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the island pharisees-第2章

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Philistines; Bourgeois; Mrs。 Grundy; Rebels; Anarchists; and

Ne'er…do…weels。  So we go on!  And so; as each of us is born to go

his journey; he finds himself in time ranged on one side or on the

other; and joins the choruses of name…slingers。

But now and thenah! very seldomwe find ourselves so near that

thing which has no breadth; the middle line; that we can watch them

both; and positively smile to see the fun。

When this book was published first; many of its critics found that

Shelton was the only Pharisee; and a most unsatisfactory young man

and so; no doubt; he is。  Belonging to the comfortable ninety; they

felt; in fact; the need of slinging names at one who obviously was of

the ten。  Others of its critics; belonging to the ten; wielded their

epithets upon Antonia; and the serried ranks behind her; and called

them Pharisees; as dull as ditch…waterand so; I fear; they are。

One of the greatest charms of authorship is the privilege it gives

the author of studying the secret springs of many unseen persons; of

analysing human nature through the criticism that his work evokes

criticism welling out of the instinctive likings or aversions; out of

the very fibre of the human being who delivers it; criticism that

often seems to leap out against the critic's will; startled like a

fawn from some deep bed; of sympathy or of antipathy。  And so; all

authors love to be abusedas any man can see。

In the little matter of the title of this book; we are all Pharisees;

whether of the ninety or the ten; and we certainly do live upon an



January 1; 1908





A quiet; well…dressed man named Shelton; with a brown face and a

short; fair beard; stood by the bookstall at Dover Station。  He was

about to journey up to London; and had placed his bag in the corner

of a third…class carriage。

After his long travel; the flat…vowelled voice of the bookstall clerk

offering the latest novel sounded pleasantpleasant the independent

answers of a bearded guard; and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man

and wife。  The limber porters trundling their barrows; the greyness

of the station and the good stolid humour clinging to the people;

air; and voices; all brought to him the sense of home。  Meanwhile he

wavered between purchasing a book called Market Hayborough; which he

had read and would ;certainly enjoy a second time; and Carlyle's

French Revolution; which he had not read and was doubtful of

enjoying; he felt that he ought to buy the latter; but he did not

relish giving up the former。  While he hesitated thus; his carriage

was beginning to fill up; so; quickly buying both; he took up a

position from which he could defend his rights。  〃Nothing;〃 he

thought; 〃shows people up like travelling。〃

The carriage was almost full; and; putting his bag; up in the rack;

he took his seat。  At the moment of starting yet another passenger; a

girl with a pale face; scrambled in。

〃I was a fool to go third;〃 thought Shelton; taking in his neighbours

from behind his journal。

They were seven。  A grizzled rustic sat in the far corner; his empty

pipe; bowl downwards; jutted like a handle from his face; all bleared

with the smear of nothingness that grows on those who pass their

lives in the current of hard facts。  Next to him; a ruddy; heavy…

shouldered man was discussing with a grey…haired; hatchet…visaged

person the condition of their gardens; and Shelton watched their eyes

till it occurred to him how curious a look was in thema watchful

friendliness; an allied distrustand that their voices; cheerful;

even jovial; seemed to be cautious all the time。  His glance strayed

off; and almost rebounded from the semi…Roman; slightly cross; and

wholly self…complacent face of a stout lady in a black…and…white

costume; who was reading the Strand Magazine; while her other; sleek;

plump hand; freed from its black glove; and ornamented with a thick

watch…bracelet; rested on her lap。  A younger; bright…cheeked; and

self…conscious female was sitting next her; looking at the pale girl

who had just got in。

〃There's something about that girl;〃 thought Shelton; 〃they don't

like。〃  Her brown eyes certainly looked frightened; her clothes were

of a foreign cut。  Suddenly he met the glance of another pair of

eyes; these eyes; prominent and blue; stared with a sort of subtle

roguery from above a thin; lopsided nose; and were at once averted。

They gave Shelton the impression that he was being judged; and

mocked; enticed; initiated。  His own gaze did not fall; this sanguine

face; with its two…day growth of reddish beard; long nose; full lips;

and irony; puzzled him。  〃A cynical face!〃 he thought; and then; 〃but

sensitive!〃 and then; 〃too cynical;〃 again。

The young man who owned it sat with his legs parted at the knees; his

dusty trouser…ends and boots slanting back beneath the seat; his

yellow finger…tips crisped as if rolling cigarettes。  A strange air

of detachment was about that youthful; shabby figure; and not a scrap

of luggage filled the rack above his head。

The frightened girl was sitting next this pagan personality; it was

possibly the lack of fashion in his looks that caused; her to select

him for her confidence。

〃Monsieur;〃 she asked; 〃do you speak French?〃


〃Then can you tell me where they take the tickets?

〃The young man shook his head。

〃No;〃 said he; 〃I am a foreigner。〃

The girl sighed。

〃But what is the matter; ma'moiselle?〃

The girl did not reply; twisting her hands on an old bag in her lap。

Silence had stolen on the carriagea silence such as steals on

animals at the first approach of danger; all eyes were turned towards

the figures of the foreigners。

〃Yes;〃 broke out the red…faced man; 〃he was a bit squiffy that

eveningold Tom。〃

〃Ah!〃 replied his neighbour; 〃he would be。〃

Something seemed to have destroyed their look of mutual distrust。

The plump; sleek hand of the lady with the Roman nose curved

convulsively; and this movement corresponded to the feeling agitating

Shelton's heart。  It was almost as if hand and heart feared to be

asked for something。

〃Monsieur;〃 said the girl; with a tremble in her voice; 〃I am very

unhappy; can you tell me what to do?  I had no money for a ticket。〃

The foreign youth's face flickered。

〃Yes?〃 he said; 〃that might happen to anyone; of course。〃

〃What will they do to me?〃 sighed the girl。

〃Don't lose courage; ma'moiselle。〃  The young man slid his eyes from

left to right; and rested them on Shelton。  〃Although I don't as yet

see your way out。〃

〃Oh; monsieur!〃 sighed the girl; and; though it was clear that none

but Shelton understood what they were saying; there was a chilly

feeling in the carriage。

〃I wish I could assist you;〃 said the foreign youth; 〃unfortunately

〃 he shrugged his shoul
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