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the island pharisees-第20章

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middle class so fine a body; and with eyes wandering from side to

side he nodded his head ironically。  〃Expansion and freedom;〃 ran his

thoughts: 〃Freedom and expansion!〃

Each house…front was cold and formal; the shell of an owner with from

three to five thousand pounds a year; and each one was armoured

against the opinion of its neighbours by a sort of daring regularity。

〃Conscious of my rectitude; and by the strict observance of exactly

what is necessary and no more; I am enabled to hold my head up in the

world。  The person who lives in me has only four thousand two hundred

and fifty…five pounds each year; after allowing for the income tax。〃

Such seemed the legend of these houses。

Shelton passed ladies in ones and twos and threes going out shopping;

or to classes of drawing; cooking; ambulance。  Hardly any men were

seen; and they were mostly policemen; but a few disillusioned

children were being wheeled towards the Park by fresh…cheeked nurses;

accompanied by a great army of hairy or of hairless dogs。

There was something of her brother's large liberality about Mrs。

Shelton; a  tiny lady with affectionate eyes; warm cheeks; and chilly

feet; fond as a cat of a chair by the fire; and full of the sympathy

that has no insight。  She kissed her son at once with rapture; and;

as usual; began to talk of his engagement。  For the first time a

tremor of doubt ran through her son; his mother's view of it grated

on him like the sight of a blue…pink dress; it was too rosy。  Her

splendid optimism; damped him; it had too little traffic with the

reasoning powers。

〃What right;〃 he asked himself; 〃has she to be so certain?  It seems

to me a kind of blasphemy。〃

〃The dear!〃 she cooed。  〃And she is coming back to…morrow?  Hurrah!

how I long to see her!〃

〃But you know; mother; we've agreed not to meet again until July。〃

Mrs。 Shelton rocked her foot; and; holding her head on one side like

a little bird; looked at her son with shining eyes。

〃Dear old Dick!〃  she said; 〃how happy you must be!〃

Half a century of sympathy with weddings of all sortsgood; bad;

indifferentbeamed from her。

〃I suppose;〃 said Shelton gloomily; 〃I ought not to go and see her at

the station。〃

〃Cheer up!〃  replied the mother; and her son felt dreadfully


That 〃Cheer…up!〃the panacea which had carried her blind and bright

through every evilwas as void of meaning to him as wine without a


〃And how is your sciatica?〃 he asked。

〃Oh; pretty bad;〃 returned his mother; 〃I expect it's all right;

really。  Cheer up!〃  She stretched her little figure; canting her

head still more。

〃Wonderful woman!〃  Shelton thought。  She had; in fact; like many of

her fellow…countrymen; mislaid the darker side of things; and;

enjoying the benefits of orthodoxy with an easy conscience; had kept

as young in heart as any girl of thirty。

Shelton left her house as doubtful whether he might meet Antonia as

when he entered it。  He spent a restless afternoon。

The next daythat of her arrivalwas a Sunday。  He had made Ferrand

a promise to go with him to hear a sermon in the slums; and; catching

at any diversion which might allay excitement; he fulfilled it。  The

preacher in questionan amateur; so Ferrand told himhad an

original method of distributing the funds that he obtained。  To male

sheep he gave nothing; to ugly female sheep a very little; to pretty

female sheep the rest。  Ferrand hazarded an inference; but he was a

foreigner。  The Englishman preferred to look upon the preacher as

guided by a purely abstract love of beauty。  His eloquence; at any

rate; was unquestionable; and Shelton came out feeling sick。

It was not yet seven o'clock; so; entering an Italian restaurant to

kill the half…hour before Antonia's arrival; he ordered a bottle of

wine for his companion; a cup of coffee for himself; and; lighting a

cigarette; compressed his lips。  There was a strange; sweet sinking

in his heart。  His companion; ignorant of this emotion; drank his

wine; crumbled his roll; and blew smoke through his nostrils;

glancing caustically at the rows of little tables; the cheap mirrors;

the hot; red velvet; the chandeliers。  His juicy lips seemed to be

murmuring; 〃Ah! if you only knew of the dirt behind these feathers!〃

Shelton watched him with disgust。  Though his clothes were now so

nice; his nails were not quite clean; and his fingertips seemed

yellow to the bone。  An anaemic waiter in a shirt some four days old;

with grease…spots on his garments and a crumpled napkin on his arm;

stood leaning an elbow amongst doubtful fruits; and reading an

Italian journal。  Resting his tired feet in turn; he looked like

overwork personified; and when he moved; each limb accused the sordid

smartness of the walls。  In the far corner sat a lady eating; and;

mirrored opposite; her feathered hat; her short; round face; its coat

of powder; and dark eyes; gave Shelton a shiver of disgust。  His

companion's gaze rested long and subtly on her。

〃Excuse me; monsieur;〃 he said at length。  〃I think I know that

lady!〃  And; leaving his host; he crossed the room; bowed; accosted

her; and sat down。  With Pharisaic delicacy; Shelton refrained from

looking。  But presently Ferrand came back; the lady rose and left the

restaurant; she had been crying。  The young foreigner was flushed;

his face contorted; he did not touch his wine。

〃I was right;〃 he said; 〃she is the wife of an old friend。  I used to

know her well。〃

He was suffering from emotion; but someone less absorbed than Shelton

might have noticed a kind of relish in his voice; as though he were

savouring life's dishes; and glad to have something new; and spiced

with tragic sauce; to set before his patron。

〃You can find her story by the hundred in your streets; but nothing

hinders these paragons of virtue〃he nodded at the stream of

carriages〃from turning up their eyes when they see ladies of her

sort pass。  She came to Londonjust three years ago。  After a year

one of her little boys took feverthe shop was avoidedher husband

caught it; and died。  There she was; left with two children and

everything gone to pay the debts。  She tried to get work; no one

helped her。  There was no money to pay anyone to stay with the

children; all the work she could get in the house was not enough to

keep them alive。  She's not a strong woman。  Well; she put the

children out to nurse; and went to the streets。  The first week was

frightful; but now she's used to itone gets used to anything。〃

〃Can nothing be done?〃 asked Shelton; startled。

〃No;〃 returned his companion。  〃I know that sort; if they once take

to it all's over。  They get used to luxury。  One does n't part with

luxury; after tasting destitution。  She tells me she does very

nicely; the children are happy; she's able to pay well and see them

sometimes。  She was a girl of good family; too; who loved her

husband; and gave up much for 
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