this young man inspired; he said:

〃I suppose you're a stranger over here?〃

〃I've been in England seven months; but not yet in London;〃 replied

the other。  〃I count on doing some good thereit is time!〃  A bitter

and pathetic smile showed for a second on his lips。  〃It won't be my

fault if I fail。  You are English; Sir?〃

Shelton nodded。

〃Forgive my asking; your voice lacks something I've nearly always

noticed in the English a kind of'comment cela s'appelle'

cocksureness; coming from your nation's greatest quality。〃

〃And what is that?〃 asked Shelton with a smile。

〃Complacency;〃 replied the youthful foreigner。

〃Complacency!〃 repeated Shelton; 〃do you call that a great quality?〃

〃I should rather say; monsieur; a great defect in what is always a

great people。  You are certainly the most highly…civilised nation on

the earth; you suffer a little from the fact。  If I were an English

preacher my desire would be to prick the heart of your complacency。〃

Shelton; leaning back; considered this impertinent suggestion。

〃Hum!〃 he said at last; 〃you'd be unpopular; I don't know that we're

any cockier than other nations。〃

The young foreigner made a sign as though confirming this opinion。

〃In effect;〃 said he; 〃it is a sufficiently widespread disease。  Look

at these people here〃and with a rapid glance he pointed to the

inmates of the carnage;〃very average persons!  What have they done

to warrant their making a virtuous nose at those who do not walk as

they do?  That old rustic; perhaps; is differenthe never thinks at

allbut look at those two occupied with their stupidities about the

price of hops; the prospects of potatoes; what George is doing; a

thousand things all of that sortlook at their faces; I come of the

bourgeoisie myselfhave they ever shown proof of any quality that

gives them the right to pat themselves upon the back?  No fear!

Outside potatoes they know nothing; and what they do not understand

they dread and they despisethere are millions of that breed。

'Voila la Societe'!  The sole quality these people have shown they

have is cowardice。  I was educated by the Jesuits;〃 he concluded; 〃it

has given me a way of thinking。〃

Under ordinary circumstances Shelton would have murmured in a well…

bred voice; 〃Ah! quite so;〃 and taken refuge in the columns of the

Daily Telegraph。  In place of this; for some reason that he did not

understand; he looked at the young foreigner; and asked;

〃Why do you say all this to me?〃

The trampfor by his boots he could hardly have been better


〃When you've travelled like me;〃 he said; as if resolved to speak the

truth; 〃you acquire an instinct in c
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