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the island pharisees-第26章

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would never know what Antonia really felt and thought。  〃Till I saw

her at the station; I did n't know how much I loved her or how little

I knew her〃; and; sighing deeply; he hurried into bed。



The waiting in London for July to come was daily more unbearable to

Shelton; and if it had not been for Ferrand; who still came to

breakfast; he would have deserted the Metropolis。  On June first the

latter presented himself rather later than was his custom; and

announced that; through a friend; he had heard of a position as

interpreter to an hotel at Folkestone。

〃If I had money to face the first necessities; he said; swiftly

turning over a collection of smeared papers with his yellow fingers;

as if searching for his own identity; 〃I 'd leave today。  This London

blackens my spirit。〃

〃Are you certain to get this place;〃 asked Shelton。

〃I think so;〃 the young foreigner replied; 〃I 've got some good

enough recommendations。〃

Shelton could not help a dubious glance at the papers in his hand。  A

hurt look passed on to Ferrand's curly lips beneath his nascent red


〃You mean that to have false papers is as bad as theft。  No; no; I

shall never be a thiefI 've had too many opportunities;〃 said he;

with pride and bitterness。  〃That's not in my character。 I never do

harm to anyone。  This〃he touched the papers〃is not delicate; but

it does harm to no one。  If you have no money you must have papers;

they stand between you and starvation。  Society; has an excellent eye

for the helplessit never treads on people unless they 're really

down。〃  He looked at Shelton。

〃You 've made me what I am; amongst you;〃 he seemed to say;; 〃now put

up with me!〃

〃But there are always the workhouses;〃 Shelton remarked at last。

〃Workhouses!〃 returned Ferrand; 〃certainly there areregular

palaces: I will tell you one thing: I've never been in places so

discouraging as your workhouses; they take one's very heart out。〃

〃I always understood;〃 said Shelton coldly; 〃that our system was

better than that of other countries。〃

Ferrand leaned over in his chair; an elbow on his knee; his favourite

attitude when particularly certain of his point。

〃Well he replied; 〃it 's always permissible to think well of your own

country。  But; frankly; I've come out of those places here with

little strength and no heart at all; and I can tell you why。〃  His

lips lost their bitterness; and he became an artist expressing the

result of his experience。  〃You spend your money freely; you have

fine buildings; self…respecting officers; but you lack the spirit of

hospitality。  The reason is plain; you have a horror of the needy。

You invite usand when we come you treat us justly enough; but as if

we were numbers; criminals; beneath contemptas if we had inflicted

a personal injury on you; and when we get out again; we are naturally


Shelton bit his lips。

〃How much money will you want for your ticket; and to make a start?〃

he asked。

The nervous gesture escaping Ferrand at this juncture betrayed how

far the most independent thinkers are dependent when they have no

money in their pockets。  He took the note that Shelton proffered him。

〃A thousand thanks;〃 said he; 〃 I shall never forget what you have

done for me〃; and Shelton could not help feeling that there was true

emotion behind his titter of farewell。

He stood at the window watching Ferrand start into the world again;

then looked back at his own comfortable room; with the number of

things that had accumulated somehowthe photographs of countless

friends; the old arm…chairs; the stock of coloured pipes。  Into him

restlessness had passed with the farewell clasp of the foreigner's

damp hand。  To wait about in London was unbearable。

He took his hat; and; heedless of direction; walked towards the

river。  It was a clear; bright day; with a bleak wind driving showers

before it。  During one of such Shelton found himself in Little Blank

Street。  〃I wonder how that little Frenchman that I saw is getting

on!〃  he thought。  On a fine day he would probably have passed by on

the other side; he now entered and tapped upon the wicket。

No。 3 Little Blank Street had abated nothing of its stone…flagged

dreariness; the same blowsy woman answered his inquiry。  Yes; Carolan

was always in; you could never catch him outseemed afraid to go

into the street!  To her call the little Frenchman made his

appearance as punctually as if he had been the rabbit of a conjurer。

His face was as yellow as a guinea。

〃Ah!  it's you; monsieur!〃  he said。

〃Yes;〃 said Shelton; 〃and how are you?〃

〃It 's five days since I came out of hospital;〃 muttered the little

Frenchman; tapping on his chest; 〃a crisis of this bad atmosphere。

I live here; shut up in a box; it does me harm; being from the South。

If there's anything I can do for you; monsieur; it will give me


〃Nothing;〃 replied Shelton; 〃I was just passing; and thought I should

like to hear how you were getting on。〃

〃Come into the kitchen;monsieur; there is nobody in there。  'Brr!

Il fait un froid etonnant'!〃

〃What sort of customers have you just now?〃  asked Shelton; as they

passed into the kitchen。

〃Always the same clientele;〃 replied the little man; 〃not so

numerous; of course; it being summer。〃

〃Could n't you find anything better than this to do?〃

The barber's crow's…feet radiated irony。

〃When I first came to London;〃 said he; 〃I secured an engagement at

one of your public institutions。  I thought my fortune made。  _

Imagine; monsieur; in that sacred place I was obliged to shave at the

rate of ten a penny!  Here; it's true; they don't pay me half the

time; but when I'm  paid; I 'm paid。  In this; climate; and being

'poitrinaire'; one doesn't make experiments。  I shall finish my days

here。  Have you seen that young man who interested you?  There 's

another!  He has spirit; as I had once'il fait de la philosophie';

as I doand you will see; monsieur; it will finish him。  In this

world what you want is to have no spirit。  Spirit ruins you。〃

Shelton looked sideways at the little man with his sardonic; yellow;

half…dead face; and the incongruity of the word 〃spirit〃 in his mouth

struck him so sharply that he smiled a smile with more pity in it

than any burst of tears。

〃Shall we 'sit down?〃 he said; offering a cigarette。

〃Merci; monsieur; it is always a pleasure to smoke a good cigarette。

You remember; that old actor who gave you a Jeremiad?  Well; he's

dead。  I was the only one at his bedside; 'un vrai drole'。  He was

another who had spirit。  And you wi11 see; monsieur; that young man

in whom you take an interest; he'll die in a hospital; or in some。

hole or other; or even on the highroad; having closed his eyes once

too often some cold night; and all because he has something in him

which will not accept things as the
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