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the island pharisees-第23章

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Shelton;〃what do I do?  Do I say 'Hands off'?  No。  'Take it;'

I saytake it!'〃  He archly smiled。  〃But do you think they would?〃

And the softness of his contours fascinated Shelton。

〃The soldier;〃 the person underneath the print resumed; 〃is

necessarily on a lower planeintellectuallyoh; intellectually

than the philanthropist。  His sufferings are less acute; he enjoys

the compensations of advertisementyou admit that?〃 he breathed

persuasively。  〃For instanceI am quite impersonalI suffer; but do

I talk about it?〃  But; someone gazing at his well…filled waistcoat;

he put his thesis in another form: 〃I have one acre and one cow; my

brother has one acre and one cow: do I seek to take them away from


Shelton hazarded; 〃Perhaps you 're weaker than your brother。〃

〃Come; come!  Take the case of women: now; I consider our marriage

laws are barbarous。〃

For the first time Shelton conceived respect for them; he made a

comprehensive gesture; and edged himself into the conversation of

another group; for fear of having all his prejudices overturned。

Here an Irish sculptor; standing in a curve; was saying furiously;

〃Bees are not bhumpkins; d…n their sowls!  〃A Scotch painter; who

listened with a curly smile; seemed trying to compromise this

proposition; which appeared to have relation to the middle classes;

and though agreeing with the Irishman; Shelton felt nervous over his

discharge of electricity。  Next to them two American ladies;

assembled under the tent of hair belonging to a writer of songs; were

discussing the emotions aroused in them by Wagner's operas。

〃They produce a strange condition of affairs in me;〃 said the thinner


〃They 're just divine;〃 said the fatter。

〃I don't know if you can call the fleshly lusts divine;〃 replied the

thinner; looking into the eyes of the writer of the songs。

Amidst all the hum of voices and the fumes of smoke; a sense of

formality was haunting Shelton。  Sandwiched between a Dutchman and a

Prussian poet; he could understand neither of his neighbours; so;

assuming an intelligent expression; he fell to thinking that an

assemblage of free spirits is as much bound by the convention of

exchanging their ideas as commonplace people are by the convention of

having no ideas to traffic in。  He could not help wondering whether;

in the bulk; they were not just as dependent on each other as the

inhabitants of Kensington; whether; like locomotives; they could run

at all without these opportunities for blowing off the steam; and

what would be left when the steam had all escaped。  Somebody ceased

playing the violin; and close to him a group began discussing ethics。

Aspirations were in the air all round; like a lot of hungry ghosts。

He realised that; if tongue be given to them; the flavour vanishes

from ideas which haunt the soul。

Again the violinist played。

〃Cock gracious!〃  said the Prussian poet; falling into English as the

fiddle ceased: 〃Colossal!  'Aber; wie er ist grossartig'!〃

〃Have you read that thing of Besom's?〃 asked shrill voice behind。

〃Oh; my dear fellow! too horrid for words; he ought to be hanged!〃

〃The man's dreadful;〃 pursued the voice; shriller than ever; 〃nothing

but a volcanic eruption would cure him。〃

Shelton turned in alarm to look at the authors of these statements。

They were two men of letters talking of a third。

〃'C'est un grand naif; vous savez;'〃 said the second speaker。

〃These fellows don't exist;〃 resumed the first; his small eyes

gleamed with a green light; his whole face had a look as if he gnawed

himself。  Though not a man of letters; Shelton could not help

recognising from those eyes what joy it was to say those words:

〃These fellows don't exist!〃

〃Poor Besom!  You know what Moulter said 。  。  。〃

Shelton turned away; as if he had been too close to one whose hair

smelt of cantharides; and; looking round the room; he frowned。  With

the exception of his cousin; he seemed the only person there of

English blood。  Americans; Mesopotamians; Irish; Italians; Germans;

Scotch; and Russians。  He was not contemptuous of them for being

foreigners; it was simply that God and the climate had made him

different by a skin or so。

But at this point his conclusions were denied (as will sometimes

happen) by his introduction to an Englishmana Major Somebody; who;

with smooth hair and blond moustache; neat eyes and neater clothes;

seemed a little anxious at his own presence there。  Shelton took a

liking to him; partly from a fellow…feeling; and partly because of

the gentle smile with which he was looking at his wife。  Almost

before he had said 〃How do you do?〃 he was plunged into a discussion

on imperialism。

〃Admitting all that;〃 said Shelton; 〃 what I hate is the humbug with

which we pride ourselves on benefiting the whole world by our so…

called civilising methods。〃

The soldier turned his reasonable eyes。

〃But is it humbug?〃

Shelton saw his argument in peril。  If we really thought it; was it

humbug?  He replied; however:

〃Why should we; a small portion of the world's population; assume

that our standards are the proper ones for every kind of race?  If

it 's not humbug; it 's sheer stupidity。〃

The soldier; without taking his hands out of his pockets; but by a

forward movement of his face showing that he was both sincere and

just; re…replied:

〃Well; it must be a good sort of stupidity; it makes us the nation

that we are。〃

Shelton felt dazed。  The conversation buzzed around him; he heard the

smiling prophet saying; 〃Altruism; altruism;〃 and in his voice a

something seemed to murmur; 〃Oh; I do so hope I make a good


He looked at the soldier's clear…cut head with its well…opened eyes;

the tiny crow's…feet at their corners; the conventional moustache; he

envied the certainty of the convictions lying under that well…parted


〃I would rather we were men first and then Englishmen;〃 he muttered;

〃I think it's all a sort of national illusion; and I can't stand


〃If you come to that;〃 said the soldier; 〃the world lives by

illusions。  I mean; if you look at history; you'll see that the

creation of illusions has always been her business; don't you know。〃

This Shelton was unable to deny。

〃So;〃 continued the soldier (who was evidently a highly cultivated

man); 〃if you admit that movement; labour; progress; and all that

have been properly given to building up these illusions; thaterin

fact; they're what you might callerthe outcome of the world's

crescendo;〃 he rushed his voice over this phrase as if ashamed of it

〃why do you want to destroy them?〃

Shelton thought a moment; then; squeezing his body with his folded

arms; replied:

〃The past has made us what we are; of course; and cannot be

destroyed; but how about the future?  It 's surely time to let in

air。  Cathedrals are very fine; and everybody likes the s
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